Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Bernie Sanders V Black Lives Matter

Bernie Sanders black lives matters seattle
Elaine Thompson—APMarissa Johnson, left, speaks as Mara Jacqueline Willaford stands with her and Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., stands nearby as the two women take over the microphone at a rally on Aug. 8, 2015, in downtown Seattle.

Three protestors used the rally to mark the one year anniversary of Michael Brown's death in Ferguson

Correction appended, Aug. 9
Black Lives Matter activists interrupted Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders at a rally in Seattle, stopping the politician from speaking at the first of two engagements he attended on Saturday.
The activists took over the rally at a city park, marking the anniversary of Social Security and Medicare, before Sanders could even speak, according to The Hill. Two women and a man from a Seattle chapter of Black Lives Matter shoved Sanders aside, grabbed the microphone, and addressed the crowd. After some confusion, campaign officials allowed the group to take the stage for four and a half minutes to commemorate the four and a half hours Michael Brown lay in the streets of Ferguson, Mo., last year after being shot by a police officer.
Sunday marks the one year anniversary of Brown’s death, which helped launch the Black Lives Matter movement and a national conversation to address police brutality.
“Bernie says that he’s all about the people and about grassroots,” a protester identifying herself as Marissa Johnson, told the attendees. “The biggest grassroots movement in this country right now is Black Lives Matter.”
Sanders released a statement expressing his disappointment at not being able to speak at the rally.
“I was especially disappointed because on criminal justice reform and the need to fight racism there is no other candidate for president who will fight harder than me,” he said.
This isn’t the first time the Vermont senator—has clashed with Black Lives Matter protestors; at previous rallies, Sanders has previously said that “black lives matter, white lives matter, Hispanic lives matter,” drawing criticism from the Black Lives Matter movement. Activists from the movement have also interrupted his rivals for the Democratic presidential nomination, Hillary Clinton and Martin O’Malley.

1 comment:

  1. 'Rinnnnnng..Rinnnnning..Rinnn..Hello!? Bernie is that you? Geez! You sound like a Girl for cryin' out loud! Look Bernie, this is Donnie...Donald...Donald Trump, Bernie. You know, the guy running against you for Pres., the guy that's gonna Win. Ah, Bernie, about that little Microphone incident the other day at your rally..You Are Weak Bernie! Geez! A Cub Scout could'ave handled that better than you did! Where's your backbone boy? Do you even have one? You're made of Mush Bernie! You can't be President of The United States! Ya gotta be Strong like Me to do that job! You couldn't be President of a knitting club, let alone the USA! Why'd you let those pushy women take away your microphone?? You can Barely be heard With one Bernie! Now shut up and Let me say this about That, That, will Never happen to Me bernie! Here's a little trick for you, I velcro my mike to my hand, if those fools take My mic, they gotta take Me too! And who the H E double L would want to do That?! See what I'm gettin' at Bernie? Ya gotta be smarter than them women! And You ain't gonna make it Bernie, 'cause You're not Smart! Now, the Whole World know's that You are a push-over! You won't stand a chance against any country that has a Woman for Pres., and now they'll All go out and elect one just to kick Your mealy butt. Throw in the towel and vote for me Bernie, I know you love me anyway...wait, what's that I smell...oh, never mind, I thought I smelled 'Toast', but that's just you Bernie, you're Toast! Well, gotta go count my $$$, which I have lots of, while you have absolutly no 'sense'..get it Bernie..play on words there..see, I Am smarter than You, Bye now.'
