Thursday, March 31, 2016

They're Picking On Rabbits

' Hi, I'm 'Bugs The Bunny' and I think I speak for All my furry, flat footed bobtailed friends out there when I say WTH is This all about!? Am I Dreaming? Is This Real!? How in the H E double L did We get on this 'hit' list?? For cryin' out loud already, we're just plain ol' simple Rabbits folks! Rabbits! We've been hopping around Forever! It's Not like all of a sudden we're the New ISIS or somethin'! When's the last time you heard about someone being whacked by a rog...ue Rabbit? We just don't Do that sort of thing. I mean, come on folks, who do you turn to when Easter comes around? Who do you look for to be hopping down the bunny trail? Are you going to replace us with a Turtle?? Good Luck with That! Who really had a 'problem' with 'do'in it like Rabbits'? Hey, that's what we Do! Our job is to 'make' other Rabbits, and hop down the bunny trail, and at Easter lay little chocolate 'eggs' for kids to get fat on. Who Else is gonna do all that? Who? Well, Who? Yeah, that's Right, nobody's gonna do it like we do it. But look what some hair brained nut has gone and done! Well, just Look already! It's not bad enough that we can't even cross the road without becoming part of the pavement, or munch a few garden carrots without getting 'Lead' poisoning, Now we gotta start taking Birth Control! Why Us!?? Well, let me assure you, I'm not gonna wear one of those things! How are we supposed to even put it On, ah, we don't even have Fingers! Are we gonna have to hire a Human to help with That?? I bet they didn't Think of That one! Why couldn't they pick on Spiders, or Snakes, or barnyard Dogs, or those pesky Cats? I can even think of a few select Humans. But Noooo, they just Had to pick the cutest critters out there! Ha! Now who's gonna break the bad news to all those kids come Easter when they don't see our cute little selves bopping around out there. Hey kids, Turtles can't Hop! No more Rabbit shaped candy, kids! That's right! Pretty soon we'll be in the same 'extinct drawer' as the Dodo bird. I guess I better get busy do'in what I do best before they call my number. I'm still not gonna wear one of those silly lookin' things..nope, not gonna do it. Stupid humans anyway!'  :/

Home / Health News

Single injection male contraceptive effective in rabbits

Vasalgel kept sperm out of the animals' semen for 12 months, according to researchers in the trial.
By Stephen Feller | March 30, 2016 at 9:59 AM

Vasalgel's success in rabbits suggests an effective, less permanent alternative to vasectomy for male contraception could be around the corner. Photo by Studio KIWI/Shutterstock
WASHINGTON, March 30 (UPI) -- Researchers found an injectible gel was an effective contraceptive, preventing the presence of sperm in rabbits' semen in a study.
The gel, called Vasalgel, completely stopped the flow of sperm after being injected into rabbits, and the natural flow of sperm returned when the gel was removed, researchers report in a new study.
Vasalgel would be the first contraceptive option for men that is not permanent, the researches say, as vasectomy is effective, but also generally considered permanent.
The gel, consisting of a styrene-alt-maleic acid dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide, is injected into the vas deferens, where it becomes a hydrogel that allows water-soluble molecules to pass through but not sperm. Because it is soft, it can flex and stay in place, keeping sperm from squeezing through.
"Results from our study in rabbits were even better than expected," Dr. Donald Waller, a professor of pharmacology and toxicology at the University of Illinois, said in a press release. "Vasalgel produces a very rapid contraceptive effect which lasted throughout the study due to its unique hydrogel properties. These features are important considerations for a contraceptive product to be used in humans."
For the study, published in the journal Basic and Clinical Andrology, 12 rabbits were treated with two formulations of Vasalgel, one being a 100 percent SMA acid and the other an 80 percent SMA acid blended with 20 percent SMA anhydride.
In 11 of the 12 rabbits, sperm was not detected in semen at all once they'd received an injection. One of the rabbits showed the presence of a small number of sperm in early samples but eventually became azoospermic as well.
Researchers are currently planning a human clinical trial for late 2016.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Trump's Gonna Punish those Wayward Women

'Oppps!    Here goes my mostly deranged appearing brain 'thinking' something, and my ever yapping 'Trumpet' mouth blurting it out for all to hear.   And Here's what I'm thinking;  Well, I'll tell you right Now that when I'm In Charge of America there's gonna be some Serious changes made around here! Serious, I tell you, Serious! Changes!   As much as I 'respect' and 'love' Women, I'm gonna put them in their 'place'!  And that Place is at Home, in the Kitchen, and probably knocked up!   Preferably by her Husband!   And if it's by someone Other than her Husband and she decides to get an Abortion, which I assure you will be against the law all across America, she's gonna be Punished severely!   I don't care if the Easter Bunny did it, she's gonna have that furry little baby or she's gonna be So sorry! Sorry!   Women can't just go around acting like they can do whatever with their own bodies anymore! Its gotta Stop! Stupid Women!   I'm bringing back the 1950's where Men told Women what to Do, and they Did it!   I love'em a lot, and I got a lot of respect for them as everyone 'knows', unless of course they happen to be a Certain News Reporter, and you Know who I Mean, Or, they happen to try and Use their inferior brains by themselves, but we gotta make an example of a few in order to Save the rest of'em. You know, as much as I dislike those sneaky Muslims, especially like that one that lives in the White House right now, they really Know how to keep their Women in their 'place'. Should we Stone a few of them to show we mean business?   Americans are fed up with these people who want to use their Own brains and do whatever they want to do!   Fed up!   People are Angry! People!   It's gotta stop before these angry people act out. I'd like to just pop'em right up side their stupid female heads!   But I love them a lot! My Mother was a woman.   My hot wife is one Too. Women love me!   Millions of them, especially those that can't Think for themselves, are going to vote for me.   I'm gonna do great things for women!   Wonderful things!   You haven't seen Anything Yet! Nothing!   They Love me!   I 'love' them Too!   But sometimes we gotta Hurt those we 'love', especially when they do something really dumb, and against the law, like...getting an Abortion. Stupid Women!   Can't help but love'em.   Actually it's sorta like a Love-Hate relationship, but hey, that's just Me, your future President, the guy that Women will run right out and Vote for.   You know, the ones that can't think for themselves, so I'll 'think' for them.   Well, there I go, my yappy mouth has blurted brain thoughts all over the place, but you know What?   I approve of myself, so to all you real Men out there who's women know their 'place', be sure to allow them to vote for me, you won't be kidding, Really.   Remember, a Vote Wasted is a vote no one else gets. :/ :/


Trump stokes controversy with abortion comments

Last Updated Mar 30, 2016 5:12 PM EDT
Donald Trump said Wednesday that abortions should be banned and that there "has to be some form of punishment" for women who undergo the procedure, though he later issued two statements regarding those remarks.
In a pre-taped segment for an MSNBC town hall that will air Wednesday night, host Chris Matthews asked the GOP frontrunner if women should be punished for having abortions.
"I would say it's a very serious problem and it's a problem that we have to decide on," Trump initially said.
Asked what his proposal to ban abortion means, Trump said "I am against. I am pro-life. Yes. I am pro-life." But Trump failed to explain how he would actually ban the procedure.
"You know, you'll go back to a position like they had where people perhaps will go to illegal places," he said when asked how he would outlaw it. "But you have to ban it."
Matthews eventually asked Trump if he believes in punishment for abortion as a principle.
"The answer is there has to be some form of punishment," Trump said. "For the women [who have abortions]?" Matthews followed up. "Yes," Trump responded.
Matthews then asked Trump, "10 days or 10 years" and Trump said, "I don't know. That, I don't know," adding that this is a "very complicated position."
After the clip of that segment aired, Trump issued a statement around 3:40 p.m. ET.
"This issue is unclear and should be put back into the states for determination. Like Ronald Reagan, I am pro- life with exceptions, which I have outlined numerous times," Trump said.
An hour and 15 minutes after the first statement, Trump's campaign issued a more formal statement in which he reversed himself, saying women shouldn't be punished.
"If Congress were to pass legislation making abortion illegal and the federal courts upheld this legislation, or any state were permitted to ban abortion under state and federal law, the doctor or any other person performing this illegal act upon a woman would be held legally responsible, not the woman," Trump said. "The woman is a victim in this case as is the life in her womb. My position has not changed -- like Ronald Reagan, I am pro-life with exceptions."

It's Official, Ramsey Proclaims He's The Best!

 'That's right Peeps! You heard it right out of my soon to be famous mouth, which just happens to be connected to my Already famous bode. I Am the best, not only the Best, but even Better than the best. Some folks are born with a 'silver spoon' in their mouths, but not Me. I was born with a gold football in Mine! I was already Playing Football when all the other kids were still pooping in their pull-ups! I tell you I am Great! That's G-R-E-A-T for those of you unfamiliar with the correct spelling of the word. My middle name is 'Great'. Just look how I hold that ball! See how my sporty football fingers wrap around that thing? I don't have Fingerprints, instead, I have these little football suction cups there. My first spoken word was 'football'. My bottle was in the shape of a football. Just look at how my football uniform fits my football body! Look how I velcro my football shoes! I even wear football skivies that hold my footBalls snuggly in place! See how high I can jump without even Trying? See how peeps who don't even Know me yet are in awe as I walk past them, they just go 'Ooooo' and 'Ahhh' and drool for my autograph. Man! I'm the best! Every Pro football team will be beating a path to my football shaped door of my football shaped house, just Beggeing me to come play on Their football team and win Every game we play. I'm gonna teach the old 'Pros' how the game is Really played. Right now they just stumble around out there wondering what to do and how to do it. I'm gonna Show them! Of course when the right team hires me they'll have to sideline, well, Actually just get Rid of, a lot of the useless team mambers because they won't be needed out there. I can call the play, snap the ball, throw it 99 yards, run down and catch it, and sail over the goal line for the winning score. When the opposing team see's me dance out on the field, they'll just run back to the locker room and drown in their own tears from fright and envy. I'm the Best, well ok, not just the 'best', I'm Better that the Best! Nothing, and NoBody can touch me! I can't be stopped! I don't even have to tell my feet where to run! They just Know where to go! I don't have a single bad habit. I'm simply faultless! Perfect in all ways! The good part is that I am not a braggart! I'm just a humble perfect football player with the skills of a perfect player. Everyone Loves to be around me because I'm just a regular, and perfect kinda guy. Everyone wants to be just like Me. But you know what, they can't be, because there's only One of me, and That's Me. I'm it! So all you jealous wanna-be football 'players' out there better keep an eye on Me and Learn from how I play the game in such a perfect way. You'll want to be like me, but you Never will be. Well, I must go stand in front of my mirrowed walls and pose for myself, and kiss my beautifully perfect self images. Eat your hearts out, you inferior Other 'football' dreamers. Oh, did I mention in passing that I'm the Best?  :/ :/
  • Today's NFL News
  • NFL
  • Jalen Ramsey says he's the 'best player' in the 2016 NFL Draft. He might be right.

    It's not really hubris when the Florida State defensive back says that about himself. He's really, really good and might just be the first overall pick.

    Jalen Ramsey declares himself "the best player in this year’s draft." The Florida State cornerback-safety wants to be the top pick in the draft this year. His pro day workout on Tuesday only furthered that aspiration, and with the rise of the nickel defense as a something close to a base package, his value speaks for itself. However, it's been nothing offensive tackles, pass rushers and quarterbacks in the No. 1 spot since 1996.

    Tuesday, March 29, 2016

    Sniveler V Sniveler

    'Ohhhh Mr.Trump, you are Such a Sniveler! Look at you! If your face is not the face of a Sniveler, then I don't know what is! YaaaNaaaNaNaaaNa, You are a Sniveler, in fact you are a Sniveling sniveler! That's twice as bad a a regular Sniveler! You make me feel just like a wound up too tight clock! Tick-tock,tick-tock, you are 'ticking' me Off Donald Trump! It takes one heck of a lot to wind my spring this tight! And here you've gone and done it! Man, Am I ever wound up tight. Even my Skivies are wound up in a bunch! I'm ticked! In fact, I'm ticked Off! It's a good thing I had a good grip on that microphone, no telling What I'd of done with it otherwise. Just Look at this picture of my contorted, tortured, angry face with my drooling, mad mouth wide open showing my angry fangs, and Look, you can even see my angry lashing tongue. And see how I have my strong manly hand balled up in a threatening angry Fist? Boy, how I'd like to smack you a good one right in your lying kisser! But I won't do it because I think, what would Jesus do. Actually, he would probably whack you til you cry like the big crybaby you really Are. How dare you badmouth my almost pretty wifie, you! I mean, come On here, she's not half as bad looking as you imply! Not even Half! Sure, your wife is one hot babe but I wouldn't even give her too many second looks, especially at that naked pic of her. And Now look at me...see what you've done? This is the face of an Angry Presidential candidate! Ticked off, And angry no less! First off, I didn't post that naked picture of your wife. Although I must say, not a bad shot of her in that particular pose. I bet she's pretty limber huh? But I Still didn't do it. Oh, and by the way Donald, you better go and Not spill beans, beans of Any sort for That matter, on my sweet almost good looking wifie. That would make Such a mess! And she doesn't even Like beans! Why would you even Say that you'd do something like That?? You sicko you. Is it Me, or are you simply Crazy in the head? Is your wig on too tight? What do you have against Beans? You better leave Heidi very much alone Donald! Don't mess with her, don't you Dare do it, you cowardly lion you! Heck, You're not even a Lion, you are more like a sniveling alley cat that eats out of garbage cans. My wife is stronger than Your wife, she could beat up Your wife, shoot, she could probably kick My butt all over the house if she wanted to. Which of course she doesn't want to...right Heidi...? Heidi...right?? By the Way, Why don't you like Women Mr.Trump? What's With that? I mean, you can't blame us for just 'wondering' about it. Are women allowed in your 'closet' Donald? What kind of pictures do you have tacked on the wall in there? I think that Women Scare the jeebies out of you. You are Such a toupeed sniveler. I'm gonna tell her what you said about're gonna be so sorry! You better leave her alone or she's gonna get you Good! meanie you!'  ;);)


    Cruz Hits Trump Over Attacks On His Wife: 'You Are A Sniveling Coward'

    Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz speaks during a caucus night rally as his wife, Heidi, listens, in February in Des Moines, Iowa.i
    Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz speaks during a caucus night rally as his wife, Heidi, listens, in February in Des Moines, Iowa. Chris Carlson/AP hide caption
    toggle caption Chris Carlson/AP
    Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz speaks during a caucus night rally as his wife, Heidi, listens, in February in Des Moines, Iowa.
    Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz speaks during a caucus night rally as his wife, Heidi, listens, in February in Des Moines, Iowa.
    Chris Carlson/AP
    The war of words between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz reached a new fever pitch on Thursday, with Cruz calling his GOP rival a "sniveling coward" after the real estate mogul retweeted an insult aimed at the Texas senator's wife.
    On Tuesday evening, Trump attacked Cruz for the ad, threatening on Twitter, "Be careful, Lyin' Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife!" Cruz has disavowed the ad from the unaffiliated Make America Awesome superPAC. "Your wife is lovely, and Heidi is the love of my life," Cruz tweeted back Tuesday evening.
    Campaigning Thursday afternoon in Wisconsin, which holds its GOP primary on April 5, Cruz went even further on the attack against his GOP rival after the latest volley from Trump against Heidi Cruz, a former Goldman Sachs executive.
    "It's not easy to tick me off. I don't get angry often," Cruz told reporters after touring a manufacturing plant in Dane, Wis. "But you mess with my wife, you mess with my kids, that'll do it every time. Donald, you are a sniveling coward, and leave Heidi the hell alone."
    "Our spouses and our children are off-bounds," the Texas senator continued, saying he wasn't looking forward to explaining the attacks against their mother to his two young daughters. "It is not acceptable for a big, loud New York bully to attack my wife."
    Reporters peppered Cruz with questions about whether he would still back Trump if he's the nominee, but Cruz dismissed such a scenario.
    "I'm going to beat him," he maintained. "Donald Trump will not be the nominee."
    Cruz argued that Trump's defense mechanism against any type of criticism had become late-night Twitter tirades and suggested that Trump especially bristles at any criticism from women.
    "Donald does seem to have an issue with women," Cruz said. "Donald doesn't like strong women."
    Trump's language toward and treatment of women has become a particular flashpoint during the campaign, and it's one that another anti-Trump group, Our Principles PAC, has already made into a campaign ad. Given the necessity of winning over female voters and the prospect of running against Hillary Clinton in the general election, the latest comments from Trump are sure to only concern GOP strategists even more.
    Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, another woman Trump has repeatedly sparred with and attacked, had a one-word response to his latest hit on Heidi Cruz — "seriously?"

    Monday, March 28, 2016

    Not In North Carolina You Won't!

    'My fellow sticky Tar Heel Carolinians, as your popularly elected Governer, and not a little mouthpeace for my voters, while sitting in my closet the other day, I have decided, after hardly Any consideration of the inevitable catastrophic consequences, to pass a law that every one of my voters will endorse, a snappy law that will block Any protection that gay or transgender people ever hoped they would get by being dumb enough to call North Carolina their 'home'. If you thought that the 'Ag Gag' law that we recently passed was cool, you ain't seen Nothing yet! I aim to protect all our law abiding 'Straight' voters no matter What kind of 'law' I have to conjure up in order to do so. Now let me be perfectly clear about this little homophobic law that I have regurgitated up from the very bowels of my intestines. But First I must assure Everyone that I love 'All' people, red, yellow, probably 'some' black, and especially 'straight' White, they are precious in my sight, well, except for those brain damaged people who I call 'fender benders' that love people of their own genders, or who don't like who they Are and decide to Change their genders, you know, those sick people who have a choice but choose the 'Wrong' choice. Yeah, I don't like Them at all. We just don't like them at all, do we now? They just have no place in our foreward thinking backwoodsy state of confusion we call North Carolina. Hey, do we have great Bar B Que or What!? So, to be clear, I know that I have One Hundred Percent of all the 'intellegent' people, or at least the voters who got me here, behind me on this crafty new law that leaves these gay people without any protection in our learned state. You see, our state is a fully Christian, bible thumping, God fearing, vote for Me, do right state, and I know that I will have your support when I start catching just a little bit of bad press from this. But I know that if we stick together like all good Christians should do, we will weather the storm, and the sun will shine on our Christian state tomorrow, and all will be happy, happy, just like it should be. Think for a little second here folks, do you want a gay person standing next to you in a restroom? Or especially some sicko transgender bender checking you out while you are trying to pee, or take a shower down at the 'Y'? No one will be safe if we let That happen here! No one! Why, just the other day I had to 'go' really bad, and just happened to be passing by a public restroom down at the city park. I went right in there minding my own business like I always do, and wouldn't you Know, the place was just chock full of buffed guys leering at me while I did my business. I felt like I was gonna be attacked and manhandled right then and there! I started sweating like crazy, and my heart was racing like a little fire engine. I recognized that I was in that 'stay or flight' mode! Lucky for me, one of my bodyguards came in unannounced, and saved me from myself. My little heart Still races whenever I think about it. So, Just like You, my fellow Christians, I think these sicko folks should just go ahead and move out of our state of Zero Tolerance, and take their confused selves to a state that will burn in hades and them along with it.
    Now there are 'some' folks, no doubt these same sick people, who claim that with my little law, that they will now be legally discriminated against by those of us with religious conviction. To That I say, if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen! Actually, get Out of our State! But really folks, good Christians won't do stuff like that in the first place. But even If they Do, it's their Right to decline to serve sick people. It's Not 'discrimination', it's just doing what's now 'legal' to Do. I'm confident that the Rest of the United States will stand behind us on this and we will have no problems at all. Everyone will fully understand our stand on this issue. Even the ACLU will vote on our side.
    Just look at my picture, see how I'm giving the International, Galactic, 'straight' greeting sign with my hand, NaNu Nanu. I come in 'straight' peace. Oh, and remember to vote for me come election time. I'm a pretty fart Feller that is.


    North Carolina Passes Law Blocking Measures To Protect LGBT People

    On Wednesday, North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory signed into law a bill blocking anti-discrimination rules that would protect gay and transgender people. Above, McCrory speaks during the Wake County Republican convention at the state fairgrounds in Raleigh on March 8.i
    On Wednesday, North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory signed into law a bill blocking anti-discrimination rules that would protect gay and transgender people. Above, McCrory speaks during the Wake County Republican convention at the state fairgrounds in Raleigh on March 8. Al Drago/CQ Roll Call hide caption
    toggle caption Al Drago/CQ Roll Call
    On Wednesday, North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory signed into law a bill blocking anti-discrimination rules that would protect gay and transgender people. Above, McCrory speaks during the Wake County Republican convention at the state fairgrounds in Raleigh on March 8.
    On Wednesday, North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory signed into law a bill blocking anti-discrimination rules that would protect gay and transgender people. Above, McCrory speaks during the Wake County Republican convention at the state fairgrounds in Raleigh on March 8.
    Al Drago/CQ Roll Call
    The North Carolina state Legislature has passed a law blocking local governments from passing anti-discrimination rules to grant protections to gay and transgender people.
    The law comes a month after the city of Charlotte passed a measure protecting gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people from being discriminated against by businesses.
    That measure was set to go into effect on April 1.
    The state's General Assembly wasn't due to meet until late April, but it scheduled a special session — for the first time in 35 years, member station WUNC reports — on Wednesday to respond to the Charlotte measure before it went into effect.
    Over the course of 12 hours, the state legislators introduced, debated and passed the bill, and Gov. Pat McCrory signed it into law.
    The new law establishes a statewide nondiscrimination ordinance that explicitly supersedes any local nondiscrimination measures. The statewide protections cover race, religion, color, national origin and biological sex — but not sexual orientation or gender identity.
    WFAE's Tom Bullock noted a possible implication of those categories: "Since religion is a protected class, and the definition of religion is broad enough, this could be a kind of backdoor religious freedom restoration act — allowing businesses the right to refuse to serve customers based on the owner's religious beliefs."

    One word dominated the debate over the bill and the Charlotte ordinance before it: "bathroom."
    Charlotte already protected residents from discrimination based on race, age, religion and gender. On Feb. 22, the city council voted to expand those protections to apply to sexual orientation and gender identity, too.
    The most controversial element of Charlotte's expanded ordinance was the fact that it would allow trans people to use the bathrooms that correspond with their gender identity.
    Opponents argued this would make bathrooms unsafe for women and children. WFAE's Sarah Delia, reporting on NPR in February, spoke to Pam Burton of Charlotte.

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    "I'm not scared of transgenders. That's not what I think the problem is. Sexual predators are not good people," Burton said. "They don't do the right thing. They're going to see this ordinance as a golden opportunity for fresh victims — our children. My 16-year-old daughter swims at The Y year-round. I'm not going to be able to confidently continue to allow her to use that locker room if this passes."
    Charlotte resident Lara Nazario, a trans woman, said critics of the measure have it backward. The idea that it would be dangerous to defend trans people's rights to use the bathroom of their gender identity "is opposite to the reality that I live in," Nazario said.
    It's forcing trans people to use the bathroom of the opposite gender that is dangerous, she said:
    "If I were to walk into a men's bathroom, I would either be told that I'm in the wrong bathroom or I'd be outed as a transgender woman. This can often lead to violence or harassment, especially when there's no protection in place for people like me."
    The Charlotte nondiscrimination ordinance extends protections to LGBT customers at bars, restaurants and stores, and in taxis. The heated debate over trans access to restrooms led to it being labeled by some as the "bathroom ordinance."
    And North Carolina's response, in turn, is being called the "bathroom bill."
    The law opens by requiring all government-controlled facilities — including schools and universities — to assign all multiple-occupancy bathrooms and locker rooms to a single sex and prevent anyone who doesn't match that biological sex from using the facility.
    It later declares nondiscrimination "an issue of general, statewide concern," and says local jurisdictions can't craft their own nondiscrimination measures.
    That nullifies Charlotte's ordinance — as well as existing LGBT nondiscrimination ordinances in a half-dozen other jurisdictions in North Carolina, WFAE reports. It also blocks any other city or local government from extending such protections to LGBT residents in the future.
    Biogen, which employs more than 1,000 people in North Carolina's Research Triangle, and the Dow Chemical Co. have both tweeted their objections, as employers, to the new law.
    The law bars local governments from passing other ordinances, as well.
    Again, WFAE's Tom Bullock, from the station's extensive coverage during the bill's debate and passage yesterday:
    "The bill would bar cities or counties from imposing their own minimum wage. So any move to establish a local minimum wage higher than the $7.25 an hour federal minimum wage would be a nonstarter. This has been done by other cities such as Seattle, which is phasing in a $15 an hour minimum wage.
    "Cities and counties often have employment rules for companies seeking contracts. This bill also bars counties or municipalities from requiring these companies to pay a higher minimum wage in order to qualify for contracts. ... This provision also bars requirements like companies provide paid sick leave."
    The bill passed the Republican-controlled General Assembly 82-26 in the House, and 32-0 in the Senate.
    Gov. McCrory, after signing the bill late Wednesday, described the bill's passage as "bipartisan." But The Associated Press notes:
    "Although 12 House Democrats joined all Republicans present in voting for the bill in the afternoon, later all Senate Democrats in attendance walked off their chamber floor during the debate in protest. Remaining Senate Republicans gave the legislation unanimous approval.
    " 'We choose not to participate in this farce,' Senate Minority Leader Dan Blue of Raleigh said after he left the chamber."
    McCrory also said he was acting to protect citizens' privacy, and criticized the Charlotte ordinance as "government overreach and intrusion."

    Saturday, March 26, 2016

    Snail Trail

    'Well, thar I wus, just amindin' my own beeswax playin' in the dirt with my toes in my anties back yard whar she's alayin' down dirt, when all of a sudden like, my big toe digs up this har snail shell. Now thar wont nuthin' in it you see, cause tha owner done moved out of thar a long time ago, about six thousand yars ago I figure. Now down har in Texass that ain't a long time at all by the way we'uns figure it. And then I got to thankin' an said to myself, Wayne boy, I thank ya done gone an found an old timey snail, one o' them thangs what's called a fossil. I yelled to my aint, hey antie, look whut I done gone an found out har in yar dirt, it's a Snail! She yelled back, 'Wayne' ya got way too much time on yer hands boy! Bring that thang in here an lets cook it up! That's why I luv har, she's one funny woman. Well, I got ta studyin' up on this snail thang 'cause I figured I done found somethin' important with my toe. This ain't the first time my toes gone an found stuff in the dirt. No siree! But This time my gut wasa tellin me This was gonna be a Real gooden. So I trapsed right down to our local library an got ta lookin' at snails in a school science book used in schools all over America and printed right har in our learned state of Texass. Anythang in that book has to be the scientific proof or it don't get put in thar! And what to my little surprise did I find in thar? Lo and behold I done gone an found a real live snail fossil! Then I saw mention of tha Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum right har in Texass whats owned by creationist Joe Taylor who knows more 'bout fossils than any man on earth. My suspicions were acoming true! I sent my snail to Joe so's he could figure out how in the world did it get har in my aints dirt pile. Well, he told me that my little ol snail was put thar by Noahs flood! Can ya believe that!? Noahs Flood way out har already! Ya coulda knocked me off a pile of buffalo poop witha feather! I Knew it! Holy cows! He said that thars no doubt that my snail is justa few thousand yars old an was on Noahs boat. Thar woulda been Two snails on his boat 'cause he had two of every animal on that thang. Yeah, I Know, how'd he get all them critters on such a little boat in tha first place. Ya see, animals back Then ware a whole lot littler than thay are nowadays. Back Then thay had ta work hard ta stay alive an that kept'em Littler. These animals nowaday are lazy an don't do hardly no work at all, thay just lay around doin nuthin an get big an fat. If'in it rained for forty days an nites Now, thay'd all drown dead! Ain't no Ark could save'em now! Joe said that all them fossils ain't no older than a few thousand yars old 'cause Earth ain't no older'n that, it say's so right in the Bible, and that science school book, an That's tha gospil an everybody har in Texass knows that's tha truth! Joe wouldn't say so if it wont true, an ya sure can't put thangs in school books that ain't true, an I believe every doggone word of it. Now, I'm gonna get busy with a rented steam shovel an I'm gonna dig up my anties yard an find Noahs boat! I Know hits down thar somewhar, an I'm gonna find that thang. I bet Noahs still on that thang! Boy is He gonna be surprised that somebody done found him after all this time! I'ma gonna be tha most famous person in Texass, well, next to that guy runnin' fer President anyhow, an ya know hat, he believes what me an Joe believes. Well, I gotta git ta diggin', I got a real good fellin' 'bout this. Imagine little ol Me, gittin famous an all, just because of my toe! ;) ;)


    Texas Man Believes He Found Fossils From Noah's Ark

    Wayne Propst was helping his aunt, who was laying dirt near her home in the town of Tyler, Texas. It was there that he found snail fossils. Propst told local news station KYTX, “From Noah’s flood to my front yard, how much better can it get?”
    Propst then sent photos to sent photos to Joe Taylor, director and curator of the Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum in Crosbyton, Texas, for analysis. Taylor holds the positions that evolution is not real, that a worldwide flood occurred a few thousand years ago, and that Noah brought dinosaurs on his ark.
    Taylor told KYTX that Propst's fossils are from the time of the flood. On the other hand, James Sagebiel, the collections manager at the Texas Vertebrate Paleontology Collections, told the Tyler Morning Telegraph “The rocks there are about 35-40 million years old, and these little turret snails are commonly found in marine rocks of that age. It’s not unusual.”
    Tyler explains that millions of years ago, Tyler, Texas would have been coastline. Some researchers believe that a large-scale flood event in the Middle East was the inspiration for the Noah's ark story.

    Photo: WFAA

    Sunday, March 20, 2016

    'JASMINE ON MY MIND' a poem by BuddyBlack 2016

    'Jasmine On My Mind'
      by BuddyBlack 2016

    As I propel

       My sleepy bike

    Through the faint

       Morning light,

    My nose is gently assaulted

       By the candle fragrant


       Of that sweet elusive Jasmine,

    That blooms in the

       Gardens of night.

    Monday, March 14, 2016

    A Wasted Vote Equels A Missed Oppurtunity

    'A Wasted Vote Equels A Missed Oppurtunity'

    Hello, I'm His Grand Highness 'Donald Trump', and I approve of this message.

    I would like to take this time to dispel some nasty myths that have been generated by my enemies, of which I seem to have only a 'few', thank goodness.

    The other day someone asked me if I condone, or Incite Violence at my events. Me!?? Condone Violence?? Incite it!? Are you kidding me!? Where in the world did That come from? Where? WTH is going on out there? First off, I didn't even know that there had Been any violence at Any of my events. No clue! Thousands of people! Supporters! Didn't even Know! I couldn't believe that guy asked me such a filthy question! I wanted to reach right out a smack him right in his liable mouth! Smack him! In his Mouth! I'm gonna sue his skivies off! He was lucky to come away with his teeth! I think he was a 'plant' that Sanders sent out to foment trouble. Let me set the record clear on this. I do Not condone Violence where it's not needed. Now if somebody is stupid enough to come to one of My campaign events and does something that pisses my supporters off, then he's gonna get what he deserves. I have 'Nothing' to do with that sort of thing. When people get mad they're gonna do what Mad people do. My supporters are Mad enough as it is! Like rabid dogs on short leash! They're gonna do it! And if they whack some fool up side their crazy heads, then that's the way it goes. I'm not responsible for what they do. I don't 'tell' my supporters to hit these people. They don't Need to be 'told' what to do. They can read my Mind, I don't need to say a Word. Hey, I'd smack someone out there Myself if I had to. People get what they deserve! And I deserve to be President of our country. So, no, I'm against violence of any sort...well..I'm pretty sure I'm against it..unless it's actually called for. But you Know, these people, just like these filthy reporters, are just looking for trouble, and if they come to my events they're gonna find it right up side their nasty heads!

    Now another thing; I've heard that 'someone' has said something about my Orange Tan, and my 'racoon eyes' and my White Ears. Well, let me assure you that just like my beautiful boffant, it's Real, this is Not a 'tan', it's the real colour of my skin, and I can't help it if my ears are a different color than my face. You want to see my Butt? It's White Too! So what! Big deal! As for my 'racoon' looking eyes, I hadn't even noticed it. Really? Racoon eyes? Stupid question! I'll have my beautician check it out though.

    And Another thing; Some people have compared me to Georgia's former Governor, George Wallace, and some guy named Adolph Hitler. I have no clue Who those people even Are. No Clue! Are They running for the Oval Office on the Democratic ticket? They don't have a chance! And, If you're gonna compare me to 'someone', at Least find someone that people Know for crying out loud! Personally, I think I'm more like that guy from Pakistan, Mahatma Gandhi, you know, the bald headed guy that wore those white robes and preached non-violence. Swell guy! Personal friend. Had lunch with him just last week. That's Me, except I have a full head of natural hair. I'm a natural man! That's why Women love me! They All are crazy about me. Crazy! Love me! Voters!

    And Another thing; I hear that the President or whatEver he is, of Mexico said he's not gonna pay for the border wall I'm gonna build. Just who does he Think he Is? Oh, he's gonna pay for it alright! I'll send him the bill! And none of that 'peso' thing either! US Greenbacks only! Stupid man!
    And Another thing; Some stupid people say that I don't have the patience nor temperment to deal with other world leaders. Well, first off, I will BE the 'World Leader', they will just be 'World Followers', and I'll make That clear right away. I know how to make enemies and influence friends. The way you do that is smack them a good one right away to get their attention. They will immediatly respect me and do what I say becase they don't want a bigger smack later. 'Patience' is a virtue, one which they had better Learn real quick! Smack'em good!

     Now, as you can see, I'm the best candidate for Commander In Chief. Everyone in America will vote for me because I Think what They think, and I'll Do what they Wish they could do. I'm angry, and Americans are angry, and I'm goinna do Happy things for angry people. Remember, a Vote for Me is a Vote no one Else can Have. Just do it...unless you want a good smacking!
    I'm 'Donald Trump' and I endorse myself, and approve of this message.  :/

    Sunday, March 13, 2016

    Guns!? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Guns!

    (see Offical 'Associated Press' News Story following the Following 'news' 'BBSN' 'News' break)

    Another mindbending, Brains to mush, breaking 'news' story brought to you by your favorite 'News' Station 'BBSN''.

    But First, This;

    As we all 'know', our eager beaver, eyes like a hawk, ears like an elephant, mind like a steel, some might say like a Rusty trap, world reknowned 'Reporter' BuddyBlack is on a 'learning' sabbatical while stretching his mind, attending a Third Grade level Spelling Seminar in hopes of learning some 'new' words that he can use, we're guessing over, and Over again, in his postings. Sure, we miss him as much as You do, but life, And 'news' goes on With or Without him, and we shall bring you that 'news' no matter what.
    As you may have heard, but probably Not, there's a discomforting report coming out of Washington about an apparent lack of Rifles, of all things, that are, or in This case, Are Not, available to our Military service, in This case our 'NAVY SEALS' (not to be confused with those cute little guys at Sea World) members. Well, we have been Hot to trot on This sordid saga of Lack of Arms, and, not to be outdone by Apple, we were able to break that pesky secret 'backdoor phone code' that the FBI and Apple have been playing footsies over, and recorded part of an eye, or Ear, opening conversation between our Secretary of War (SW), and our esteemed President and Commander In Chief of the Moment (CC) as they melded together their collective governmental minds and got to the bottom of this hot swirling toxic topic.
    So, Put the children to bed, let the dog out, and pour a glass of Vino, and lets easedrop on their phone chat, and see what transpared between these two brainiacks. 

    SW:  Yes Sir Mr President, you heard it correctly. Yes Sir, our NAVY SEALS say they Don't have enough Rifles to fight a war with. Now I just don't understand how they can Say that with a straight face Sir! I distinctly remember that we placed a really big order for Rifles from our BFF trading partner China just last year, And a whole Bunch of Bullets from Pakistan. I think we just have a lot of whiners here!
    CC:  Are we talking about Our Navy Seals here? Those snappy guys that go Boo in the night? My God man, every man, woman, and child in the US has their Own Arsenal stashed in their 'bug out' shelters, and more bullets than the Pope has robes, and you tell me that our troops don't have Enough Rifles to fight a proper War with? Don't these guys have their Own private stash? So, if They don't have Rifles, then what are our troops Using for Rifles over in Iran, and those other hot spots?
    SW:  Well Sir, they tell me that when at First the troops get there, they would just point their finger at the bad guys and yell, Bang, Bang, you're Dead! And then steal Their guns. Well,That worked for a while until the bad guys discovered that they weren't Really dead. Then, we borrowed some WWII guns from Korea but we pretty quick ran out of bullets for Those things, and so, per your instructions Sir, we gave Those guns to our BFF's the Iraqi Army, what a swell bunch of guys, who cleverly reconditioned them, and are now busy shooting our own troops with them.
    CC:  Yeah, heard about that, Bummer, but you know, at First they 'seemed' So trusyworthy and friendly. Do we haver anymore silk stockings and candy bars that we could prime them with? Maybe we just wore out our 'welcome' there.
    SW:  Yeah, I'll look into That one Sir. Now, Russia, our Other BFF, we sure have a lot of great 'Friends' Sir, said they would 'loan' us some really good Rifles that they stole while They were getting their butts kicked that time They were playing war in Afganistan, complete with real bullets if we would give them the Blueprints for our newest Drone technology, which sounds like a pretty fair trade, considering, I mean With Bullets! That's Another problem Sir, we have practically ran out of Bullets! I have suggested, and I'm sure with Your approval, that our troops conserve ammo by firing Three Bullets, and then Yelling BANG-BANG ten times. Hey, we're not fighting 'scientists' here you know. Did you know that we have practically shut down or ran out of the country most of our Firearms and bullet makers? You gotta be careful what you ask for these days Sir, you just might get it, or Not, as the current case may be. But we Do need those Rifles though Sir. But you know Mr.President, this Rifle thing is just a drop in the proverbial bottomless money bucket pit, wait 'til I tell you some More hot scoop!
    CC:  When you say 'hot scoop' it brings to mind what my Dog leaves on the White House lawn.
    SW:  It's Hotter and Worse than That, Sir! You know this big Super Navy we have? You know, the biggest, most Modern one in the whole wide World? You Know, the one where recently we didn't have enough Aircraft Carriers to put in the Persion Gulf? Well, as you might know, not Every person in our Navy is stationed on a Ship, even when we have enough ships to float in the First place. But Now, they are All demanding that they each have their Own Ship! WTH is That all about!? Not enough ships to fight a War with! What??? And Now, there's rumors that all of our Air Force members want their Own Airplanes for crying out loud!! If it ain't Rifles, it's ships, if it ain't ships, it's airplanes! Is This what our 'new' military is coming to!? I tell you, I just don't know which way is Up Sir!
    CC:  Hold on fella, hold on! The sky is not falling! Heavy 'rain' maybe, but all in all not 'falling'. As with any other 'alleged' problems, and I'm not ready to concede that this Is a problem, I'll do what any good Commander In Chief would do and turn this over to my trusted and able members of the House Armed Services Committee who I'm sure are aware of this 'problem' and who will 'quickly' remedy this just as they 'almost' always do. But then, it does make one 'wonder', if they 'knew' about it beforehand, why is it Still a 'problem'. Hmmm...oh well, that's their court of play, so to speak, and I'm 'sure' they will take care of it, or at least the Whiners, and it will go away like it never happened. The Public has a Short memory span, here today, gone tomorrow. Just like Me, here today, outta here in a Year.
    SW:  Right, as Usual, I'm on it boss!   :/ :/

    Published March 07, 2016·
    Associated Press
    WASHINGTON – The tip of the spear may be losing its edge.
    Navy SEAL teams don't have enough combat rifles to go around, even as these highly trained forces are relied on more than ever to carry out counterterrorism operations and other secretive missions, according to SEALs who have confided in Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif.
    After SEALs return from a deployment, their rifles are given to other commandos who are shipping out, said Hunter, a former Marine who served three combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. This weapons carousel undercuts the "train like you fight" ethos of the U.S. special operations forces, they said.
    Hunter said he's been contacted by several SEALs, but he declined to provide further information about the weapons they use in order to protect their identities.
    U.S. military officials said they were looking into the issue.
    Sharing rifles may seem inconsequential. It's not. The weapons, which are outfitted with telescopic targeting sights and laser pointers, are fine-tuned to individual specifications and become intensely personal pieces of gear.
    "They want their rifles," Hunter said. "It's their lifeline. So let them keep their guns until they're assigned desk jobs at the Pentagon."
    The problem isn't a lack of money, according to Hunter. Congress has frequently boosted the budgets of special operations forces in the years since the 9/11 attacks, he said. Rifles also are among the least expensive items the military buys, leading Hunter to question the priorities of Naval Special Warfare Command, the Coronado, California, organization that oversees the SEALs.
    "There is so much wasteful spending," he said. "Money is not reaching the people it needs to reach."
    Combat rifles can cost up to several thousand dollars depending upon the type of weapon and quality of the sights and other attachments. But the M-4 carbine, the standard combat rifle used by the military branches, cost less than $1,000 each when bought in bulk, according to Defense Department budget documents.
    Hunter wrote last month to the Naval Special Warfare Command's leader, Rear Adm. Brian Losey, about the alleged weapon shortage and also asked him for a full accounting of how the command's budget was spent last year. Losey has told Hunter to expect a reply by Wednesday.
    Army Gen. Joseph Votel, the top officer at U.S. Special Operations Command in Tampa, Florida, and Losey's superior, told Hunter last week that he is aware of the congressman's concerns. "We're certainly running that down," Votel said during testimony before the House Armed Services Committee.
    Votel added that heavily used rifles need to undergo maintenance and that may be contributing to the perception of a shortage. But "we'll certainly take immediate action," Votel said, if it's determined the combat readiness of the SEALs is being degraded.
    One of the SEALs who contacted Hunter blamed a slow, penny-pinching bureaucracy that rarely seeks input from the service members who use the gear, according to a brief excerpt of his comments that the congressman's office provided to The Associated Press.
    Delays of as long as three to four years paralyze the acquisition system, the SEAL said. Once an item has finally been approved for purchase, new and better gear may be available, triggering the same lengthy screening process to see if it's worth getting instead.
    Ammunition also is in short supply for training, the SEAL said, because the bulk of it is being used for combat missions.
    Hunter also questioned whether the expense of expanding the size of the special operations forces could have left too little in the budget for weapons.
    To meet heavy demand, the number of active-duty troops assigned to Special Operations Command, which includes SEALs, Army Green Berets and Rangers, and Air Force combat controllers, has grown dramatically during the past decade — from more than 33,600 to 56,000. There are 2,710 SEALs.
    The budget for Special Operations Command is $10.4 billion and the Obama administration is proposing a $400 million increase over the current total for the coming fiscal year, which begins Oct. 1.
    In his Feb. 17 letter to Losey, Hunter also said he's received reports that the command is slow to settle official travel claims due in part to money shortages. This can cause personal and professional problems for SEALs, who hold high-level security clearances, he said.
    Service members who hold U.S. government travel charge cards are ultimately responsible for any late fees, interest and accrued balance on the card. So if the government fails to quickly process a voucher, the service member might have to pay out of pocket or face an overdue bill. A lapse in payment could be forwarded to a credit agency, Hunter said, and that could result in a SEAL being declared ineligible to hold a clearance.

    Thursday, March 10, 2016

    Just A 'Short' Heart Rendering Note

    Just A 'Short' Heart Rendering Note

    It is with great sadness, sorrow, heartbreak, melancholy, and not little grief, that I must post this posting to inform my faithful 'readers' and 'fans', that my Posting of March 8, (the Chemical Contrails) will be the very last one that I shall ever post again until my next one.
      You see, it's like This; I was informed by...well, I wasn't gonna snitch but I guess I might as well do it, a Sibling, and I will use Only her initials, 'T E R R I', who mentioned that while voraciously reading my silly postings she noticed that I have taken to using some of the same words repeatedly, many times over, and over, and over again, to the point of redundancy. In my excitement to 'write' I had not noticed this horrible habit I had fallen into. But of course, she is absolutly correct, spot on, right on the money as usual! And, it seems that, again without my noticing, I had used up all the words, big and small, large and finite, grand and miniscule, that I know how to spell. Were it not for Mr. Webster and his wonderful Dictionary of words, and that niffty 'spell check' thingie, I could be mistaken for a 3rd year kindergarten spelling champ! Without these modern miracles of word mastery my 'sentences' would be composed totally of commas (,), periods (.), exclaimation points (!), and all those Other things that make words make sense. And so, here we are at the zenith of my writing , not to mention 'Spelling' abilities.
      While on my self induced writing sabatical I will enroll in an Advanced grade school 'spelling' seminar. 'They' have promised that upon my completion, with a Passing Score, of this grueling course of study that I will be able to spell at Least three new words, and actually know the definition of at least Two of them. How could I go Wrong with That, I ask you! And, it will take me only five years to repay the Loan that will make it possible. Actually, it's all pretty dismal when it comes right down to the nitty-gritty of it all because my Border Collie Knows, as In 'Knows', at least 200 words, and according to Him, is able to Spell 225 of them! I tried to convince Him to teach me some handy new words but he says that it is a Proprietary BC thing, and that if he gives it up it could upset the whole balance of nature. What Ever!
    Now that I have written this 'brief' post I can see that I have proven my 'point' just by virtue of writing it. I see that once Again, I have used a lot of words over, and over again, to the point where I have totally Plagiarized mySelf, and, to the point of where I may be forced to sue myself for copyright infringement, And, that instead of writing this 'brief' post, I could have actually gotten my point across in about ten words or less.  Oh, and my Sibling Also mentioned that people just do not Read Anything Longer than stuff that's been 'E-Abbreviated', which I simply do Not know how to Do. That might be my Next class, If, I make a passing grade in the 'spelling seminar'.  By the way, If you have actually Read This far, you probably are in need of a hobby of some sort as you have way too much time on your hands, but I must say that you have extrodianary good taste in your choice of 'reading' material, and for That, I thank you copiously, not to mention , one heck of a lot!
    So, that's about the mostly Long, and seldom short of it all.   Be not sad, just hang in there, because sooner, (more likely), or later, I'll learn some more newer, and better words so that I can post even More senseless ramblings of pure useless trivia.
     Until then, I bid you a 'brief' farewell.  BuddyBlack  ;) ;) 

    Wednesday, March 9, 2016

    Don't Look Now, But....

    Awww Man! I knew it, I just Knew it! Those rascals have been spewing 'poison' down on us for...well, a long time at Least! Shoot, I Used to 'believe' that when an airplane cruises at around 26,000 feet altitude, where the air is about -35 to -40 degrees F. the resulting hot gases emitted by the engines, Propeller or Jet propusion, condensate upon hitting the cold air thus forming 'Contrails' behind the craft. I stupidly based my 'belief' on simple common knowledge of 'scientific' evidence. I mean hey, if you look at photo's of the first passenger liners which were prop driven, way back When, you would see those 'Condensation contrails' as the plave cruised along. During WW2 the skies over Europe were criss-crossed by contrails left behind by our B-17's, B-29's and fighter planes when above 20,000 feet altitude. And here all this time I thought, no, not 'thought', I Knew, that these were just innocent, simple, non-threatening, 'condensation' streams caused by super hot engine exhaust hitting super cold air! But Now, Now, the real 'truth' come out! We were being poisoned even back Then. That 'war' was just an excuse so that 'they' could drop chemicals on us to control our brains. Boy, just how stupid could I have Been! Duh! Now I know how a 'voter' for Donald Trump feels! How could this super secret scheme, perpetrated by our very Own Government, have gone on for So long without our being aware of it. Totally ignorant of the Whole thing! How, I ask, How? Just goes to prove that those 'mind chems' were doing their job! And the Magnitude of it all!! Holy Cows! Now it seems that our Government had specially built and outfitted airplanes which they used to bombard us with mind altering chemicals since..well, forever! This explains the 60' and 70's! We wern't really 'stoned' all the time, it was all those chemicals sloshing down on us from the sky! We weren't 'Flower Children' at All, we were 'Chemical Children'! Doggone it all! How did we Miss that one? And how in the World did all those, and it had to be Thousands, and Thousands, people who were involved in this scheme keep it such a top secret, Secret all this time? I mean, look, our Government is Not known for it's ability to Keep a 'Secret' any longer than it takes a Congressman to slip under the sheets with a DC hooker! But at long last, the 'truth' comes out.
    Thank you Greg Prescott for breaking the 'silence' on This one! And, Thank Goodness for the brave soul that sent you a message on FB, a social forum, that as we All 'know', is the Very Place to go to when one needs to 'know' the 'truth' about Anything there is to know! And thank even More goodness for the actual bonified photo's of an actual 'ChemPlane', as I call'em, showing those cannisters of evil mind altering chemicals ready to be dropped onto our unsuspecting silly heads. And just Look at that smug Government pilot standing there with that devil may care look on his face. How could he sleep at night knowing that he has altered millions of brains! Disgusting! I will Never look at a 'contrail' the same way, ever, never, again, ever, starting right Now, the Morning anyhow, when I can actually See the sky. Science, as we can Now plainly see, has failed us once again! Now we have to wonder, is it Really That Cold up there where airplanes fly? Are airplane engines really that Hot? Does a hot exhaust Really condensate when it hits cold air? Is planet Earth really Round? Is 'realativity' Really 'relative'? Why Don't we 'know' what we don't 'know'? Is there Any 'truth' to 'truth', or is it all just one big fat fib? Everything we thought we 'knew' has been turned on its head with This revelation! Our school science teacher was a fraud working for the government! He was in cahoots with the Feds who were making zombies out of us! Ratfink! They've even made a bunch of Zombie Documentaries about people affected by all this. But Now, now my head, as I'm sure others are as well, is as clear as a blue sky just before a flight of 'Chemplanes'. And now, I must put on a vinyl 'Mama And The Pappas', set up my plastic lawn chair under an un-obstructed sky, and breath in my full quota of Government issued mind altering 'chemicals'. Thanks, Greg, the world looks like a different place, you..'learned' guy you. ;) ;)



    EXPOSED! Photos from INSIDE Chemtrail Planes Like You’ve NEVER Seen Before!

    Gregg Prescott, an author and editor at got an intriguing private message from someone on Facebook.
    This is the message:
    “Hi Gregg, I follow your in5d website everyday and I’m thankful there are like minded people like yourself who are aware of global things that I have know since I was a little girl. I came across some photos from a trusted source of the inside of planes that are used for chemtrails and I figured if I passed them on to you, you can help spread more awareness with it on your website. Let me know if this is ok with you. Thanks.”
    Gregg saw the images and he immediately wanted to know who the source was and if they wanted to elaborate on these photos. He was told:“Unfortunately my source does not want to be known and would rather remain anonymous…I’m sure they have some pretty good reasons and I must respect their wishes. As long as the information gets out there I think that’s the most important thing I’ll send you more photos later on in the day when I have a chance thank you.”

    These are the SHOCKING photos Gregg received:

    EXPOSED Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes 2
    EXPOSED Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes 3
    EXPOSED Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes 4
    EXPOSED Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes 5
    EXPOSED Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes 6
    EXPOSED Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes 7
    EXPOSED Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes 8
    EXPOSED Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes 9
    EXPOSED Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes 10
    EXPOSED Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes 11
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    EXPOSED Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes 21
    EXPOSED Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes 22
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    EXPOSED Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes 24
    EXPOSED Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes 25
    EXPOSED Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes 26
    EXPOSED Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes 27
    EXPOSED Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes 28
    EXPOSED Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes 29
    EXPOSED Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes 30
    EXPOSED Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes 31
    EXPOSED Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes 32
    EXPOSED Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes 33
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