Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Trump 'Notices' Mueller

'Hey Mueller, here's a clue for you, you, you, disgusting 'investigator' you! Oh yeah, the clue; You better watch out pal! Yeah, that's it, watch out. I'm watching you! Have you not noticed that employees drop like house flies around here? That's because I Fire them! And guess what alter boy, I could fire you too! Just like that! Snap of my finger, and you're outta here! See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya! Who hired you in the first place? That disgusting Obama? Ooo...I'm so mad right now I could just poop my skivvies! Wait, maybe it's because I'm so scared. Whatever. But whatever it is you are on 'notice' buster! Stop picking on my pals already! Can't you just play by DC "Swamp" rules? You know, My rules? I thought you were one of my faithful "swamp" critters. Don't you like me anymore? Any less? Any at all??? Man, I could fire you so fast your tiny little petrified head would spin! Orrr...maybe I'll just fire everyone around you, and then you'd have no one to help you investigate me. Especially that traitor Rod J. Rosenstein. I'm really mad at him! He's not my friend anymore. Meany! No staff, no investigators, no investigation, no "witch hunt". See how that works? And don't think for one minute that firing everyone that you count on would hurt Me. Hardly! My base of narrow minded, tunnel visioned, minions, especially those plate passing evangelicals, will stick with me no matter what I do, no matter who I screw, no matter who's lives I destroy in the process. Their God sent me here to save them from themselves, and make their America "great again", and that's what they want me to do. I'm their only hope! I'm the next best thing to their 'other' God, at least they can actually 'see' me! I'm it, I'm the 'man'! Everyone loves to love me. I'm un-touchable! No one dares testify against me! I'm innocent! Really!
By the way, I've been seriously thinking that I don't even need all these Cabinet members that lesser Presidents have always had hanging around doing nothing. I'm whatcha might call a 'one man band'. I can do all this Presidential stuff by myself, I don't need these awful 'advisors' telling me what I should do or not do. I'm my own best 'negotiator'. I know more about ruining, errr..running, that is, a country than anyone else will ever know. By the way, how's my new hair doo looking? I'm hot! Everyone loves me, well everyone but that horrible Mueller. "Client Attorney privaledge is dead"! This witch hunt is a terrible thing for America! You just can't trust any of our Federal Law Enforcement agencies! Crooked! Unlawful! Disgusting federal cops! Have they forgotton who they really 'work' for? Well, I'm getting ready to remind them! I'm making a long list of people that I'm gonna fire. Wham! "You're fired"! Just like on TV! "You're fired"!! Get outta here, and don't you dare write a book about me. Hey Mueller, sweet dreams Mr. Has Been!'

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The president and his aides escalated their threats on the special Russia counsel after federal investigators raided the New York home and office of longtime Trump Organization associate Michael Cohen.

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