Saturday, August 17, 2019

Bombs Awaaaay!

'Yeah, so here's my 'plan' which as you will readily see, has been 'thoroughly' thought out well in advance of the big 'boom' day.
Ok, so first, I'm gonna retire to my garage where I will manufacture, and test a really big nuclear device, a device quite capable of really big destruction, one which I hope will melt both the North and South poles of the insignificant Planet Mars. Well, that is unless there's some sort of unlikely glitch, perhaps on the 'Rocket Launch Pad', or....perhaps an unlikely errant GPS system sending it to our very own North and South Poles. But hey, when has that ever happened?
Then, after I've tested my really big nuclear device, some may even call it a 'Nuclear Bomb', but I really like the word, 'Device' myself, I'll carefully pack it in the nose cone of two of my very own designed rocket ships.
Then I will take applications for volunteers, as 'back-up pilots', I 'would' go myself but my incredible brain is needed here on Earth to come up with even more astounding ideas, for my GPS system, to steer my ships to their planned destination, Mars, where they will crash right into the Polar Caps thereupon exploding, nuclearly speaking, with some great violence, thereby creating enough heat to melt all that useless ice, thereupon releasing trapped carbon dioxide into the atmosphere which perhaps a million years from now, you know, when the radiation levels are safe enough for humans, will create an atmosphere that will allow humans to reside there.
I would love to test my theory right here on Planet Earth, maybe just melting, say, the North Pole just a little bit but 'permits' for that sort of thing are really hard to come by. So, it's off to Mars, and after destroying that useless Planet maybe I'll destroy the rings of Saturn, or maybe light up the dark side of our Moon.
So many great ideas, so little time. Well, busy, busy.'  ;) ;)

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