Monday, January 23, 2017

'Trump And His Form Of Isolationism'

'Trump And His Form Of Isolationism'

Trump may not actually build the ''wall' at our southern border, but he is hellbent on building an 'Isolationist' wall around America, leaving great voids around the world that will eagerly be filled by our Enemies, and Adversaries alike. Once we have lost our place at the worlds 'dinner table', where Russia, China, and other rogue nations will have replaced us, we should not be surprised that we no longer receive 'invitations' even from ...our former 'friends' who in turn may then subject the USA to 'International Isolation'.
Trump is akin to an ignorant self schooled Horticultualist who believes that the only way to 'save' a tree with a 'bad limb' is to Kill the tree, and he will blindly use that 'Axe' with anything vagely connected to Obama or Democratic lines. Nothing good can come of this 'policy'. America is Not as 'broken' as Trump espouses to anyone who will listen. Contrary to his constant and tiring allegations, We Are a Great Nation. For sure we have 'broken limbs', things that do not work so well, things that make little sense, things that can be eliminated, replaced or adjusted, but we do Not have to 'kill' the tree to save it from itself. His 'scorched earth' policy will not bode well for America Or the World in general. America has allways been the worlds leader, without America out front still leading, another country (Russia, China, Philippines, perhaps a rogue middle eastern country) will step in and take our place, and we will have no room to whine about it. As trump is want to say, "you ain't seen nothing yet!" :/

'Isolationism' - The policy or doctrine of isolating one's country from the affairs of other nations by declining to enter into alliances, foreign economic commitments, international agreements, etc., seeking to devote the entire efforts of one's country to its own advancement and remaining at peace by avoiding foreign entanglements and responsibilities.



With the stroke of his pen and a smile, US President Donald Trump lived up to his promise of killing the Trans-Pacific Partnership between America, Australia, New Zealand and nine other Pacific nations.
The TPP was originally billed as the gold-standard in free trade deals and a strategy to blunt China's dominance in the Asia-Pacific.
But just three days after the TPP's champion, former president Barack Obama, moved out of the White House Trump, sitting in the Oval Office, signed the executive order to withdraw the US from the TPP.

It is a major blow to Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull as the TPP was the key plank of the nation's trade policy.

"Everyone knows what that means, right?" Trump said at the signing ceremony.
"We've been talking about this for a long time. It's a great thing for the American worker."
A slimmed down TPP, without the US, could emerge, although China is expected to move in and fill the hole left by America.
China was not invited to join the TPP.

Donald Trump signs an executive order withdrawing the US from the TPP. (Getty)

Donald Trump signs an executive order withdrawing the US from the TPP. (Getty)

Australian Trade Minster Steven Ciobo, who is in the US, said on the weekend he had been speaking with remaining TPP nations "on ways to lock in the benefits from the TPP" without US involvement.
The TPP has had a long history.
Negotiations began more than eight years ago and Australia's prime ministers during the period - Julia Gillard, Kevin Rudd, Tony Abbott and Mr Turnbull - all threw their support behind it.
Hillary Clinton, as US secretary of state, said during a speech in 2012 in Adelaide the TPP was the "gold standard in trade agreements" while Obama sided with his usual foes, Republican members of Congress, in an attempt to make the TPP a reality.
The release by WikiLeaks of Clinton's presidential campaign chairman John Podesta's emails showed the internal debate among Clinton's advisors about whether she should support or oppose the TPP.
With her Democrat rival Bernie Sanders and Republican frontrunner Trump opposing the TPP, Clinton made a surprise move by announcing an anti-TPP stance.
There was hope in Australia and other TPP nations Clinton would win the election and in the final weeks of Obama's term he would push it through Congress, but that ended with Trump's victory.
Other TPP members were: Canada, Japan, Singapore, Mexico, Chile, Vietnam, Peru, Brunei and Malaysia.
Trump said on Monday he was pursuing what he calls "fair trade", not free trade, and he has China and Japan in his sights.
He called out Japan, a TPP member, for making "it impossible to sell" US cars in Japan.
"If you want to sell something into China and other countries it's very, very hard," Trump told a meeting of chief executives of some of America's biggest companies earlier on Monday.
"In some cases it's impossible. They won't even take your product.
"But when they do take your product they charge you a lot of tax.
"I don't call that free trade. What we want is fair trade."

With the stroke of his pen and a smile, US President Donald Trump lived up to his promise of killing the Trans-Pacific Partnership between America, Australia, New Zealand and nine other Pacific nations.
The TPP was originally billed as the gold-standard in free trade deals and a strategy to blunt China's dominance in the Asia-Pacific.
But just three days after the TPP's champion, former president Barack Obama, moved out of the White House Trump, sitting in the Oval Office, signed the executive order to withdraw the US from the TPP.
It is a major blow to Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull as the TPP was the key plank of the nation's trade policy.
"Everyone knows what that means, right?" Trump said at the signing ceremony.
"We've been talking about this for a long time. It's a great thing for the American worker."
A slimmed down TPP, without the US, could emerge, although China is expected to move in and fill the hole left by America.
China was not invited to join the TPP.
Donald Trump signs an executive order withdrawing the US from the TPP. (Getty)
Donald Trump signs an executive order withdrawing the US from the TPP. (Getty)
Australian Trade Minster Steven Ciobo, who is in the US, said on the weekend he had been speaking with remaining TPP nations "on ways to lock in the benefits from the TPP" without US involvement.
The TPP has had a long history.
Negotiations began more than eight years ago and Australia's prime ministers during the period - Julia Gillard, Kevin Rudd, Tony Abbott and Mr Turnbull - all threw their support behind it.
Hillary Clinton, as US secretary of state, said during a speech in 2012 in Adelaide the TPP was the "gold standard in trade agreements" while Obama sided with his usual foes, Republican members of Congress, in an attempt to make the TPP a reality.
The release by WikiLeaks of Clinton's presidential campaign chairman John Podesta's emails showed the internal debate among Clinton's advisors about whether she should support or oppose the TPP.
With her Democrat rival Bernie Sanders and Republican frontrunner Trump opposing the TPP, Clinton made a surprise move by announcing an anti-TPP stance.
There was hope in Australia and other TPP nations Clinton would win the election and in the final weeks of Obama's term he would push it through Congress, but that ended with Trump's victory.
Other TPP members were: Canada, Japan, Singapore, Mexico, Chile, Vietnam, Peru, Brunei and Malaysia.
Trump said on Monday he was pursuing what he calls "fair trade", not free trade, and he has China and Japan in his sights.
He called out Japan, a TPP member, for making "it impossible to sell" US cars in Japan.
"If you want to sell something into China and other countries it's very, very hard," Trump told a meeting of chief executives of some of America's biggest companies earlier on Monday.
"In some cases it's impossible. They won't even take your product.
"But when they do take your product they charge you a lot of tax.
"I don't call that free trade. What we want is fair trade."
In the meeting with company heads, including Australian Dow Chemical chief executive Andrew Liveris who was appointed as one of Trump's key advisers, the president laid out his plans to cut regulations for businesses in the US and slash the company tax rate from 35 per cent "down to anywhere from 15 to 20 per cent".
"What we want to do is bring manufacturing back to our country," he told Liveris and the chief executives of other companies including Ford, US Steel and Lockheed Martin, said.
He said companies that moved factories out of the US and then tried to sell its products back to America would be punished with a "very major border tax".
© AAP 2017

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