Friday, April 6, 2018

Hey, Tell Us Another One!

But, but...when he started this little tariff 'war', he promised that no one gets "hurt", especially America. And 'now' he promises that the "pain", "will make US much stronger"? "Pain", actually does that?? Hey, that reminds me of that great big 5cm kidney stone I tried to birth a while back. Man! That sucker hurt like hell! I actually begged for temporary death! But look at me now, I'm so 'strong' because of it that every time I even 'think' about it, I pee my pants! Yep, I'm 'stronger' alright. "Pain" is really good for a soul. It was a lot of fun for sure. And you know what? We're gonna really enjoy every single pain in the arse that 'Mr. Incompetent' inflicts upon us. We'll be so "strong", we'll all be peeing in our pants every time we think about him.
So....was he telling a little white lie Then, or just a big fat one Now? How will we be able to tell if he is lying to us? He's 'always' been so trustworthy. Oh, I know, just watch his lips. If they are moving, it's a sure sign that he is lying. If they aren't moving, it means that he is busy 'thinking' of a lie to tell.
Ok, ok, I've got it now. Whew, that was a close one! Hey, tell us another one!

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President Trump says in a new interview that tariffs targeting China over intellectual property theft could cause some "pain" in the U.S. economy, but promised that…

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