Friday, August 30, 2019

God Damn That "Jezebel"!

"Jezebel's fixing to step out from the shadows". God damn that "Jezebel"! Always wanting to ride in the front seat of my limo! I told her to stay home! Always causing trouble! Just when you think she's been whooped, she pops out of the "deep state" causing trouble for "The Chosen one"! "Witchcraft, I tell you, witchcraft! There oughta be a law against it! Let me see a show of hands of any witches here tonight...well?...I know you're out there, you demons you! Don't make me break out in 'tongues'! You know how utterly silly and childish that makes me look. Ok, you 'asked' for it! Boy are you ever gonna be sorry now! I ain't asking, I'm Telling you! Ushers, prepare to pass around the 'offering plates', this is gonna be a doozy! Ok, last chance, you heathen witches you! 'Abrakadabrakadabraboo-gitchigitchibablebablegoobly gakgooblygak!' Praise the good lord up in invisible heaven, that was a good one folks! I have no clue what it means, only the good lord above can decipher 'tongues', but boy can I rattle'em off! Ok boys, pass those collection plates while I've got them in a trance. I'll make'em dig deep, I've got yacht payment coming up.
I demand that all witches like Jezebel be cast out of our presidents heart, and that all signs of witchcraft be washed away, and I don't mean mouse now, I mean rat now! Be out, be gone! You, you, rascals you! Did I mention that god and I chat via my 'god phone'? Yep, you better believe it folks!
Sheepeoples, look deep into my eyes, listen only to my melodious voice jesus demands that you donate 10% of your wages to the good lord or I promise you will burn in hell. Now we gotta save our president from these witches. Listen to what I said to god last night;
"God make him bold, make him strong! Preserve him, Holy Spirit! Keep him, Holy Spirit! Preserve him, Holy Spirit! Don't let him lose his voice! Make him stronger than ever, Holy Spirit! Let no weapon be formed against him that will knock him out of power. Strengthen him, Lord! It's time to pray, church. I believe our nation is in the balances." Now, keep those plates moving boys, getting saved ain't free! Don't force me to gibber again!'

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An Alabama pastor took President Donald Trump's "witch hunt" accusations literally enough to ask that his congregation pray for Trump in his fight against witchcraft.

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