Tuesday, August 27, 2019

"Will It Ever End?"

'What's with that Island out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean...or...wherever. Now, there's another tiny little hurricane headed towards it. "Will it ever end?" I mean really folks! That place is right in the way of these little storms and every time one comes along I have to give them more money to fix up their bamboo huts! What's with that!? I already gave them "$92 Billion" the last time it rained there. "Will it ever end?" Why can't they just move that island somewhere else? There must be a place where there's not a 'hurricane crossing'! What a terrible place! I shouldn't be expected to keep baby sitting a place like that! After all, I'm the 'King' of America, not of some insignificant island out in the middle of nowhere. Do they even speak English there? What kind of country is that place? Do they even use American money there? They could have bought a 'new' island with that $92 Billion! "Will it ever end?" Will it? Well?'


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President Trump repeated a false claim on the amount of aid approved for Puerto Rico as Tropical Storm Dorian heads its way.

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