Friday, August 2, 2019

Oh, The Great Things I've Done!

'What? What was your question? Could you speak a little louder please, I have a 'hearing' problem, I suffer greatly from a terrible medical condition called, 'selective hearing'. Very bothersome! Hmmm...what have I done for Black people? Oh, where do I begin!? Well, since I've been master of America, I've done more to...errr..for that is, people of color, especially Black folks than you would ever believe. Ever! "What I've done for African Americans in two and a half years, no president has been able to do anything like it," "President Obama couldn’t get it done." And if you remember so forgettable, he was partially Black himself, and even that didn't help him. Makes you wonder. Did anyone ever actually see his 'real' birth certificate? What's with that?
I've done things that no other president would even dream of doing. Integration, emancipation, voters rights, remember when I was with Mr. King crossing that bridge, you know, down there in that state where Black people weren't allowed to use bridges, but I got it done. And that time I sat with those Black protesters at that lunch counter that time. Boy! Best grilled cheese I ever had! That's why Black folks love me to no end, and you know what? Every Black person who is allowed to vote will vote for me. They love me! And I love then right back, even those who can't vote, I pretty much love them too. Great people.
But you know, this isn't about Me, is it, it's about my kingdoms Black folks, especially those wonderful Black African Americans, and people of different colors, just like all these folks standing around me right now admiring and adoring me, and they just love me so much for all I've went out of my way to do stuff for. But that's just me, that's the way I was raised. I even have a lot of real close, personal 'friends' of color. I wont mention their names but they know who they are. Right? A big shout out to my 'bro' friends'! Wow! I sure do love being the 'ruler' of my very own country.'

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President Donald Trump has often claimed credit for African American…

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