Tuesday, February 28, 2017

'What Blurt Next?'

'What Blurt Next?'

Is there No End to what this man, our so-called Commander-In-Chief will blurt next?? What an incredible class act of 'passing the buck'! Here's what you got with your wasted Vote, 'Trum-Pets', how very 'proud' you must be. A man who is 'never' wrong, 'never' makes a mistake, finds fault in Anything that was 'not' his idea, 'praises' the Military out of one corner of his unbridled mouth, while 'dissing' them from the Other corner. “This was a mission that was started before I got here. This was something they wanted to do,” Trump said. Ohhhhh..."they", the generals, "wanted to do". Just a simple little operation that our President, our Commander-In-Chief takes absolutly No Responsibility for. None! Had 'nothing' to do with it. Obama's fault. The Militarys fault. Blameless Trump. Just a 'bystander'. Too busy with his nocturnal tweeter whacking sessions to play 'Commander-In-Chief' while our hard working Military is out facing danger and possible Death fighting ISIS, which Trump claims he has a "plan" to "destroy", a 'plan' yet to be revealed, by the way. Too busy fighting the "disgusting" "Opposition Party" media, and making more 'promises' than even Jesus himself could ever fullfil, than to even Pretend to be Commander-In-Chief. Of course all this comes from the very person who while campaigning said that he "knows more" than all our 'Generals' will Ever know. This from a man who by virtue of privalege, and 'class' wiggled out of military service, and who has No clue as to what our Military even Does, except to say that it's "broken" and needs His help fixing it. “They came to me, they explained what they wanted to do. The generals — who are very respected, my generals are the most respected that we’ve had in many decades, I believe. And they lost Ryan,” he added. An Obvious dig at 'incompetant brass', "The generals". If only Trump had been able to suit up and go With them, and 'show them' how to conduct a 'firefight' surely they would 'not' have "lost Ryan". No Clue! Ah, Mr.Trump, 'Fact News Alert', they use Real bullets in Wars, even the "bad hombres" use them! But he has no clue. Never been there, and glad of it. “Sen. McCain should not be talking about the success or failure of a mission to the media. Only emboldens the enemy! He’s been losing so long he doesn’t know how to win anymore, just look at the mess our country is in – bogged down in conflict all over the place. Our hero Ryan died on a winning mission (according to General Mattis), not a ‘failure.’ Time for the U.S. to get smart and start winning again!” Trump crowed in a series of three early-morning tweets on Feb. 9. Well, of 'Course' McCain would be totally ignorant of 'warfare' and That sort of thing, in Trumps small, tunnel visioned mind. Trump could 'really' school him on That part of life. This 'blame it on the Other guy', it's not My fault, everyone is trying to make me look bad, there's an 'enemy' behind every tree, I'm the best President Ever, mentality is what we are going to see for the duration because he's Not going to 'change', because he does Not know how. He has No Clue! And as he is infamous for saying, "You ain't seen nothing yet".
In the Trump administration, the buck apparently stops anywhere but the Oval Office. President Trump on Tuesday blamed the military for the death of Chief Petty Officer William “Ryan” Owens, a Navy…

'Nothing To See Here, Move Along Folks, Move Along'

'Nothing To See Here, Move Along Folks, Move Along'
Well that's 'it' folks. The Republicans have 'searched' and searched, but could not find, according to Mr. Nunes, 'Any' wrong doing ' as far as he Knows' by Any of Trumps minions. Nope, they 'did not' call the ruskies, and the ruskies did 'not' call Them. Nope. Nada. 'Nune'. No need for any further investigation or even Thinking about this little "Fake News' story slung out there by that disgustin...g "Opposition Party" media. Call off the search boys, call in the Boy Scouts, tell'em if was just one big mistake. “We still have not seen any evidence of anyone from the Trump campaign or any other campaign, for that matter, that's communicated with the Russian government,” “As of right now, I don't have any evidence of any phone calls,” Nunes said. “That doesn't mean they don't exist, but I don't have that. And what I've been told by many folks is that there's nothing there.” "...I've been told by many folks..." who of course will remain Un-named. "Nunes defended his decision, saying he spoke to a journalist in an effort to be more transparent with the news media". "...an effort to be more transparent...", just like the Trump Administration has been all along with the American public. Cudos Mr. Nunes! A big Shout-out for "transparency"! An even Bigger Shout-out for Mr. Nunes as he proliferates the "Alternative Facts" policy impliminted by the White House. “At this point, what are we going to appoint a special prosecutor to do exactly — to chase stories of American citizens that end up in newspaper articles?” Nunes said. “If at some point we have serious crimes that have been committed, then we would consider that.” "...then we would consider that.” Said the 'Fox' in charge of the 'henhouse'. Ok, well, that's about the lot of it I reckon, looks like the Republicans have it 'under control', nothing else to be done here, it's a wrap, call it a day reporter boys, just run along and do a weather report, or something you're better at than reporting "Fake News" conspiracy stuff, none of That in the White House, Nope, we, Especially the President, 'don't' believe in that sort of nonesense. Oh, don't forget to pick up your phones, recorders, cameras, and notepads at the front desk as you leave. Run along now, nothing to see here.

House Intelligence chairman denies evidence of Trump team’s ties to Russia

Religion v Government

"The Constitution strictly prohibits the establishment of Religion, as part of the First Amendment, which also guarantees Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press. The purpose of this “Separation of Church and State” is intended to do two things:

1. It protects religious freedom for everyone.
2. It prevents the tyranny of any one religion. 
'First off, this is Not a 'blanket endictment' of those of religious faith, or Anyone in particular. Everyone has the right to believe what they want as long as they do not Force it upon Other people. It is directed at those who are fanatically inclined, so if this offends you greatly, and makes your butt crack sweat, then you are probably in the latter. Only You know, wellll...everyone Else probably 'knows' as well but are afraid to bridge it with you. They like their Head where it's at. As far as "..The American Taliban..", hmmm... probably a Stretch at this point in time, but then as always, Time will tell. If History were allowed to repeat itself though the 'stretch' would be at the 'Rack', and Then your Head. As for 'the latter', If you don't believe in the superstitutions They believe, then You are their 'enemy', no matter if you are a relative or a stranger, or somewhere in-between. You Are their Enemy. They will disavow you, and disinherit you. First they'll tell you that they 'love' you, no matter your 'race', or 'ethninticity', or 'gender', or 'sexual' leaning, you know, gay, trans that sort of thing, all in the name of God, but they speak with forked tongue, and will use their Holy Book to cherry pick passages with which to 'destroy' you. They will talk Jesus to your face, and like a drunk rogue behind your back. I think it's called something like..Hypocrisy. Kinda like 'talking the 'talk', but just pretending to 'walk the walk' when it suits them. Like any true religious zealeots they will decipher their Holy Book to suit their own particualr agendas. They self annoint themselves as 'speaking' for God, spreading His 'message' to suit their Own causes. Yeah, I Know, sounds Sorta Talabanish but they 'probably' won't lope off your head in Public. "Seperation of State and Church" exists for a Very good reason. Our 'Founding Fathers' were wise enough to protect us from 'Kings', and 'Religious Fanatics'. We should Not allow that protection to be overriden by Anyone or Anything, especially if they are bearing gifts of good tiding, dragging a cross, and claiming that God has sent them to save us from our sorry selves. Hmmm...WWJD?' ;) ;)

It’s Time to Start Calling Evangelicals What They Are: The American Taliban

'Everyone Focuses On ME, ME, ME'

'Everyone Focuses On ME, ME, ME'

'Why does 'everyone' Always focus on Me, me, me, all the time. Don't folks have better things to do than think about Me, me, me all the time? What's With that? Somethings going on here. Makes you wonder. Just sayin'. And why didn't I get an Oscar? I don't know. Shoulda got one. Wasn't even mentioned. Shoulda got some 'votes' there, afterall I 'won' the Popular vote, according to Kellyanne by millions, and untold Millions! Which reminds me, gotta check her phone for 'leaks'. Speaking of 'millions', my Brand has never been Hotter! Thanks America!'

Trump: Oscar Mix-Up Happened Because The Focus Was On Attacking Me

'How About Now?'

'How About Now?'
Well, it appears that they have not finished Killing him yet. Word has it that as soon as he is brought 'home', you know, that place he was Trying to stay away from, he will be tried for treason and a number of lesser crimes including dying in public which carries the Death sentence itself. Then upon being found guilty of all charges large and small, he will be brought back to life and forced to w...atch as his immediate family are shot out of a cannon, and while still airborne shot like human clay pigions by his loving half brother Kim. Then, he will be forced to load the 20mm cannon that will blast him to smitherines. What ever is left of him will be brought back to life and strapped to the nosecone of a ballistic missile which will be fired into outter space to land on the dark side of the moon where a firing squad will welcome him with a volly of anti-tank rockets. At 'home', when asked about his half brothers 'health', Kim replied, 'Who'??

North Korean Diplomats in Malaysia to Seek Kim’s Brother’s Body

'Reality Check 101'

'Reality Check 101'

Dear Trump 'no matter What' supporters,
Quickly now, and even faster than you can say, 'where did my Vote go', and while your Grand Master and his pliable puppets are snuggled in the White House sweat lodge safely away from the prying eyes of the "Fake News" guys, and busy with their daily nocturnal "Alternative Facts" honing session, I challenge you one and all, that are still able to Think On Your Own, to Do just That. Now I realize That was one long s...entence that any Grammar Teacher worth their salt would cringe over, but After you catch your breathe search your honest minds for answers to the following questions which 'might' require a little Reading prior to the actual Question;
Trump apparently has taken the first steps in destroying the EPA ( Environmental Protection Agency), you know, the folks that Protect our Water that we enjoy using for Recreational purposes, Drinking and such, the Air that we enjoy breathing, the Land such as we enjoy using in our National and State Parks, our Lakes, Rivers, Streams, Creeks, Brooks, Springs, Wetlands and such. Of course they do even More for us than just those according to Trump, 'money wasting' things. For some self serving ($$$$$?) reason He hates that Agency as if Obama himself created it. Which he Didn't. And, he wants You, the folks who 'love' him no matter what he does, and says, to hate it With him, Maybe so that his Billionaire friends can go back to raping, and ravaging our Natural Resources for their profit $$$$ books, which does Not filter down to You, or me, by the way, but we Will share in the resulting Pollution of our Environment. The Question here is, and again, be Honest; What has the EPA Ever done since its inception, in your Whole entire Life, that has measurably, adversely affected your way of life in any way, shape or form that would, and using good logic and common sense here, Convince you that the EPA should Now be Destroyed, not unlike our Environment surely will be, in its absence? Reality check 101.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

'Just Shut Up Already!'

'Just Shut Up Already!'

'Just Shut Up already! Shut your mostly yankee mouths Shut about my super duper hero of the moment, my FWB President Trump. You ignorant retailers have no right to even Think about him. No right at all! You are hurting his feelings! How do you expect him to do his job as 'well' as he's doing it if you keep talking about him? And Now look what you've done! His poor daughter will have to find some other means of support because you have taken her wonderful line of clothing and jewelery off your shelves! Why are you Doing that? Do you think that's Nice? "If the company feels like they can hurt the daughter of a President by doing something like this, that's mean". "It's a shame you couldn't keep your mouths shut about our President". This is America, you can't say things about him like that. We have 'laws' here! Stop it already! I'm serious about this! Speaking of 'laws', there's a stupid 'deer Crossing' sign near my very expensive house which cause cars to slow down all the time. I called my state senator and told him to Move that crossing some place Else! Some times you have to just stand up and be 'Seen'. Sorta like I'm doing Here. Just 'look' at me will ya! My girlfriends are gonna be So invious of me. Anyway, I spend lots, and lots of money at these stores that have dropped the Trump brand! I can't stand it anymore! I already took my Penny's card back. And my Target card. And my Sears card. And my Payless card. And my Dollar Store card. And my 7-11 card. I even tried to give my Social Security card back! I'm just about Out of my best cards already! Pretty soon I'll have to start using cash! Disgusting thought! I can't stand Touching that filthy stuff, there's no telling Where its been! But if I have to, I will. Then those stores will be sorry! Imagine what would happen if Everyone started using Cash instead of plastic! I don't even want to Think about it! But as you can 'tell' from my story, I've got it, and if you've got it, Flaunt it! Now, just go and Shut Up!' ;) ;)

Saturday, February 25, 2017

'Great 'French Fries''


'Great 'French Fries''
'Ah yes, Paris, the city of lights, the city that sleeps with one eye open. Ain't what it used to be, I 'love' France, love Paris, great place for french food. Great 'french toast'! Love their 'french fries'! Friendly people. Can't understand'em, but ya gotta love'em. But 'somethings' going on over there. I mean, just Look. "Take a look at what’s happened in France. Take a look at Nice and Paris,” what's With that. Nobody's reporting it. And if you D...o read something about it, it's from some disgusting "Fake News' media. Liars! Even over There, the "Opposition Party" lies.
“I have a friend, he’s a very, very substantial guy. He loves the City of Lights,” but they turn the lights off at midnight! What's with That? One day I asked "Jim" my friend, known him Forever, great guy, honest guy, doesn't have a last name, very private guy, “‘How is Paris doing?'” He said, “Paris? I don’t go there anymore. Paris is no longer Paris". Well, if it's Not "Paris", then what the heck Is it, I wondered? He don't go there anymore! Un-believable! They lost a great tourist! Lots of money. Rich guy. Smaller airplane than mine. Wants to buy Palm Beach from me. I don't know. Maybe I'll sell it. Maybe later. Have to see his credit score. Not as much money as I have, but lots of money. I hugged him until he cried. Sad. But if the dishonest media would 'report' it, you's see what's going on over there. You'll have to take My word for it. Heartbreaking situation! Terrible! The whole place, just...awful..too sad to even talk about it. Believe me. Sad, sad. All those poor people in the street after that horrific 'event', the whole city pratically trashed. I wish you could 'read' about it, but you won't. And you 'know' Why. I might have to send the army in to save them from themselves. Can't let'em come Here though. Sad.' :/


Trump trashes Sweden, Germany, Paris

Oxon Hill: US President Donald Trump intensified his verbal attacks on Sweden, France and Germany on Friday, painting swaths of Europe as a jihadist-infested hellscape.
Firing-up victory-drunk conservatives at a rally outside Washington, Trump trashed long-time allies as he sought to justify his own controversial crackdown on immigrants.
“Take a look at what’s happening in Sweden. Take a look at what’s happening in Germany. Take a look at what’s happened in France. Take a look at Nice and Paris,” he said.
Trump trained his sights on Paris in particular, recounting the story of a friend who used to visit every year.
“I have a friend, he’s a very, very substantial guy. He loves the City of Lights,” he said.
After not seeing his friend for a few years, Trump asked him “‘How is Paris doing?'”
The US leader said his friend responded “Paris? I don’t go there anymore. Paris is no longer Paris. That was four years, four or five years, he hasn’t gone there.”
Trump also defended contentious comments linking immigration and crime in Sweden.
He earlier issued bafflingly opaque remarks that suggested the peaceful Scandinavian country was undergoing significant unrest or attack.
“I took a lot of heat on Sweden,” he said.
“Take a look at what happened in Sweden. I love Sweden. Great country. Great people. I love Sweden. But they understand, right, the people over there understand I’m right,” he said.

Friday, February 24, 2017

'Trust Me'

Trust Me'
'You won't see this in Any news media reports so it's up to Me, your Presidential "Fake News", "Enemy of the people" basher to tell You the 'truth' as only I 'know' it, as told to me by my 'trusty' side kicks, Stevie, and my gal Kellya.
It goes like This; No one has Ever 'seen' so many 'Trum-Pet' faithfuls lined up butt to belly waiting for the incredible chance to hob-knob' with their wonderful ...'leader'! Un-believable! Astounding numbers! Great people. I Personally counted 2 Million minions myself! Could'a been even More! Smart people. 'Intellectuals'. Legal voters! You should'a seen'em! Six Blocks worth of'em! Six Blocks! City blocks! Peaceful. No fights. Nice family people. Love'em. They love Me. Three Million of'em! Hugged every one of'em! They all bought one of my ball caps. Twenty-four bucks each! Made a killing! This 'job' is a Money Maker! My brand is Hot! Gotta line up some More of these little chit-chat events.
Well, gotta run, bunch of bible thumpers want to kiss my ring, and the Pope wants to wash my feet. People Love to love me. No one gets 'numbers' like me. My approval stats are like 65% and climbing! Un-believable! Un-believable! Did I mention that I won the Popular Vote? Remember, the "Fake News" media is Your enemy! They Lie all the time. Don't trust them! You can 'trust' Me to tell you the 'truth" all the time. 'Trust' me. Really. No kidding this time.' ;)


Trump falsely claims lines 'go back 6 blocks' for CPAC speech

NATIONAL HARBOR, MD. — President Trump falsely claimed during his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday that lines to get in stretched back “six blocks.”
It was a statement at odds with the quiet scene outside the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, where CPAC is taking place.
There were no lines getting into the Gaylord within the hour before Trump began speaking Friday morning.
"There are lines that go back six blocks. I tell you that because you won’t read about it," Trump said during his address.

The entire National Harbor development along the Potomac River stretches about six blocks. Streets surrounding the area were quiet save for a few people, mostly CPAC volunteers, stopping at a nearby Starbucks and security officers patrolling the front of the Gaylord.Trump spent a significant part of his speech bashing a news media that he thinks isn't giving him enough positive coverage.
He doubled down on calling the media "the enemy of the people," to cheers from the crowd.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

'Solar wings' a poem by BuddyBlack

'Solar wings' a poem by BuddyBlack

Don’t go now sun
The day
Has just begun.
There were things
I’d planned to do,
Dreams I’d wished
That would come true.
You could have stayed,
And helped me through.
But you would not wait
And flew away
On solar wings.

'Call Me, Little Furry News People'

'Call Me, Little Furry News People'

'Right Now, you...you, fornicators you! I, personally not 'kill' Anyone that I 'know' of, don't be First on list! Don't make me angry, dentist say, 'don't grit teeth Vlad, no good for you'. Fox News! Why name 'news' after Fox? Crazy Americans! No wonder we don't like you much. A 'Fox' is little furry animal we make hat from. What 'news' is that!? Why no let my almost BFF Donnieboy be friend? Now I getting angry! I like his little woman hands. Very smart. Make good dictator someday.
Little furry animal news people, call me with sincere apology so teeth stop hurting, or I tell BFF to send you to Siberia 'holiday'. No 'news' there. Sunny 'holiday' place. All my 'friends' go there for Long 'holiday' rest. Call me, watching phone now.'

Vladimir Putin Wants Immediate Apology From Fox News & Bill O’Reilly For “Killer” Comment

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According to Reuters, the Kremlin wants Fox News and Bill O’Reilly to apologize for remarks O’Reilly made during a Sunday interview with Donald Trump, during which O’Reilly called Russian President Vladimir Putin a “killer”.“We consider such words from the Fox TV company to be unacceptable and insulting, and honestly speaking, we would prefer to get an apology from such a respected TV company,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters during a Monday call.Fox News told the Washington Post’s Erik Wemple that O’Reilly would address the demands for an apology during his Monday night show.
During the Sunday interview, O’Reilly pushed Trump on allegations that Putin authorized the killings of journalists and political figures who opposed him. “First of all, he says he didn’t do it. Many people say it wasn’t him. So who knows who did it?” Trump said of allegations that Putin ordered the death of former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko. A British judge has previously ruled that Putin was likely involved in the killing.

'To Each, His Own'

'To Each, His Own'
'Religion' and 'Politics' is a match made in that perverbial Hell. Individually they Each are like a two headed snake, it can bite you Coming, and Going. Individually, each have been the cause of local, and Global wars, extermination of ethnic, racial, and assorted opposing religious and political parties galore. Both entities want Their 'man' to be 'King' of the hill, and if you don't Believe what They believe then you'll be labeled a heretic or unpatriotic, and condemned accordingly to custom. Both have been, and continue to be the cause of World, Nation, Country, and local divisiveness, especially of Family and Friends. Fanatical adherents of Both entities have the propensity to be intolerant of Un-believers to the point of mayhem, and they Both think nothing of doing whatever it takes to 'convince' non-believers' to convert to Their form of thought. Think here of the Taliban, and ISIS, who subvert and interpret their 'bible' the Quran, to suit their Own ideological bent, and agendas. Contrary to the wishes of the ultra-religious segment of our society, America practices 'Separation of State and Church'. And for good reason. The 'State' does not dictate the operations of the 'Church', and the 'Church' does not dictate the operations of the 'State'.  Again, the combination of the two would be a match made in Hell. Except in the minds of the religious fanatics who eagerly want to abolish the State/Church rule which to Them, would be a match made in Heaven, where they could then 'rule' over those they might consider 'non-believers'. A fanatic, is a Fanatic, no matter which camp they come from. That's why we have the 'rule' which protects both from each other, and Both from we who might believe differently from Their beliefs. That's why we have a 'President' instead of a 'King'. That's why in Religion, it should be, 'To Each, His Own'. ;)

'Birds Of A Feather...'

'Birds Of A Feather...'

'American Republicans, lisssstennn toooo myyyy voiiice....look deeeep intooo myyy squinnnntyyy eyeees...youuu arrrre gettinnng sleeeepyyy...yourrr eyesss arrre gettinnng heavyyyy... youuu willll dooo assss Iiii tellll youuu...youuu willll lovvve meee frrrrommm noww onnnn, and thinnnk Iiii ammm harmmmlesss, annnd yourrr BFF-FWB. Iiii meannn youuuu noooo harrrm, annnnd youuuu willl maaake Americannn citizennn of meeee, annnnd honorrrr meee with kissss. R...ememberrrr, Iiii ammm peacefulll 'Nationnn Builderrr', Iiii willl helllp Donnnallld maaake America 'greaaat againnn'...realllyyy, not kiddinnng, I pomissse big..nooo trick, crosss myyy benevolent hearrrt. Maybeee someeee dayyy be yourrr President, yes? I snaaap fingerrr, youuu wake annnd hop out of myyyy bed, take showerrr annnd rememberrr nothinnng but I'm best friennnd noooow annnd best loverr forrr youuu. Snaaap' snaap!' ;)

The Fix

The Fix
Vladimir Putin is on a bit of a hot streak among Republicans of late.
In new Gallup polling, more than 3 in 10 Republicans have a favorable view of Putin — almost three times the percentage who said the same in 2015. Twice as many independents have a favorable opinion of Putin as did two years ago. Those numbers have helped bump Putin's overall approval numbers to their highest mark in five years.

What's interesting in those numbers is that Putin's unfavorable rating — 72 percent — has stayed the same over the past two years. What that tells us is that a chunk of people who didn't know enough about Putin to offer an opinion in 2015 do now — and, broadly speaking, feel positively about him.
That movement is likely attributable to Trump's praise for Putin on the campaign trail and oft-stated desire to have a better relationship with Russia than the two countries enjoyed during the Obama years. In recent years, we've seen opinions on most every issue begin to track more and more with partisanship. Republicans like Trump, so they like who Trump likes. Period.
These numbers will provide more fodder for Democrats who have sought to use Trump's unwillingness to condemn Putin as evidence of the too-close ties between the Kremlin and America's new president. He's even making a dictator popular with Republicans, Democrats will argue.
For Republican elected officials not named Trump, most of whom are far less favorably inclined toward Putin, these Gallup numbers will give them some pause. Bashing Russia and Putin — once a sure-fire political winner with their political base — may not be such a slam dunk anymore.
It's one of the many ways — big and small — that President Trump is changing both his party and politics in this country more generally.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

'Are You Sure I 'Said' That?'

'Are You Sure I 'Said' That?'

'Oopppps! Did I say "We're gonna open the Mines"? Are you sure 'I' said that? Me? Maybe I said 'Open your 'Minds'. Do you have un-edited video of my lips 'saying' that? Hey, I'm not saying I 'didn't' say it, I'm just sayin' maybe I did, maybe I didn't. I don't know. I 'say' so many things when my mouth opens by accident. I don't know. But hey, if that's what those Miners want to do, I say go for it. Like that sign says, 'I dig coal'. Well, I do...n't actually, litterally 'dig' it, I just think it's pretty cool stuff. Looks Great on my stock portfolio. So yeah, I guess I Do 'dig' it. Look folks, those starving, black lung, West Virginians 'knew' that it was only a 'sorta' promise. Geez, if they could read they'd know that Coal is not King anymore, more like a 'prince'. Maybe in China and Russia, but as I've 'said' on many occasions I have absolutly 'Nothing' to do with those places. No investments, no personal deals, you know, that sort of thing. But they 'knew' I was just doing what a 'good' politician does best. Promise, promise, promise, and Then hit the door running! Outta there! I'll 'call' you. It's like buying a slightly used car from a dealer over the phone. You're all happy and giddy, jumping up and down with excitement. Then, when it's 'delieverd, it's totally a Different car from what you 'thought' you were getting. It's called 'bait and switch'. But you're Still 'sorta happy' because at Least you still got a 'sorta' car. Sorta. Maybe the Engine's not there, maybe the Wheels are missing, who knows, but it's 'sorta' a 'car'. So stop the whinning. I only 'said', if indeed I actually 'said' it at all, and I'm not saying I didn't, what you Wanted to hear, and you were happy to hear my monotone voice droning on, and on. Be happy! Go 'dig' some coal for your stove, get Over it folks. Let it go. Crybabies!'


Trump Promised to ‘Open the Mines’ — Here’s Why That Is Unlikely

In rallies across coal country, Donald Trump made a big, crowd-pleasing promise: He'd bring back the mining jobs.
"We're gonna open the mines," he said to big cheers in Charleston, West Virginia, as if the shuttered coal mines across eastern America's coal country could hit a switch and reinstate the jobs once he won the White House.
But experts say despite Trump's election, those jobs aren't coming back.
While regulation sped the shuttering of older coal mines in the last decade, experts say it was natural gas that turned the screws on the industry. Cleaner and cheaper, the natural gas market share is growing rapidly and putting as much — if not more — pressure on the coal industry as regulations.
"He can't bring back coal jobs in any meaningful way unless he's capable of inventing a time machine," explained Eric de Place, energy policy director of Sightline Institute, a progressive environmental nonprofit. "Waving your hands and saying you're going to bring the coal industry back is misleading at best, malicious at worst."
West Virginia: How the Bluest State Became the Reddest3:56

It's no surprise that Trump, who has positioned himself as a champion of blue-collar workers and a vocal critic of President Barack Obama's environmental regulations on coal, has rallied behind the coal industry, which lost 50,000 jobs during Obama's first term, according to one study. Robert Murray, owner of the largest private mine in America, is also quick to note that coal mines create jobs around them, as mining towns need doctors, lawyers, restaurants, and more, and their shuttering created the kind of economic anxiety that fueled Trump's presidential bid from the start.
But as the industry has changed, the geography of coal itself has, too. "The dominant coal fields are no longer in the East," De Place said. "The vast majority of coal is mined in the West and is done in highly-mechanized ways. That's not really reversible."
Related: Trump Appears to Push Contradictory Gas and Coal Boosting Plans
Rick Smead, a managing director at RBN Energy who specializes in the natural gas industry, agreed with De Place's predictions for the coal market under Trump.
"It's very unlikely that coal can regain its market from natural gas where they would be hiring a lot of miners back," he said.
There is some hope to stem the losses. Murray, who has met with Trump several times to advise him on coal issues, said the president can stop future jobs from disappearing, but he can't add them back rapidly.
Trump: My Plan Will Make Your Energy Bill Less Expensive1:21

"You can't bring it back, but he can stop the destruction right where it is," the mine owner, who cautioned Trump to soften his election promises during the election, told NBC News.
Murray said he believes he can compete with natural gas if coal isn't mired in regulations, but acknowledged that the slew of jobs Trump promised are unlikely to emerge from his industry quickly. Job growth, he said, would be completely dependent on the domestic economy.
"It'll be a function of how well America creates jobs," Murray said, noting that a surge in manufacturing — something else Trump has promised — would help.
Related: Could Trump Really Bring Back Manufacturing Jobs?
Smead said the biggest coal boon from 2016 would have come not from Trump or Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, but rather Democratic runner-up Bernie Sanders, who promised a national ban on fracking that would have gutted the natural gas industry.
"That would have been a bright day for the coal industry," he said. "I thought it was ironic that the president campaigned in Pennsylvania and on the same day promised coal miners their jobs back and promised shale miners that he'd get everything out of their way — when in fact he was talking to the guy who just killed off the coal industry."
Trump's policies seem likely to make it easier for fracking and the natural gas industry.
In his first week in office, Trump signed two executive orders to advance the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipeline, a boon to the natural gas industry, which he claimed would create "thousands and thousands" of jobs. He boasted that the Keystone XL pipeline would create "28,000 jobs, great construction jobs" — seven times more than the government actually estimates would be created. The government estimates note that construction jobs could create more jobs through contracts, but none of their estimates rise to Trump's number.
Once construction is ended, however, the pipeline would create just 35 full time jobs. It's a number that puts a spotlight on the difference between the future of the energy indstury and the way the coal industry used to be.
"Almost anything else you do with a dollar of investment — including digging a hole in the ground — would produce more jobs than in modern energy production," De Place said.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

'Armed and Dangerous'

'Armed And Dangerous'
This, America's Armed and Dangerous Militias, and home grown Terrorists, is what President Trump, and All Americans should be concerned about, and yes we should also be concerned about external threats as well, but they are less able to do mayhem than America's own 'terrorists' who are Already Here. Funny we should allow these thousands of Anti Government, anti society, anti Constitution, racist, hate mongering, radicalized 'religious' militants to even Exist in America, a country most of them hate, and yet we tremble with uncontrollable fear at the thought of a single radicalized Muslim terrorist sneaking in and wiping out America. We don't Need 'enemies', We Are our Own worst enemy.

02/17/2017 02:11 pm ET

Tennessee Man Convicted Of Plot To Round Up Militia, Attack Muslim Community

Robert Doggart, 65, will be sentenced in May.


A Tennessee man was found guilty on Thursday of plotting in 2015 to round up a militia and burn down a mosque, school and cafeteria in the upstate New York community of Islamberg, which is home to a mostly Muslim population, prosecutors said.
Robert Doggart, 65, was convicted in U.S. District Court in Chattanooga of solicitation to commit arson and violate civil rights, as well as of making a threat in interstate commerce, the Department of Justice said in a written statement.
Attorneys for Doggart did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Doggart was arrested by Federal Bureau of Investigation agents in April 2015 after telling a government informant in wire-tapped phone calls that he planned to recruit a militia and travel to Islamberg, about 145 miles northwest of New York City, prosecutors say.
The group planned to burn down the community’s mosque and shoot anyone who tried to stop them, according to the criminal complaint.
“The defendant sought out others to join him in a violent attack on a community of men, women, and children because of their religion,” Acting Assistant Attorney General Tom Wheeler said in the statement.
Defense attorneys argued in court that Doggart had exaggerated his intentions to attack Islamberg after being encouraged by the informant and that he never had a solid plan in place, the Chattanooga Times Free Press reported.
The attorneys also argued that Doggart believed Islamberg residents were training for guerrilla warfare against the West, the newspaper reported.
Islamberg, started by a group of African-American Muslims who moved from U.S. cities in the 1970s, is a gated community with dirt roads and several dozen small homes near the town of Hancock in New York’s Catskills Mountains.
The 200 or so members of the community, in which children are home-schooled and residents worship at a mosque built on the 70-acre property, follow a Pakistani Sufi cleric.
Doggart, who had been confined to his home since his apprehension, was taken into custody following Thursday’s verdict, WRCB TV news reported. His sentencing is scheduled for May, it reported.
(Reporting by Laila Kearney and Dan Whitcomb; Editing by Leslie Adler and James Dalgleish)

'Another "Opposition Party" Trick'

'Another "Opposition Party" Trick'

'Fake News! Fake news! Fake, fake, fake! Not 'real'! Liars!
See, I Told you, you can't believe a single Thing that Fox News, and all those Other "Opposition Party" purveyors of "Fake News" prints! If they can 'trick' Me folks, a man at the 'top' of the gene pool with artificial intellegence, they can even More easily trick You, the common little ignorant people of America! "Your enemy" is always looking for some sneaky way to trip me up, trying to make me look foolish in the eyes of the world. And look, here they've gone and done it! Do Not let them get away with it! That's why they cannot be trusted folks! Can't! Disgusting liars, everyone of them! Un-American! Yikes! Do I have a 'racoon eye tan'!? Fake news! Bad lighting. Even when they 'report' the 'truth', it's Still "fake news". You Must believe Only Me! I will 'never' lie to you. Hardly Ever. Seldom. Not a whole lot. Don't believe Anything they say! You must distrust them, and hate them like I your benevolent, trustworthy 'leader' does. In fact I not only implore you, but I Order you my faithful minions to despise them, and help me 'control' their evil ways. They Must be brought under 'control', and with your obediant, blind assistance, we can do it 'together'. The "Opposition Party" media is trying to take over America as if it were their own personal Reality Show! We must use my thrifty, and top secret "Alternative facts' method of 'truth' to derail them! They are trying to stifle your Religious Fanaticism, encouraging you to regret voting for me, oh, did I mention that five to ten million illegals were bussed in to America to vote for disgusting Hillary, stopping you from Owning Guns, even if you are mentally ill, and even, and I shudder at the 'thought', trying to let people with Foriegn Names enter America and become American citizens! We can't let that happen folks! I can't get Anything done as long as the "Fake News" outlets continue to harass me, your Honorable President, your 'overly qualified' Commander-In-Chief, your 'truth-teller' extraordinaire. Remember, don't believe Anything you hear from these disgusting people. Remember, the way to tell if someone is telling a lie is to see if their lips are moving.
By the way, before I forget, I want to send my sincere condolences, and prayers out to the Nation of Japan that was swallowed up by Moby Dick just a few hours ago. So sad. Terrible news! I understand there were few survivors. Probably see them at one of our Border crossings soon. I've given orders that they are to be shipped back to where they came from. Sad news. Great people. I was building a great golf course there. Sad. My 'numbers' are really up. Sky high! Millions of supporters are turning out at my little 'meet the voter' outtings! Millions! Creating millions of jobs for 'real' Americans. God sent me here to be the best job maker of all time. Great guy! Nice family guy. Invited him to play a round of golf in Palm Beach. I've told my people that for every job I 'create', they must eliminate two others. Doing a lot of great things to..er..'For' America single handedly. But 'remember' my faithful lemmings, the "Opposition Party" media is Your Enemy, you must do More to resist them, believe nothing they say or print because as you can plainly 'see' they are tricksters, and liars of the first degree. Control the press, control the media liars that hate your President by spreading "Fake News" about me, and don't forget to pray for Japan.'


Donald Trump Explains Sweden Terror Comment That Baffled a Nation

After bewildering residents and officials of Sweden by suggesting Saturday that a terror-related incident had occurred over the weekend in the small Nordic nation, President Donald Trump attributed his comment to a Fox News interview with a conservative filmmaker.
Trump Appears to Reference Non-Existent Terror Incident in Sweden0:47
"We've got to keep our country safe. You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening last night in Sweden," Trump told the crowd at his campaign-like rally in Florida on Saturday, critiquing Europe's refugee policies and complaining that his travel ban had suffered setbacks in court. "Sweden, who would believe this?"
It was unclear following the rally what could have occurred in Sweden to draw the president's attention, and the Swedish Embassy asked for clarity.
Trump took to his Twitter account Sunday evening to explain that he was referring to a Tucker Carlson segment that appeared on Fox News Friday. In the segment, Carlson interviewed right-wing filmmaker Ami Horowitz, who had recently made a documentary about Sweden's refugee policy. The segment did not contain breaking news.
A spokesperson for the Swedish Embassy said they didn't know if Trump's tweet served as the government's official response to their request for an explanation.
"We have asked State Department if President Trumps' tweet is their official answer to our question earlier today. We are still awaiting an answer on that," the spokesperson said.
A White House spokesperson had attempted to explain what Trump had been referring to prior to Trump's tweet.
"He was talking about rising crime and recent incidents in general — not referring to a specific incident," White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters.
But the country had spent the day baffled, because the president had said "last night" and nothing appeared to have happened.
"Sweden? Terror attack? What has he been smoking? Questions abound," Carl Bildt, a former Swedish prime minister, wrote on Twitter while he attended the Munich Security Conference on Sunday.
Sweden's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Catarina Axelsson, told the Associated Press that the Swedish government did not know of any "terror-linked major incidents." Additionally, the Associated Press reported, Sweden's Security Police had not seen any threats or responded to any attacks.
Sweden's U.S. embassy also appeared to take a jab at the president on Twitter Sunday evening, retweeting Trump's earlier justification and saying: "We look forward to informing the US administration about Swedish immigration and integration policies."
Trump's remarks were not the first time his administration has referred to nonexistent terror attacks while defending his executive order restricting travel for people from seven predominantly Muslim nations.
White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway invoked a "Bowling Green massacre," which never occurred. Conway has since said she made a mistake. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer cited a nonexistent terror attack in Atlanta, then later claimed he meant the shooting at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida — a city more than 400 miles south of Atlanta.
No terrorist attack in the U.S. has actually occurred at the hands of individuals from any of the seven countries whose people Trump's first executive order barred.
Sean Spicer Meant to Say Orlando With 'Atlanta Terror' Remark Three Times1:00
Sweden, meanwhile, has not experienced a terrorist act committed by a refugee or person of the Muslim faith since December 2010, when an Iraqi-Swedish national detonated a suicide bomb.
According to the State Department's Bureau of Diplomatic Security's Crime and Safety Report on Sweden, released last May, overall crime rose 4 percent in 2015. The increase was attributed to the rise in computer fraud. A section of the report is dedicated to terrorism threats, and provides the nation a "Terrorism Rating" of "Medium."
In 2015, the country received between 160,000-190,000 asylum seekers, which is the most per capita in the European Union.
Image: View of Gamla Stan, Stockholm
Stockholm: View of Gamla Stan, Munkebroleden and Tyska Kyrkan ullstein bild / ullstein bild via Getty Images
On Sunday, in response to Trump, a popular Swedish tabloid described the biggest, most violent news stories that it could find from Friday: A man set himself on fire in Stockholm, an 83-year-old singer suffered technical difficulties during rehearsal for a big music competition, a man died in the hospital after a work-related accident, an avalanche warning was issued in northern parts of the country and Stockholm police engaged in a high-speed pursuit of a drunk driver.
The tabloid also noted another incident: A photo of a moose bull attempting to get frisky with a wooden moose lawn ornament had gone viral.

'The Fiduciary Rule And You'

The fiduciary rule and you

AP News
Posted: Feb 19, 2017 10:17 AM
The fiduciary rule and you
President Donald Trump's administration is working to dismantle a complex set of financial rules including the "fiduciary rule," which requires certain financial professionals to act in their clients' best interests when providing retirement advice.
The rule's future is unclear but here's what you need to know now:
The fiduciary rule requires brokers who sell stocks, bonds and other investments to meet a stricter standard that has long applied to registered financial advisers: being considered "fiduciaries" — trustees who must put their clients' interests first.
The fiduciary rule had been set to take effect in April, but in late January Trump asked for a 90-day delay to review it.
The rule is part of the Dodd-Frank Act that tightened regulations after the 2008 financial crisis. Trump has called Dodd-Frank a "disaster."
Brokers can provide financial advice as long as it's "suitable" for the age, finances and risk tolerance of the client. But no rule stops brokers from pushing an investment that earns a higher commission, nor are they required to disclose that.
Registered investment advisers, on the other hand, are considered "fiduciaries" and must disclose any fees, commissions or potential conflicts of interest.
Proponents say the rule will close an ethical loophole for brokers and protect investors. Critics say compliance will be expensive and may shrink investment options.
David O'Brien of Evolution Advisers recommends asking your financial professional to put it in writing if they are a fiduciary to you.
The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors has a sample fiduciary acknowledgment you can use as a template on their website .
Be warned, some advisers practice "hat switching," in which an adviser has dual registrations. This allows them to act as a fiduciary for some transactions but not on others, which is why you want to have them acknowledge they are a fiduciary in all aspects of your relationship.
As the rule's fate remains unclear, O'Brien warns that unscrupulous advisers may use the confusion to act in a manner that's not in a client's best interest. For example, by completing transactions that would be prohibited by the rule ahead of enforcement.
It's worth noting that the rule only applies to retirement accounts, so whether it moves forward or not, consumers should stay vigilant when dealing with professionals for other investment accounts.