Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Heavily Armed Militant Group, 'Oath Keepers' Shows Up At Ferguson Event

More unease in Ferguson as troop of white patriot 'Oath Keepers' patrol its streets armed with assault rifles as police chief says their presence is 'inflammatory'

  • Men wearing military fatigues and carrying weapons arrive in Ferguson
  • 'Oath Keepers' say their aim is to protect the United States Constitution
  • The group says it has come to Ferguson to protect a media organization
  • Police chiefs have said their presence is 'unnecessary and inflammatory'

Armed patriots have been seen patrolling the streets of Ferguson with assault rifles in a move described by police chiefs as 'inflammatory'.
The four men identified themselves as 'Oath Keepers' as they arrived in the riot-torn Missouri city early on Tuesday morning.
But the presence of the group, which describes itself as an association of current and former U.S. soldiers and police who aim to protect the U.S. Constitution, was described as 'unnecessary' amid high tensions.
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Armed patriots have been seen patrolling the streets of Ferguson with assault rifles in a move described by police chiefs as 'inflammatory'
Armed patriots have been seen patrolling the streets of Ferguson with assault rifles in a move described by police chiefs as 'inflammatory'
The four men identified themselves as 'Oath Keepers' as they arrived in the riot-torn Missouri city early on Tuesday morning
The four men identified themselves as 'Oath Keepers' as they arrived in the riot-torn Missouri city early on Tuesday morning
The men were seen carrying rifles as they announced they were there to protect a media organization. But they sparked swift criticism from police and protesters alike.
The appearance of the four men, all white, quickly drew stares in the mostly black neighborhood, which exploded into violence again on Sunday night as protesters marked the police killing of an unarmed black teen a year ago.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3193440/Heavily-armed-Oath-Keepers-inject-new-unease-riot-hit-Ferguson.html#ixzz3jDu7zaWL
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1 comment:

  1. This is 'Pandoras Box' in the making and nothing is likely to come of it. "What's good for the goose, is good for the gander". Our 'civilized' society has no room for these self claimed vigilantes masquerading around in their mismatch of military regalia, with their bellies hanging out, and armed as if playing 'war'. The 'OathKeepers' are a self avowed and sorbid clutch of Anti-law Enforcement, Militant Anti-Government, Conspiracy Theorist, Paranoid, Quasi Paramilitary Militia White men, who never out grew their fascination of playing with big guns and pretending they are still in the 'Military'. They have not, in their present form, Ever done Any good for America, and it is unlikely that they ever will. They spread discontent, rumors and intrigue to incite a smouldering 'fire' to flames. No one in their most logic sense would condone rioting and mob rule, but Armed Anti-Government Militias 'patrolling' a City where the former has occured, is Not a logical answer to whatever issues have 'caused' the problems there. Their presence and actions there simply open the door to other 'out-siders', and residents themselves, to test the waters by now openly arming Themselves, as Anyone there has a legal right to do, but so far common sense not to. And to what end? An Armed camp of fools. Now is the time for the Governor of this State to step up and temporarally Suspend the 'Open Carry' law, order these militants out of town, and let the Law Enforcement entities deal with the lawbreakers and restore oder. Once 'Pandora's Box' is opened, it cannot be put back.
