Monday, August 24, 2015

Trump Trumpeting

1 comment:

  1. 'Wellll....Of course I like Women! Hey, by the way, my Mother was a Woman! And I sure liked Her! And my Grandmother, she was a Woman too! I've got Lots of Women in my family, and I even have some women who are my friends...well, at least they still talk to me. Some of my servants and housekeepers are Women, of course they don't talk to me all that much 'cause they don't speak very good English. You never know what you're gonna get when you place an order for help down at the Mexican Embassy. Oppps! Did I say that? Anyway, I do so like women, especially those that know their place in life. And I can tell you right now that a Reporter ain't one of'em! But you know, I just might hire a woman to be my ASSistant President when I'm elected to be President of America. She better be able to make some darn good coffee though, or She's Fired! And don't tell Me that women wont vote for me either. I've got more $$$$ than Jesus! Women like my money! Don't worry, they'll vote for me! So you see, I Do like Women, so all you stupid reporters just knock it off, and leave me A L O N E....that is, After you print some good stuff about me liking women.'
