Monday, August 5, 2019

Stop The Stupidity!

When will this stupidity that spews from the mouths of elected 'leaders' ever cease!? As if there's not enough violence stifling America, along comes another Trump minion echoing his hero's sentiments for even more violence. Stop it already! America is bleeding to death one slaughter at a time. Our Vandal-In-Chief has stolen the 'stop' sign from the intersection of Common Sense and Reality, and the human 'wrecks' are piling up while he pretends to be 'Presidential', sending out "prayers and thoughts" for his victims, and now This from the State of Minnesota, which should know better.


About this website
Domestic Terrorist: In Minnesota, GOP Lawmaker Cal Bahr is calling on gun owners to use violence against Democrats who are supporting new gun control proposals in the state.

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