Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Bernie Say's, "They've Done A Lot Of Things"

'Look, I'll be somewhere near the first to almost admit that I know very little about China, but if "..I’m not mistaken they have made more progress in addressing extreme poverty than any country in the history of civilization, so they’ve done a lot of things for their people.” Which tells me that 'socialism' may not be so bad after all. We'll see. My people tell me, and to be sure, I can't actually verify my sources, that each and every person in wonderful China, but for maybe the millions of political prisoners starving in remote gulag's, receive their fair share of rice and fish heads at least once a day, maybe more often than that. You don't see beggars on the streets in China, and no hungry kids digging through dumpsters looking for food scrapes. And, get this, according to my people, there are absolutely no poor people in China. Their government makes sure that everyone has a good paying job, housing, a car, or at least a pushcart, and best of all their are no barefoot people in China because everyone is issued a really great, 'Made in Taiwan', pair of flip-flops. No wonder so many people want to relocate there in retirement.
" they’ve done a lot of things for their people". Yeah, lot's of things, really 'good' things. Great place to live. Really. America could learn a lot from a 'well fed' country such as China. No kidding folks. Really.'

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Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) offered praise for China while stating in an interview that he believed the U.S.

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