Monday, August 5, 2019

'The Commander-In-Division'

Trump, 'The Commander-In-Division', speaks with forked tongue.
Today he 'condemns', tomorrow he will be right back to his usual verbal, insulting, name calling, lying self. If he didn't have a tele-prompter in front of him in order to recite a speech written by one of his minions, he wouldn't be able to complete a proper sentence, let alone a cognitive thought process. He knows he already has the 'vote' of the 'White Right' so now he can say with a wink that he "condemns" anything he wishes to, at the moment. No matter what he 'says' from a tele-prompter, he is still the same man-baby during, later, and just as he was before he stepped up to the podium.

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The president did not call for additional gun control measures on Monday, instead blaming violent video games and mental illness, among other factors, for the scourge of mass shootings.

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