Monday, April 2, 2018

NRA's Souless Man

"Ted"? Ted who? "They have no soul", say's the 'has been' of music. Ahhh...Teddy boy, look deep into your mirror, no, deeper than that..deeper yet, all you can see is your empty self staring back at you. You, yourself, are an empty, soulless, shell of a poor excuse for humanity, a disgusting member of a money grubbing organization that has only their own monetary interest, not America's, at heart. Yeah, I know, they are a 'Non-Profit', and yet..(from the NRA website, and '') "NRA revenues have climbed from $100 million in 1995, to $228 million in 2010, and up to $337 million in 2015. Less than half of the NRA’s money reportedly comes from membership dues—currently priced at one year for $40, five years for $140, or $1,500 for a lifetime. Instead, the lion’s share of NRA revenues comes from the gun industry and large corporations, which provide the group with grants, donations, and sometimes even a percentage of their firearm sales. Some gun manufacturers give away free NRA memberships to customers making qualified purchases as well."
According to, the NRA spent $5.1 million in 2017 on lobbying politicians, up from about $1.5 million in the early ’00s. But this may not give a clear indication of the NRA’s influence. Total NRA expenditures reportedly hit $419 million in 2016, up from $312 million the prior year—including $30 million in support of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Trump is “the most openly pro-Second Amendment candidate in history,” LaPierre said. Lapierre's net worth is at $10Million, his salery is from $1-5Million per year,not including perks, his retirement plan is $4Million.
So yeah Teddy, the 'Puppet man', lets talk about "No souls" here.

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Ted Nugent, the sometime classic rocker and current NRA board member, is speaking out about the new generation of gun reform advocates: the "pathetic" teenage "liars"…

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