Sunday, January 1, 2017

'NEWS' Alert, Authorities Seeking Assistance

'NEWS" Alert! "NEWS' Alert!

Another pitiful 'carcass' has been discovered in a semi remote area of the county, an area often frequented by star gazing lovers, but at This time of year more by seemingly cruel, and unfeeling humans bent on mindless cruelty, discarding a once loved, and cherished 'member' of the family like so much 'trash'. Its emaciated limbs twisted and broken, its shriveled trunk tightly wrapped in some sort of electrical wire made it difficult for authoritie...s to determine the exact species of this unfortunate creature, as well as an approximate time of 'death'. However, due to a clumsy attempt by the perpetrator(s) to camouflage their deed with holiday detritus, it was determined that death occurred sometime in early December, and cause of death was from the vicious blows of an axe. Marks from a saw were also evident on the victims trunk in a crude attempt at dismemberment. The age of the victim could not be absolutely determined, but it was safe to say that the victim was cut down in its early youth. Yet another life needlessly cut short. Nearby, other skeletal remains were also discovered indicating that this now sad part of the county, out of sight of the general public, and even More, out of mind of more compassionate souls, appears to be a favorite dumping ground for these unfortunate, temporary family 'members'.

Authorities are pleading for help from the public to identify the perpetrators of this seasonal 'crime' of 'dumping' unwanted Christmas Trees on public right of ways, and urging folks to discard them at their local recycle facilities. ;) ;) Happy New Year! ;);)

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