Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Are We 'Yeti', Yet?

'Yeah, so here's what we 'enlightened' members of the even More 'enlightened' NRA are gonna do just to prove a point, and show the whole world what we're made of..yeah...that's it, what we're made of. You 'know', that stuff.
Now of course, we've made lots and lots of a wild arsed media blitz about how 'Yeti' has pulled the gratuitous freebie rug right out from under our shooting sneakers. They say, 'no more good guy discounts for NRA members'. That's just crazy talk! Just crazy! How dare they take away our god given rights to discounts, and freebies, and stuff like that!? Do they really expect NRA folks to pay full price for stuff like airline tickets, rental cars, and, oh yeah, picnic coolers? Especially them snappy 'Yeti' coolers!! We've been getting those things for practically free for years, and now we gotta pay full price?? Well guess what Mr.Yeti! Honeymoon's over folks! We don't need no stinkin' 'Yeti' coolers no more! No more! Let's hear it all you gun packin' NRA'ers! No more 'Yeti' coolers! We ain't gonna take it no more! No more! You done messed with the wrong clutch of paranoid, tunnel visioned, scared of the dark, conspiracy spewing, gun tottin', off the wall people you'll ever have the misfortune of dealing with, Mr. Yeti!
So here's what we're gonna do to teach you a lesson you won't soon, however long that is, forget. Ok, listen up fellow NRA members; everyone just as quick as a bunny run right down to any store that sells these back stabbing 'Yeti' coolers, and buy just as many of'em as you can stuff in your motor vehicle. Then go to your local gun shop and buy lots and lots of that 'target' EXPLOSIVE, you know the one that has incredibly escaped being classified as a 'Dangerous Explosive' by the ATF, what idiots they still are! Then lets all meet down at the local gun range where we will stuff those useless Yeti coolers that we just paid big bucks for, money which went straight into the bank accounts of Mr.Yeti, just chock full of explosives, the more the better. Then we need to hire some really hot babes that barely know how to hold a rifle without shooting themselves in the foot. Then hire a local TV News crew. Then have those hot babes shoot the hell outta those sorry Yeti coolers, and blow those things straight to hell and back! Ka-BOOM! Blow'em into a million little pieces! Then, everyone run right back to the store and buy a car load more of those stinkin' Yeti coolers. You get the idea here. When Mr.Yeti see's how we're blowing up millions of his precious, expensive Yeti coolers, he'll know we mean business! Pretty soon he'll run out of those snappy coolers, and then he'll be sorry he ever treated us like ignorants. Yeah. He'll be sorry. We ain't half as dumb as he thinks we are. You don't mess with the NRA buster! We're whatcha might call, 'messless'. So, don't even think about it, and you better send us some really good discount cards...or else.'

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About this article

After Yeti ended a discount program for a National Rifle Association group, NRA supporters posted #YetiCoolerChallenge videos destroying the products.

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