Monday, April 2, 2018

'Coach' Dave, Come Out Of Your Closet

 And yet, if 'Coach' Dave 'really' believes everything his little 'guidebook' the bible tells him, then he no doubt 'believes' that his mythical master, Jesus, or god, or the Lord, created all things, oh, including that snappy little male appendage that we sometimes find ourselves pleasurably whacking. If it didn't feel good, we wouldn't even do it. If his god didn't want us to play with it, he should have planted a cactus in our palms. Of course only 'Coach' Dave knows the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, as to whether, and how many times, while in the secret confines of his "gay sex" closet, that he has had spanking good "gay Sex" with himself. Oh, if those sweaty little hands could talk, the tales they could tell. Come on 'Coach' Dave, give it up! Get down on your grubby little self righteous knees, and instead of pleasuring yourself till your beady little eyes roll back out of sight, and pleasure 'us' with the 'truth', ask your all forgiving, ever benevolent lord to spare you from hell and damnation for all those 'secret' "gay sex" encounters you've had with your almost lover hands. Remember, 'he' see's everything you do, even in your foil lined sex closet. You bad, bad, little boy, you.

Progressive Secular Humanist Examiner shared a link.
If it’s wrong, I don’t want to be right: Conservative Christian activist Dave Daubenmire warns that masturbation is wrong because “masturbation is…

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