Tuesday, April 3, 2018

A 'Monopoly' By Any Other Name....

Isn't this called a 'monopoly'?
  Trump, 'The Incompetent' recently intimated that he was going to have his own "news station", and it seems that by virtue of proxy, he now has just that. Here is a 'news' conglomerate that mimics, and mirrors, his own personal agendas, projecting them to the minds of his subjects, we, his lowly serfs. If he can't control, individually, the news reporters whom he considers "fake news", and "enemies of America", then by virtue of a monopolized 'news organization', he can control what they report, and in turn control what Americans, and the world in general hear. Dictators are keen to accomplish the very same thing except they 'own' via State Control, the countries 'news' outlets. Trump, unable to officially 'own' these 'news' outlets has the next best thing, a minion that does. Monopoly by any other name, is still monopoly.

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Sinclair Broadcast Group owns more than 190 local TV stations across the country. The company recently began instructing local anchors to read a script denouncing "fake"…

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