Tuesday, October 10, 2017

"Loose Lips Sink Ships"

'Ok guys, here's the Top Secret War 'plan', remember, this is really 'top secret', really, no, Really, stuff, so keep it under your hat, or your pillow, or, well, someplace so secret that not even North Korea can find it. For those of you with poor memory retention, we are offering free tattoo service where you can have it tattooed in a favorite place on your very own body. Remember, Sssshhhhh, "Loose lips, sink ships". Keep in mind that this is the only War 'plan' to defeat that rascally, fat little commie rat, that we have. This is it! The only one! It has taken us nearly sixty head up out butt years to figure out how to "decapitate" this guy, so lets not blow it and give it away. If he finds out about this 'Top Secret War Plan' we'll all look like 'stupid', and as we all know, 'stupid' can't be fixed. The 'best' minds at the Pentagon designed this little plan, and we have put all our eggs in one basket here, so 'nothing' can go wrong with it. 'Nothing'. Zero. Nada. Zilch. Our very 'best' computer techs that money can buy have designed a computer program in which we will store our Top Secret War Plan. The 'password' was designed by our President, the master of 'secret keeping', himself. In fact he is busy tweeting it to us right now. It's comforting to know that South Korea, and thousands of our American troops are safe, and in good hands. With such a secure, and fail proof Top Secret War 'plan', there is absolutely 'no way' we can not defeat the "rocket man". Believe me fellows, he has no clue as to what he's in for if he messes with Us! No 'clue'! Really. Really.'

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