Friday, April 13, 2018

'Just Like Me'

'Just Like Me'

'See folks, didn't I tell you that the crooked FBI is out to get me!? This absolutely 'proves' it! This is all the 'eveidence' my base needs to just go stark raving mad! Doesn't the FBI have something else to do around there, you know, like investigate 'crimes' or something? What a bunch of losers! They have totally forgotten who they work for! I just happen to be the top 'cop' in America, and so naturally, everyone else works 'for' me, at my pleasure. And my greatest 'pleasure' is getting to fire people. Speaking of 'fired' people, how about that disgusting traitor James Comey! What a rat in the hat he turned out to be. Mr. Comey is “weak,” and was a “terrible Director,”. "It was my great honor to fire James Comey!" I wish I could do it twice!
"James Comey is a proven LEAKER & LIAR. Virtually everyone in Washington thought he should be fired for the terrible job he did-until he was, in fact, fired. He leaked CLASSIFIED information, for which he should be prosecuted. He lied to Congress under OATH. He is a weak and untruthful slime ball who was, as time has proven, a terrible Director of the FBI. His handling of the Crooked Hillary Clinton case, and the events surrounding it, will go down as one of the worst “botch jobs” of history. It was my great honor to fire James Comey!
5:17 AM - 13 Apr 2018 .
Mr. Comey is just one big crybaby, a whiner, a spreader of lies and conspiracy theories, weak minded, disloyal to his friends and family, sneaky, unethical, small handed, little minded, subversive, womanizer, I'm opretty sure he winked at my hottie wife one time, and totally un-American trying to destroy America, and America's way of life. Geez! He's just like 'ME'! How can I hate someone who is just like me!?? Well, I guess it's because he's pretending to Be me. I'm the only Me that can be me! I don't know. Who knows. But the fact remains, I hate him so hard that that I could just pee on his leg! Shoulda done it when I had the chance! "Slime ball"! Hey Comey, your Mother wore combat boots! Hey, I bet I weigh more than you do, you light weight, you! Hey Comey, when they passed out 'brains', you thought they meant 'trains', and you forgot to buy a ticket! Loser, loser, big fat loser! I'm smarter than you are, that's why I'm President, and you're not! NaNaNaNaNaaaa! Wanna fight, huh, do ya, do ya? My daddy could beat your daddy!'

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About this article
President Trump, who fired James B. Comey as his F.B.I. director, took to Twitter on Friday morning to disparage him as a leaker and liar.

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