Monday, October 23, 2017

Burn Book, Burn!

Well thank goodness we have 'hero's' who are 'intelligent' enough to stand up and be our official Censorship goons! Just the other day I was thinking just how "uncomfortable" I have felt ever since I read that particular book so many years ago. Oh, to recover all those sleepless nights, those fingernail biting days, the years of anxiety filled minutes, all because my eyes saw those 'words' that cannot be un-seen. Yes, by all means, let's kill 'To Kill A Mockingbird', and why stop there, we should find every book that contains an 'offensive word', and 'offensive thoughts', and toss them in the burn pile as well. I don't mean to stray off into 'religion' here but, are they keeping the 'Bible' on their shelves? Pretty gruesome, and offensive stuff in there too. "What's good for the goose, is good for the gander". Just sayin'. Be the first on your block to complain about an 'offensive' word in some literary novel in your local library. Remember, books are our enemy! Sticks and stones may break my bones, but printed 'words' just ruin my eyes! So let's get those book burning bonfires roaring, heap'em high with knowledge, and after we have burned the books we can burn their authors, and before the fire burns down we can toss in those folks who were curious enough to read those books in the first place. Burn book, burn!

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"There is some language in the book that makes people uncomfortable," the school board's vice president says

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