Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Time To Step Down

Time To Step Down

Trump, 'The Incompetent', President of The United States of America, has predictably turned out to be a pitifully incompetent, ill suited, ill prepared, slow leaner of a choice for this, our nations highest Office. He is unquestionably an embarrassment every time he opens his 'learned' mouth, out of which spews a constant stream of lies, untruths, stretches of the imagination, incredulous "Alternative facts", and enough conspiracy theories to keep 'Snopes' busy for a lifetime. His 'man-child' temper tantrums are on the level of a spoiled four year old, and would almost be comical but for the fact that he wields the unbridled power of a wanna-be dictator who is not afraid to carry out his threats against any who would dare 'cross' him, knowing all along that he is an entitled Un-touchable. His unsupervised childish antics on the National, and World stage puts everyone within his reach at risk. He is an embarrassment, a distraction, and impediment to our way of life, our Governmental process, our Rule of Law, our Constitution, our Economy, and to the future of our country, and the world as a whole.
He claims that he will "make America great again", and the best way that he can accomplish that feat is to step down from the Office of The President so that America can begin repairing the damage that he has done to our already, even before his arrival, great Nation.

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The president has reportedly been in a bad mood—spending the weekend doing little other than dining at the Trump International Hotel, watching Fox News and…

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