Monday, April 30, 2018

The "Peace" Guys

Breaking 'News', Breaking 'News'!
This just In;

It has been 'reported' that three of the worlds potentially most dangerous men, wanna-be dictator, President Trump 'The Incompetent', Russian Dictator Vlad 'The Nation Builder' Putin, and 'Little fat Guy', Dictator Kim Jong Un, will share the Nobel Peace Prize for collectively making the world a 'safer' place to live.
Upon this unprecedented announcment, and what was at first thought to be a simultaneous 12.9 Richter Scale earth quake that rattled the planet, simply turned out to be the results of a global shiver that shook planet earth to its very core, and most likely snuffed out the fires in hell.
Jesus himself looked down, and was heard to mutter to no one in particular, 'WTF is going on down there!?'

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South Korean President Moon Jae-in said U.S. President Donald Trump deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end the standoff with North Korea over its…

Trump Knows A Secret

'Na-na-na-na-naaaa, I know a 'secret', I know a secret, na-na-na-na-naaaa! And I'm not going to mention a name here, because I'm a nice guy, just ask anyone, but his initials are J O N T E S T E R. "I know things about the senator I can say, too. If I said them, he would never be elected again." My brain is so full of 'secret squirrel' stuff it actually makes my head swell up like really big. All my rapper bros call me 'BigHead'. I 'know' secret stuff about everyone I know But do I 'kiss and tell'? Oh no! Not me! I don't work like that, oh noooo. I'm whatcha might call, an 'ethical' kind of guy. Not to count that I'm also the President who every child looks up to for moral leadership. But hey, it's not even nearly about 'me', me, me.
But how about that disgusting T E S T E R!? I'm glad he's on the democrat team because if he was on my team, I'd fire him so fast his skivvies would just twist right up around his you know whats. If he even has one. Makes you wonder, huh? He's the guy that helped get my personal doc, who as we all 'know' I valiantly, and vocally stood up for, and fought tooth and nail for, right up to the very end, 'fired' before he could even get the job at the VA! Who does that? Why would he release all that bad publicity about my BFF Ronnie, even if it is true? Hey, even if only half of it is true, he's still not nearly as bad as Me, and look, I'm the President!!! I'm so angry at T E S T E R, 'The loser', and again, I refuse to go so low as to mention the name of the person I'm talking about here, because I don't want to sully his name, and reputation here, that I could just pee! Oh, the 'secrets' that are in my head about that sorry guy! Soon, at an unspecified time, date, and place, unless he resigns from public office and sends me a personal apology, and licks the souls of my 'Presidential' shoes, I'll release bundles of top secret secrets about this un-American traitor, and I'll even use his name then! Right now though, in order to protect his privacy, I will use only his 'initials, J O N T E S T E R. You see, I have morals, good judgment, ethics, high standards, ideal human charactor, christian values, that T E S T E R, 'The Disgusting', has never even heard of. I've never, nor would I ever, besmeerch the honorable name of any human, even someone as disgusting like 'him' or not. But that's just me, me, me, me. That's why I'm President, and he's not!
Hey disgusting T E S T E R, resign, or you'll be Sooo sorry! Na-na-na-na-naaaaa!'

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On Saturday night at a rally in Washington, Michigan, President Donald Trump said this of Montana Democratic Sen. Jon Tester: "I know things about the senator I…

Thursday, April 26, 2018

UPDATE! Ronnie's Gone!


 Ronnie's gone, got ran over by the TrumpBus. He wasn't even around long enought to now be missed. As Trump, 'The Incompetent', would say; "Sad, so sad".

'HELP WANTED' ad in the White House news:

 'White House employees wanted. No experience needed. On the job training. Must be comfortable 'working in the dark'. Must be rich or very dumb, a 'friend' of the President is a plus, exceptions are possible. Applicant must be thick skinned, and if at all possible be a relative of Jesus Christ himself. Applicants with outstanding, unpaid parking tickets need not apply. Office Attire: Applicant must supply his (women need not apply) own asbestos suits, knee pads, chapstick, one way bus ticket home, must not be allergic to grease and oil on the underside of 'the' bus, or bleed easily from road rash, be willing to pledge allegiance to the President no matter what, must have no scrupples, morals, or conscience that would interfere with duties assigned by the President. Other conditions may apply.' ;) ;)

Oh Ronnie, Ronnie, Ronnie, is that 'toast' I smell, or maybe just your sizzling butt. Quickly now, faster than you can say 'Trump, The Mad Hatter', exit starboard and splash into Davy Jones' locker of oblivion. Bye bye now.

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White House officials pressed for a confirmation hearing for Dr. Ronny L. Jackson, the nominee to lead the Veterans Affairs Department, even as new accusations of…

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Are We 'Yeti', Yet?

'Yeah, so here's what we 'enlightened' members of the even More 'enlightened' NRA are gonna do just to prove a point, and show the whole world what we're made of..yeah...that's it, what we're made of. You 'know', that stuff.
Now of course, we've made lots and lots of a wild arsed media blitz about how 'Yeti' has pulled the gratuitous freebie rug right out from under our shooting sneakers. They say, 'no more good guy discounts for NRA members'. That's just crazy talk! Just crazy! How dare they take away our god given rights to discounts, and freebies, and stuff like that!? Do they really expect NRA folks to pay full price for stuff like airline tickets, rental cars, and, oh yeah, picnic coolers? Especially them snappy 'Yeti' coolers!! We've been getting those things for practically free for years, and now we gotta pay full price?? Well guess what Mr.Yeti! Honeymoon's over folks! We don't need no stinkin' 'Yeti' coolers no more! No more! Let's hear it all you gun packin' NRA'ers! No more 'Yeti' coolers! We ain't gonna take it no more! No more! You done messed with the wrong clutch of paranoid, tunnel visioned, scared of the dark, conspiracy spewing, gun tottin', off the wall people you'll ever have the misfortune of dealing with, Mr. Yeti!
So here's what we're gonna do to teach you a lesson you won't soon, however long that is, forget. Ok, listen up fellow NRA members; everyone just as quick as a bunny run right down to any store that sells these back stabbing 'Yeti' coolers, and buy just as many of'em as you can stuff in your motor vehicle. Then go to your local gun shop and buy lots and lots of that 'target' EXPLOSIVE, you know the one that has incredibly escaped being classified as a 'Dangerous Explosive' by the ATF, what idiots they still are! Then lets all meet down at the local gun range where we will stuff those useless Yeti coolers that we just paid big bucks for, money which went straight into the bank accounts of Mr.Yeti, just chock full of explosives, the more the better. Then we need to hire some really hot babes that barely know how to hold a rifle without shooting themselves in the foot. Then hire a local TV News crew. Then have those hot babes shoot the hell outta those sorry Yeti coolers, and blow those things straight to hell and back! Ka-BOOM! Blow'em into a million little pieces! Then, everyone run right back to the store and buy a car load more of those stinkin' Yeti coolers. You get the idea here. When Mr.Yeti see's how we're blowing up millions of his precious, expensive Yeti coolers, he'll know we mean business! Pretty soon he'll run out of those snappy coolers, and then he'll be sorry he ever treated us like ignorants. Yeah. He'll be sorry. We ain't half as dumb as he thinks we are. You don't mess with the NRA buster! We're whatcha might call, 'messless'. So, don't even think about it, and you better send us some really good discount cards...or else.'

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After Yeti ended a discount program for a National Rifle Association group, NRA supporters posted #YetiCoolerChallenge videos destroying the products.

No One gets Hurt???

'Ok, folks, everybody up against the wall! This is a 'Trade war'! You there, the guy that looks like a 'farmer', empty your pockets! That goes for the rest of you! You're all guilty by association! No one gets out with a full belly! Just do as I say, and "no one gets hurt". 'This is my game, we play by my rules, this is how I'm gonna, "make America great again", but first I must destroy everything, and everyone, in my path to get there', 'says' Trump, 'The Incompetent'.'


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The anti-dumping measures come after a ban against selling U.S. products to Chinese tech firm ZTE.|By Emily Rauhala

Never Say 'Never'..

Never say 'Never'. Time will tell Randa, none of us are indispensable, especially when we contract that horrible 'Foot in mouth' disease, for which there is no known cure.

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Angry critics demanded that the university fire Randa Jarrar. She said she was protected by tenure.

What If....

What if.......

Take the politics out of it. By the numbers, what would we gain – and lose – if all firearms suddenly were wiped off the face of the planet?

Exit Starboard, Ronnie

Oh Ronnie, Ronnie, Ronnie, is that 'toast' I smell, or maybe just your sizzling butt. Quickly now, faster than you can say 'Trump, The Mad Hatter', exit starboard and splash into Davy Jones' locker of oblivion. Bye bye now.

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56 mins
White House officials pressed for a confirmation hearing for Dr. Ronny L. Jackson, the nominee to lead the Veterans Affairs Department, even as new accusations of…

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

It's "Madness", I Tell You!


'So, yeah, I'm whatcha might call a world renowned homeopathic 'Treater of undocumented craziness'. As you can readily imagine, I'm catching a lot of flak about this "rabies" thing, and I usually keep my secrets close under my hat, but because I'm also getting a ton of 'great' publicity about this, my phone has just been ringing off the hook, I have decided to reveal my secret, yet 'medically' exciting treatment for, in this instant case,'mad hatter child syndrome'.
It's like this; one unspecified day I was just sitting around in my dank, and dusty, cellar lab, dodging spiders, tinkering with some bubbling vials of the unknown, talking to no one in particular, actually, to me, myself, and I, neither of which was paying any attention to anything being said by the other, when it occurred to us that surely there's a mysteriously mythical illness thriving around out there that mankind has never heard of, and that requires an equally mysteriously, and undocumented treatment, and untested cure for same. At about that same time I heard, above the din of the incessant chatter of my other selves, and the web weaving noise of the spider looms, the unmistakable breakage of window glass. What could the matter be, I thought to no one in particular as I dashed, nay, bounded, up my cellar stairs to ascertain the cause of such fractured glass. And what met my unaided eye was really no surprise as I spied my neighbors not yet five, but older than three year old, child ready to hurl yet another stone at yet another virgin window! This child must surely be 'mad', I thought out loud, 'mad as a hatter', 'mad as a rabid dog'! I immediately beckoned my neighbor, the unfortunate father of this miscreant, for an explanation of why this little vandal, sans adult supervision, has treated my window glass so roughly. 'He's out of control, mad as a loon, crazy as a "rabid" four year old dog, Nothing can be done to cure my little wild child of this craziness', was his sad reply. Hmmm..., no "cure" you say...hmmm, well, we'll just see about that! It was plain to me that, "This child presented a perfect picture of this type of rabies state. Most homeopaths would have easily recognized the remedy required in this case". And of course, I, being, an astute treater of all things crazy, 'knew' exactly what must be done. And to work I got!
The first rule of a world renowned homeopath such as myself, is to fight 'fire with fire', so to speak. So, here we have a "rabid" child, and it doesn't take a medical genious to figure out the 'cure'. First, I must have a certified, card carrying, rabies infected, aside from this mad child, crazy as the mad hatter subject, preferrably a stray dog. Where, I wondered out loud, would I ever find such a mad, unrestrained, out of control animal. And then I remembered, where better to find such madness than in the District of Columbia, Washington, DC, the 'New Swamp'. It seems that everyone, and everything there, is afflicted with a 'madness infirmary' of one sort or another. Perhaps it's something in the water. But it did not take me long to capture a 'mad dog', one just full to the hilt with mouth drooling rabies. Now of course I could not let one mad critter bite another mad critter, that would be just plain crazy, which I'm certainly 'not'. Now as we all 'know', "A bite from an animal, with or without rabies vaccination, has the potential to imprint an altered state in the person who was bitten, in some ways similar to a rabies infection. This can include over-excitability, difficulties sleeping, aggression, and various fears, especially of dogs or wolves". And of course this fits the very indisputable description of this "mad rabies" child in question here. The obvious 'answer' here is to create in this already crazy, uncontrolable child, a “slightly rabid-dog state.” My 'scientifically' altered mind began whirlling round and round until I was practically delierious with excitement! The answer is not the 'bite' of the mad dog, but the spit, the saliva, the maddening drool, from the mad dog! Thus my theory, 'fight fire with fire', or in this case 'spit v spit', or 'like cures like'.
Back to my little dark, and slightly dreary cellar I flew with wild abandon, chemical concoctions whirling about in my flights of fancy medical brain! Imagine my unbridled excitement as I imagined the fame that would come to me as a result of this 'scientific' discovery, this astounding breakthrough in mind control! As quick as a whiz I had discovered the antodote to this 'mad' child's madness! Boiling beakers, smouldering caulderon, bubbling vials, ground up bat hair, lizard tails, albino mouse droppings, and rabid dog saliva, to name a few, and the cure was done. I summoned Father and mad child to my now foggy laboritory, dripping with 'scientific knowledge, where I administered the cure for this rabid childhood madness. And just like that, the madness was gone, the rabies cured, both dog and child back to normal, nothing to it.
Next, I will undoubtably, without question, cure the worldwide scourge of 'mass stupidity'. But first I must find a suitable subject, someone who might very well be the epitome of stupidity, someone who above all others stands out as the poster child of the very word. Who could that be, I asked to myself, me, and I, who ever could that singular idiot possibly be? I doubt that I should have to search very far from my door.'

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Homeopath: It treated “slightly rabid dog state.” Critic: That’s “patently absurd.”

Friday, April 13, 2018

'Just Like Me'

'Just Like Me'

'See folks, didn't I tell you that the crooked FBI is out to get me!? This absolutely 'proves' it! This is all the 'eveidence' my base needs to just go stark raving mad! Doesn't the FBI have something else to do around there, you know, like investigate 'crimes' or something? What a bunch of losers! They have totally forgotten who they work for! I just happen to be the top 'cop' in America, and so naturally, everyone else works 'for' me, at my pleasure. And my greatest 'pleasure' is getting to fire people. Speaking of 'fired' people, how about that disgusting traitor James Comey! What a rat in the hat he turned out to be. Mr. Comey is “weak,” and was a “terrible Director,”. "It was my great honor to fire James Comey!" I wish I could do it twice!
"James Comey is a proven LEAKER & LIAR. Virtually everyone in Washington thought he should be fired for the terrible job he did-until he was, in fact, fired. He leaked CLASSIFIED information, for which he should be prosecuted. He lied to Congress under OATH. He is a weak and untruthful slime ball who was, as time has proven, a terrible Director of the FBI. His handling of the Crooked Hillary Clinton case, and the events surrounding it, will go down as one of the worst “botch jobs” of history. It was my great honor to fire James Comey!
5:17 AM - 13 Apr 2018 .
Mr. Comey is just one big crybaby, a whiner, a spreader of lies and conspiracy theories, weak minded, disloyal to his friends and family, sneaky, unethical, small handed, little minded, subversive, womanizer, I'm opretty sure he winked at my hottie wife one time, and totally un-American trying to destroy America, and America's way of life. Geez! He's just like 'ME'! How can I hate someone who is just like me!?? Well, I guess it's because he's pretending to Be me. I'm the only Me that can be me! I don't know. Who knows. But the fact remains, I hate him so hard that that I could just pee on his leg! Shoulda done it when I had the chance! "Slime ball"! Hey Comey, your Mother wore combat boots! Hey, I bet I weigh more than you do, you light weight, you! Hey Comey, when they passed out 'brains', you thought they meant 'trains', and you forgot to buy a ticket! Loser, loser, big fat loser! I'm smarter than you are, that's why I'm President, and you're not! NaNaNaNaNaaaa! Wanna fight, huh, do ya, do ya? My daddy could beat your daddy!'

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President Trump, who fired James B. Comey as his F.B.I. director, took to Twitter on Friday morning to disparage him as a leaker and liar.

'Bull', A poem by BuddyBlack

A poem by BuddyBlack

I saw a little bulldozer
Scraping on the beach,
But he was too small to know
That Mother Nature’s out of reach.
Oh, he was shovin’
And pushin’
And scrapin’ that sand,
Tryin’ to change the lay of the land.
But the waves kept coming,
And the sand came back,
Filled in the holes,
And washed out his tracks.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

'Or Not At All'

'Or Not At All'

'Yeah, that's what I said, "very soon or not soon at all". Which part of that didn't you understand? Am I not speaking English here? Here, let me say it one more time for those of you who are 'reading' challenged, "very soon or not so soon at all". There! I couldn't, really, be more 'clear', without a trusted adviser, than that, even if I tried. Those of you who 'know' me, 'know' exactly what I'm talking about. Orrr..maybe not.
Ok, ok, let me break it down for you nitwits so that there's absolutely no misunderstanding here. I like to be open, transparent, and very upfront, and 'clear' about everything I say and do around here. Ok, you might notice that the word "soon" appears twice, or two times. See that word "very"? See how it's in front of one of the "soon" words? There in the middle you can see the words "or not", right there in front of the other "soon". That's right where I wanted it actually. Now at the end you will see the words "at all", and where I thought would be a good place for them, although I guess I could have put them anyplace else, and my official Presidential statement would mean the same no matter what. I don't know, "We'll see". Hey, did I mention how great my numbers are. Incredible! Unbelievable! Or, 'not at all'. "We'll see what happens".'

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"Never said when an attack on Syria would take place," Trump tweeted on Thursday after suggesting an attack was imminent on Monday

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

'Comfort Tent', a poem by BuddyBlack

'Comfort Tent'
A poem by BuddyBlack

Raindrops falling
On my head
Wakes me from
My sleepy bed.
Inches of water
Around me lay
Gathered from clouds
That burst all day.
Oh! To find
A Comfort Inn,
And pitch my tent
In a suite there in.
But here I lay,
And rain pours down,
And pounds my tent
Into the ground.

Foot in Mouth Snydrome

Open mouth, insert foot, lose job.

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A commentator at a Sinclair-owned St. Louis station tweeted that he wanted to assault the young gun control activiist with a "hot poker."

Trump 'Notices' Mueller

'Hey Mueller, here's a clue for you, you, you, disgusting 'investigator' you! Oh yeah, the clue; You better watch out pal! Yeah, that's it, watch out. I'm watching you! Have you not noticed that employees drop like house flies around here? That's because I Fire them! And guess what alter boy, I could fire you too! Just like that! Snap of my finger, and you're outta here! See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya! Who hired you in the first place? That disgusting Obama? Ooo...I'm so mad right now I could just poop my skivvies! Wait, maybe it's because I'm so scared. Whatever. But whatever it is you are on 'notice' buster! Stop picking on my pals already! Can't you just play by DC "Swamp" rules? You know, My rules? I thought you were one of my faithful "swamp" critters. Don't you like me anymore? Any less? Any at all??? Man, I could fire you so fast your tiny little petrified head would spin! Orrr...maybe I'll just fire everyone around you, and then you'd have no one to help you investigate me. Especially that traitor Rod J. Rosenstein. I'm really mad at him! He's not my friend anymore. Meany! No staff, no investigators, no investigation, no "witch hunt". See how that works? And don't think for one minute that firing everyone that you count on would hurt Me. Hardly! My base of narrow minded, tunnel visioned, minions, especially those plate passing evangelicals, will stick with me no matter what I do, no matter who I screw, no matter who's lives I destroy in the process. Their God sent me here to save them from themselves, and make their America "great again", and that's what they want me to do. I'm their only hope! I'm the next best thing to their 'other' God, at least they can actually 'see' me! I'm it, I'm the 'man'! Everyone loves to love me. I'm un-touchable! No one dares testify against me! I'm innocent! Really!
By the way, I've been seriously thinking that I don't even need all these Cabinet members that lesser Presidents have always had hanging around doing nothing. I'm whatcha might call a 'one man band'. I can do all this Presidential stuff by myself, I don't need these awful 'advisors' telling me what I should do or not do. I'm my own best 'negotiator'. I know more about ruining, errr..running, that is, a country than anyone else will ever know. By the way, how's my new hair doo looking? I'm hot! Everyone loves me, well everyone but that horrible Mueller. "Client Attorney privaledge is dead"! This witch hunt is a terrible thing for America! You just can't trust any of our Federal Law Enforcement agencies! Crooked! Unlawful! Disgusting federal cops! Have they forgotton who they really 'work' for? Well, I'm getting ready to remind them! I'm making a long list of people that I'm gonna fire. Wham! "You're fired"! Just like on TV! "You're fired"!! Get outta here, and don't you dare write a book about me. Hey Mueller, sweet dreams Mr. Has Been!'

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The president and his aides escalated their threats on the special Russia counsel after federal investigators raided the New York home and office of longtime Trump Organization associate Michael Cohen.

And the 'Surprise', Is?

And the 'surprise', is? It's just standard operating procedure in the WH "swamp".

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Nadia Schadlow, the US deputy national security adviser for strategy, has resigned and will leave her position at the end of the month, multiple administration officials told CNN.|By Jeremy Diamond

Time To Step Down

Time To Step Down

Trump, 'The Incompetent', President of The United States of America, has predictably turned out to be a pitifully incompetent, ill suited, ill prepared, slow leaner of a choice for this, our nations highest Office. He is unquestionably an embarrassment every time he opens his 'learned' mouth, out of which spews a constant stream of lies, untruths, stretches of the imagination, incredulous "Alternative facts", and enough conspiracy theories to keep 'Snopes' busy for a lifetime. His 'man-child' temper tantrums are on the level of a spoiled four year old, and would almost be comical but for the fact that he wields the unbridled power of a wanna-be dictator who is not afraid to carry out his threats against any who would dare 'cross' him, knowing all along that he is an entitled Un-touchable. His unsupervised childish antics on the National, and World stage puts everyone within his reach at risk. He is an embarrassment, a distraction, and impediment to our way of life, our Governmental process, our Rule of Law, our Constitution, our Economy, and to the future of our country, and the world as a whole.
He claims that he will "make America great again", and the best way that he can accomplish that feat is to step down from the Office of The President so that America can begin repairing the damage that he has done to our already, even before his arrival, great Nation.

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The president has reportedly been in a bad mood—spending the weekend doing little other than dining at the Trump International Hotel, watching Fox News and…

Friday, April 6, 2018

Hey, Tell Us Another One!

But, but...when he started this little tariff 'war', he promised that no one gets "hurt", especially America. And 'now' he promises that the "pain", "will make US much stronger"? "Pain", actually does that?? Hey, that reminds me of that great big 5cm kidney stone I tried to birth a while back. Man! That sucker hurt like hell! I actually begged for temporary death! But look at me now, I'm so 'strong' because of it that every time I even 'think' about it, I pee my pants! Yep, I'm 'stronger' alright. "Pain" is really good for a soul. It was a lot of fun for sure. And you know what? We're gonna really enjoy every single pain in the arse that 'Mr. Incompetent' inflicts upon us. We'll be so "strong", we'll all be peeing in our pants every time we think about him.
So....was he telling a little white lie Then, or just a big fat one Now? How will we be able to tell if he is lying to us? He's 'always' been so trustworthy. Oh, I know, just watch his lips. If they are moving, it's a sure sign that he is lying. If they aren't moving, it means that he is busy 'thinking' of a lie to tell.
Ok, ok, I've got it now. Whew, that was a close one! Hey, tell us another one!

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President Trump says in a new interview that tariffs targeting China over intellectual property theft could cause some "pain" in the U.S. economy, but promised that…