Sunday, August 25, 2019

And The Award Goes To......

'Ladies and gentlemen, friends and loyal suck-ups, we are gathered here today to honor America's greatest 'un-war' hero with America's really biggest award, the 'Medal of Honor'. This is a man who stands above all others in all aspects of humanity. This medal " conferred only upon members of the United States Armed Forces who distinguish themselves through conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty." A man loved and revered by every single American, and of course by every living, breathing, human being on my planet Earth. A man who is the absolute 'epitome' of what a President, a leader of free men, an 'honorable', 'faithful', 'truth telling', family man, the 'father' of America itself, or as he is now so reverently called, "The Chosen One", should be.
Let it be known that the beloved recipient of this prestigious award, who now stands before, and well above you, is none other than I, myself, Trump, 'The self Anointed'.
I congratulate myself for bestowing this coveted honor upon my very self, and am humbled to be in my own presence, just as I am sure all of my doting serfs are as well.
Now, I command one and all to 'take a knee' before my gold plated throne, and give me a really big round of well deserved, and extended hand clapping in reverence to your 'Savior-In-Chief', who is busy "making America great again", one big ego trip at a time.'

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President Trump has said things like this before, even going as far to say he would have made a "good general" despite never serving in the military.

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