Monday, August 26, 2019

'POTUS', Missing In Action

Our 'man-baby', 'Liar-In-Chief ' is at it again. Once more he has used his 'Presidential' prowess to show the whole world just how spoiled and entitled he really is.  Now he is officially 'MIA'.
This is not how a Real President, the supposed leader of The Free World would conduct himself at a venue where other world leaders meet to discuss real world problems, but this is the way an un-supervised, Trump, 'The Isolationist', acts before thinking, and then has the audacity to actually lie about it afterwards, even though his blatant lie is as transparent as the windows behind his empty chair.
This is the simple minded, sad and lonely, man-baby 'President' that but for our antiquated Electoral College would still be just a simple minded nobody pushing shoddy real-estate to suckers in the private sector.
There'll be no "Medal of Honor" for this stupid slight of hand. Way to go 'Potus' guy.

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On Monday, before the close of the G7 meetings in France, the heads of those nations gathered to talk about climate change and what could be done to address the warming of our planet. Donald Trump didn't go.

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