Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Christian Bale tells George Clooney to 'shut up'

Christian Bale is telling George Clooney to 'just shut up' in a new interview with Wall Street Journal magazine.

1 comment:

  1. 'Ahhh...George, will you Pleeeeeaseeee Shut up your mouthy mouth?! Zip it loose lips! Knock it off already! Stop talking about Me..oh, and about everybody else! I Mean it George. You are Such a Whinner! That's all you do George, whine, whine, and more whine. Want some cheese with that whine? Why can't you be more like Me? Don't answer that George, I already told you to Shut Up! You see, I, myself don't whine at all, unlike your whinney self. Everytime you open your mouth, out comes a whine. When I open My mouth, out come my beautiful Aussi accent. So you stop it now. Besides, you're an old 'has been', and I'm the new 'Now'. And my babe is prettier than that, that... woman you latched onto. That makes Me a Winner, and You're still a Whinner. No, no, there's no debating it George, just shut up!'
