Thursday, August 27, 2015

Promises, Promises

What does Donald Trump believe? Where the candidate stands on 10 issues   

BY Lisa Desjardins and Nathalie Boyd June 16, 2015 at 12:08 PM EDT
U.S. Republican presidential candidate, real estate mogul and TV personality Donald Trump holds up his financial statement showing his net worth as he formally announces his campaign for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination during an event at Trump Tower in New York June 16, 2015. Photo by Brendan McDermid/Reuters
U.S. Republican presidential candidate, real estate mogul and TV personality Donald Trump holds up his financial statement showing his net worth as he formally announces his campaign for the 2016 Republican nomination at Trump Tower in New York Tuesday. Photo by Brendan McDermid/Reuters
He is a cultural phenomenon, television showman and billionaire whose business runs from real estate to clothing to international beauty pageants. Donald John Trump earned an economics degree from the University of Pennsylvania and currently has, by far, the largest Twitter following in the Republican field, eclipsing @POTUS as of the publishing time for this piece. He has been an Emmy nominee, best-selling author and was twice named statesman of the year in Sarasota, Florida. The New Yorker has thoughts on the decor at the U.N. and follows leadership changes at the Federal Reserve. Here is where Donald Trump stands on ten key issues.
Budget: Government must cut spending more.
Speaking on Fox News in 2013, Donald Trump said that automatic budget cuts, or sequester, does not go far enough and Congress must reduce spending further to address impending increases in the deficit.
Climate Change: It is a hoax.
Trump does not believe climate change is real, tweeting out his skepticism with strong language and calling it a hoax on Fox News in 2014. In a 2012 Twitter post which is no longer accessible, Trump charged that the concept of climate change was created by the Chinese to supress the U.S. economy. In addition, Trump has expressed firm opposition to wind turbines, which he sees as an environmental and aesthetic problem.
Entitlements: Do not cut Social Security or Medicare benefits. Grow the economy to save those programs.
The real estate tycoon told CPAC in 2013 that Republicans should not cut Social Security or Medicare because most Americans want to keep the benefits as they stand now. His solution is unclear, but he has indicated that general economic growth would play a role. Trump tweeted in May that he knows “where to get the money from” and “nobody else does.”
Gun Control: Limit restrictions on guns. Ban some assault weapons and extend the waiting period for purchase.
During a 2013 interview with Fox News, the real estate mogul defined himself as, “a very strong person on the Second Amendment.” He believes guns are necessary for self-defense and has written that he generally opposes gun control. In his 2000 book, “The America We Deserve” Trump wrote that he supports a ban on assault weapons and a slightly longer waiting period to buy a gun.
Immigration: No path to citizenship for undocumented workers. Allow more European immigration and a legal status to those graduating from U.S. colleges.
In his January speech to the Iowa Freedom Summit, Trump called for securing the southern border and indicated that he believes half of the undocumented residents in America are criminals. In 2013 at CPAC, the businessman said Republicans should block any path to citizenship or voting status for undocumented immigrants but should expand legal immigration from Europe. In addition, Trump would give a legal status to foreign students who complete a degree at an American university.
Obamacare: Repeal it. Replace it.
Speaking at the Iowa Freedom Summit in January, Trump said Obamacare is a catastrophe that must be repealed and replaced. In 2011, Trump suggested that the health insurance industry have more ability to cross state lines. In “The America We Deserve” Trump wrote that he supported universal healthcare and a system that would mirror Canada’s government-run healthcare service.
Social Issues: Abortion should be limited. Marriage is between a man and a woman and should be defined state by state.
Describing himself as “pro-life,” Trump told Bloomberg News in January that he believes abortion should be banned at some point in pregnancy, with exceptions for rape, incest or life of the mother. In 2011 he explained to the Christian Broadcasting Network that he had changed his mind on the issue. In “The America We Deserve,” Trump then wrote that he supported a woman’s right to choose. In the same Bloomberg interview in January, the businessman asserted that he personally believes marriage is between a man and a woman. While he sees it as a state issue, Trump indicated that the Supreme Court could issue a ruling to determine the law.
Taxes: End corporate taxes. Lower individual rates. Consider a one-time tax on the wealthy to pay down the debt.
In his 2011 book “Time to Get Tough,” Trump outlined a plan to end corporate taxes and significantly reduce individual taxes with a five-tier income tax system. In his proposal, the lowest earners would pay a 1 percent income tax and Americans earning more than $1 million would pay 15 percent. In his book, Trump proposed a one-time 14.25 percent tax on America’s wealthiest residents in order to pay down the national debt.
Iran and Israel: Walk away from nuclear talks. Increase sanctions.
Trump has said that the U.S. is mishandling current Iran negotiations and should have walked away from the table once Tehran reportedly rejected the idea of sending enriched uranium to Russia. The real estate developer told Fox News that he would increase sanctions on the Persian state. Trump has been sharply critical of the Obama administration’s handling of relations with Israel and has called for a closer alliance with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.
Islamic State and Iraq: Send a limited number of combat troops on the ground.
In early 2015, Trump told CPAC that he felt the U.S. may need “boots on the ground” to fight the Islamic State. Soon after, he clarified to Fox News that he would send limited numbers of troops if all of his military advisers recommended it.

1 comment:

  1. ' Ok folks, Thanks for coming to this private, Invitation Only, conference. Please pass all of your phones, mobile devices, laptops, and recording devices, and that includes your pencils, pens and notebooks, to the center aisle. If I catch you writing down Anything I say, you'll be deported!
    I'm gonna be candid and honest, not that I haven't been in the past of course, with you about some of my Platform issues. First off, how about that 'Mexican Wall' thingie! What a hOOt! Yeah, just as soon as Mexico sends us the $$$$ to build that 'Wall', we'll get started on it. They said that the 'check' is in the mail. I mean, afterall, I'm richer than Jesus, but I don't have That much money! Makes good press and gets me a lot of votes, but Reallllly...and the Moon is made of cheese. Oh, and along with That little speed bump, how'd you like the part about deporting Millions of Illegals, and those 'Anchor Babies'. Hmmm..yeah..don't know about That ever happening...looks like it would then triple the population of Mexico, and then there goes our south of the Border BFF's! Not to count, there goes all My own 'domestic' employees. Errrk! Oh, and how about that silly 'Climate Change' thing. Stupid Chinese anyhow! Really though, I have to blame it on Someone. I don't have a Clue as to what it's all about in the first place. All my houses have A/C and climate control! Maybe that's what we need for Earth. Ahhh..let's see..oh yeah, then there's that 'Entitlement' issue..well, I just know that I'm certainly 'Entitled', so I'm not part of That problem. And besides, I can fix it otherwise because like I said, I "..know where to get the money from...and nobody else does..". And I'm not telling..even if I actually Knew where to get it..most likely outta Your own pockets. And then there's the 'Immigration' paradox, hell, just send'em All back, then we'll let the 'good' ones come back later..except for the people who work for Me, they get to stay right here! about 'Obama' care? That's a no brainer! I'm gonna hire a bunch of my BFF's up in Canada to fix That little problem. Look how well if 'works' There! And then there's the 'Social Issues' issues. Beats Me! I'm wishie-washie as heck on That one. Geeez!, I'm Not a magician! Oh yeah, and then there's the 'Tax' issue. Wow! This one's gonna be a bear! A pissed off bear! Ok, lets move on here, enough about taxes.. and then there's 'Iran and Israel'..both are a pain in the arse! Bunch of crybabies already! WaaaWaaa! Of course we Could always annex Israel, or just make it another State of ours..yeah..that's a good one, I mean after all, how much 'closer' could we get? And there's those pesky 'Islamic State' peepes. What I want to know is, where in sam hell do they get all those black uniforms?? And we're having problems spotting them in a Desert??! Oh and when I say " on the ground..", what I think I mean here is just flying over and dropping a bunch of old 'boots' out the back of a cessna, and hope they drop on their stupid heads, that is if my military advisers advise it! Otherwise, I'm clueless here, if any of you out there have any suggestions, I'm pretty sure they will be as valid as any made to date. Well, that's about it, you may notice that a few of your stupid 'reporter' friends were ejected from our little get together, I could tell they were trying to memorize what I was saying. I might put some 'boots' on Them and then dro...well, you know what I mean. But I gotta go to Scotland now, very important 'meeting' at my Golf Course up there. Everyone please exit through the door marked 'Frontal Lobotomy', and don't forget to vote for me.'
