Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Sell Greenland To Me, Or Else!

'WaaaaaaaaaWaaaa! But I want to buy Greenland! Please, lease, please let me buy it! Please? Come on Denmark, I have lots of money, you have lots of useless Islands full of useless ice and stuff, so just let me have it! You wont even miss it, you want even realize it's missing! I'll tow it over to America and you can build something useful where it used to be when you owned it.
I promised a lot of really good people, you know BFF's in the coal, oil, gas, industry that want to... melt all that stupid ice, that I'd make them rich overnight with this deal. My own little Island where there'll be no useless EPA regulations, no government 'watch dogs' hounding my every move! Oooooo, I've always dreamed of being the king of my own country, you know just like I am of America, except there'd be absolutely no rules, regulations, no Federal Government interfering with my billionaire BFF's while they plunder as they wish, and become wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. Not to mention that in return they'll buy me a lot of votes in 2020.
But, it looks like Denmark is gonna be silly stubborn about this. "Denmark is a very special country with incredible people, but based on Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen's comments, that she would have no interest in discussing the purchase of Greenland, I will be postponing our meeting scheduled in two weeks for another time," this will be a 'lesson' she'll never forget! How dare she diss me in front of the whole world when I was only trying to do Denmark a really big favor. Just who does she think she is!? No body treats me, the 'King' of America, this way and gets away with it!

Waaaaa! I really wanted that Island. I really did. Kelly-Anne! Come here and massage my 'ego'! Waaaaaa!'

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Less than two weeks before his scheduled trip to Denmark, President Donald Trump announced on Twitter that he has postponed his visit to Copenhagen after the Danish Prime Minister disputed his interest in buying Greenland as "absurd."

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