Thursday, August 15, 2019

Gentelmen, Start Your Engines

'CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! NOW HEAR THIS, NOW HEAR THIS, this is your captain speaking. All hands stand at ease. I just wanted to take a moment for a great big 'welcome aboard' to all of our very talented crew members and Fighter Pilots, on this, the most modern, most sophisticated, most technologically superior 'Supercarrier' in the whole wide doggone world, a modern fighting ship where 'almost' nothing has been left un-done. We have, to our enemies dismay, some of the most modern man-killing munitions, ordinance, airplanes, and especially the most modern, and feared Fighter jets in the world, the F-35's.
Speaking of our F-35's, I have just now received instructions for a massive combat sortie that will utilize all of our ships F-35's. Ladies and gentlemen please prepare to scramble to your assigned fighters and prepare for launching into the 'wild blue yonder'. Please know that all of our 'thoughts and prayers' are with you on this dangerous mission. Oh, one last 'small detail', did I mention that happily, we will be able to actually launch your billion dollar F-35's just as we would any other aircraft, but unfortunately, because of some minor unforeseen technical detail, you will not be able to land here upon completion of your mission. Remember earlier when I said "almost nothing has been left un-done"? Just a minor 'glitch' guys, but the location of your mission is so far distant that by the time you, if you survived, return to your ship you probably would have found it necessary, due to lack of fuel, to ditch those billion dollar babies in the drink anyway. Well, start your engines and off you go, been nice 'knowing' you, and 'god speed', however 'fast' that is'.

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About this website
All of the Navy's propeller and jet aircraft, except for the F-35, have been given the green light to conduct flight operations aboard the Ford.

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