Friday, August 21, 2015

Great White Father- 'American' History

   Ok boys n girls, it's time for a good ol' fashion American History lesson 101.
We all would like to fancy that we are 'Americans' first, and 'foreigners' least of all.  But of course we are such dreamers that if we dream it, it must be true.  However, only If you are a 'Native American', that is of Aboriginal descent, are you truely 'American', the rest of us simply came afterwards, and like to call ourselves such.   I will tell you how that occurred.  It's not a pretty story, and certainly not one to be proud of, and sometimes 'History' is such.  We cannot go back in time and change Anything, what has happened has flowed under that proverbial 'bridge'.  We can only live with the mistakes made, and learn to live with it, and learn from it.     So gather 'round, pull your chairs up close and listen to this story that I must tell, we'll call it , 'Great White Father'.
     How could we do the things we've done, we stole their land, we stole their Sun.  We traded beads for meadows green, for mountain tops, and crystal streams.  We shook them from their tents at night, and filled their hearts with death, and fright. Then scattered all their dreams around, and burned, and plowed their hunting grounds, and took away their rights. And all in the name of the Great White Father, was all that it would take.  Their earth Gods cried, but all in vain, 'cause the 'round eyes' came, and came, and came.  They smiled, and lied with bright blue eyes, we promised the world, but gave them lies.  Their Tree Gods cried as we cleared the lands, and brought death, and reek with our greedy hands.  We felt no guilt, we knew no pain, as we soaked their land like summer rain, with the products of our lies.  We wove a quilt of human souls, and stole their robes from wigwam poles.  We spread those 'quilts' on our sorry beds, cast from treaties, and bullet leads, and all in the name of the Great White Father, was all that it would take.  Treaties were penned in Native Blood, but it could not stop the human flood that swept out from the east.  Have no fear cried the Great White Father, we just want the hills, we'll go no further.  The Red Man was blinded by the scheming lies, that hid behind our evil eyes.  And all in the name of the Great White Father was all that it would take.  Soon, the lowly hills were breeched, the mountains fell, and the Plains were reached.  And the Long Knives came with a bugles blare that chilled the land, and froze the fire, that burned in the hearts of Americas Native man.  After we schemed, and lied, and killed, and took, we planted lies in history books.  We gave them Jesus to save their souls, and protests were met with bullet holes.  In the end, no one wanted this poor red Man, so we threw him a plot of wasted land, where nothing would grow in the sterile sand, especially the souls of our Native Man.  So grovel in the dirt, and eat the sand, and enjoy the 'gift' of the great white man, and all in the name of the Great White Father, was all that it would take. BuddyBlack.    So, the next time you want to 'kick' a 'foreigner' around, look behind you, we are not that far removed from being one ourselves. "Who will cast the first stone"?   Just sayin'..  :/

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