Sunday, January 29, 2017

'White House Calling...'

'White House Calling...'

'Ring, Ring, Rinnnnng, Rinnnnnng...Ah, hellooo..may I speak with my new 'friend' Vlad 'The nation Builder' Putin (VP)? What do you mean 'who Is this?'. Come On already, It's Me, Donald Trump (DT), you know, the President of America, leader of the Free World. Sure, I'll hold.......
VP: Hello my little 'friend' in America! How's things comrade Donnie?
DT: A little hectic Vlad, the disgusting media is killing me, just Killing me!...
VP: "Killing" you!?? Disgusting rats! Here, in my 'free democracy' we just kill them First! Who in charge there, You or Media? Must get control my friend! You come visit, I show you how it's done.
DT: Hey, thanks for the invite bud. Say, about that little 'Hacking' thing a while back.
VP: Oh, sorry to hear you not feel well my pal. Maybe just a small cold you get from kissing voters. Just pretend. Take aspirin, if not feel better and 'hacking' not gone by morning, see doctor. By the way my friend, that Other guy, what's his name...Obama, make bad news for Vlad before you eject him from White House. Maybe you fix problem, if you 'know' what I Mean?
DT: Yes, the 'weather' here is 'very bad' right now. Not much I can do about 'that' right now. But don't worry though, the 'weather' changes all the time here.
VP: Yes, thank you my friend. Perhaps a great Trump Golf Course here in peaceful Russia make 'hacking' sickness problem go away, eh, my friend, then you feel much better?
DT: Great! I'd love to 'golf' with you, my favorite pasttime. Love it. Look, Vlad, I thought maybe we could work together to wipe out that pesky ISIS thing that Obama and Hillary invented that has everyone in such a tizzy.
VP: Yes, pesky ISIS. Russia really not need help my friend. You see how Russia bombs Syrian rebels, and innocent civilians into dust? And you think Russia need Help?? You see how we stole Crimea from weak Ukraine, nodody care. But if America wants to bomb With us, OK. The secret to good bombing campaign it just do it, ask forgiveness later. Welcome aboard my good FWB, Good to have 'scapegoat' when things go bad. Let me borrow fifty of your most modern fighter, and bomber planes, I have good pilots. I will send you top secret blueprints for great Bi-planes used in Russian revolution. This conform with American 'free trade' act. Well, must go now Donnie boy, much busy with new 'European Nation Building' plan now that America has bugged out. Don't call me, I'll 'call' You.

Trump orders ISIS plan, talks with Putin and gives Bannon national security role

President Trump on Saturday ordered the Pentagon to devise a strategy to defeat the Islamic State and restructured the National Security Council to include his controversial top political adviser as he forged a partnership with Russian President Vladi­mir Putin in their first official phone call.
Trump and Putin spoke for one hour and vowed to join forces to fight terrorism in Syria and elsewhere, according to the White House and the Kremlin, signaling a potential shift in U.S.-Russian relations that have been marked by high tension.
Meanwhile, Trump signed a presidential memo directing the Pentagon to submit a plan within 30 days to defeat the Islamic State, an effort to make good on his campaign promise to more aggressively confront Islamist terrorism than his predecessor did.
Even prior to the memo, military officials had been at work developing potential actions for Trump and Defense Secretary James Mattis to consider. Those include potentially deploying additional advisers to Iraq and Syria, allowing U.S. military personnel to accompany local forces closer to the front lines, and delegating greater decision-making power to field commanders.
As he signed his directive at his desk in the Oval Office, Trump said, “I think it’s going to be very successful. That’s big stuff.”
Counseling Trump in the effort will be Stephen K. Bannon, the White House chief strategist whose influence inside the administration is expanding far beyond politics. In a separate presidential memo, Trump reorganized the National Security Council to, along with other changes, give Bannon a regular seat on the principals committee — the meetings of the most senior national security officials, including the secretaries of defense and state.

That memo also states that the director of national intelligence and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff will sit on the principals committee only when the issues to be discussed pertain to their “responsibilities and expertise.” In the previous two administrations, both were included as regular attendees.
The White House thinks the changes will make the NSC more adaptive to modern threats. Trump said the changes would bring “a lot of efficiency and, I think, a lot of additional safety.”

The changes affirm the ascent of Bannon, the former executive chairman of Breitbart, a conservative website that is popular with white nationalists, who has emerged as Trump’s political consigliere and the keeper of the president’s populist flame.

Bannon has already been playing a major role in directing Trump’s foreign policy, administration officials say, and joined the president in the Oval Office on Saturday for his calls with Putin and several other world leaders.

In their call, Putin and Trump discussed Ukraine and Syria, and they agreed to build stronger economic ties between the United States and Russia, according to a statement issued by the Kremlin. They said they would arrange an in-person meeting, but Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the Interfax news agency that the two presidents did not specifically talk about a lifting of the sanctions the Obama administration imposed against Russia over alleged Russian interference in the U.S. presidential election and Moscow’s military intervention in Ukraine.

Eliminating the sanctions is a priority for Moscow, but Trump is under pressure in the United States to maintain them and said Friday that he thought it was premature to consider lifting them.

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