Sunday, January 22, 2017

'Look Folks, I Know How To 'Count'

'Look Folks, I Know How To 'Count'

'People, People, People! They were 'Everywhere' I tell you! Everywhere! Crazy! What a 'crowd'! As far as the unaided eye could see! Maybe further! A very long way! The streets were just Full of my fans! Lots of'em! All over the place. Extradinary sight! Amazing! It almost brought a tear to one of my eyes, which by the way, have probably Never Seen one of those crybaby emotions. Look, I have serious 'proof', which I will reveal at a 'news bashing,' maybe next week, the following week, for pretty 'sure'. Maybe Sooner. Or later. Just as soon as my BFF Vlad sends me his professional estimate of the crowd size. Soon. ( me) I personally counted at Least one Million fans standing right there in front of me. Why, they stretched all the way....way back to that real tall thing, you know, way back there. Millions of people came to cheer me on. Way more than came to see that other guy eight sorry years ago. Kicked him out! I think he had only a few hundred people show up. I personally counted two hundred fifty. Most were his Family members. Nice people. How'd they all get 'green cards'? Makes you wonder doesn't it? Which reminds me, I gotta get that 'wall' up! But what a 'crowd' we had huh? Three or four million loyal fans of mine. Counted Every one of them! I am One 'popular' guy! Everyone loves me. 'Crazy' about me. Especially those women! Hey, you Know, if it wasn't for the unethical, lying, biased Press, those disgusting reporters telling lies about me, and making me look bad, there'd a been half of America in DC praising me on their hands and knees. But don't worry, I Never forget a 'slight'! "Revenge is a dessert best served cold"! Freedom of the Press does not come 'free', not anymore, I the Boss now!
And another thing! Why are they now picking on my wonderful Kelly, my senior advisor, and my able press secretary Sean Spicer? What's with That!? Look, no one around here, especially Myself, is telling lies or untruths. You ever heard of "Alternative facts"? Huh? Well, Have you?? Here, let me explain exactly what an "Alernative fact" is. It's like This, If I say something that I 'think' is the 'truth' even though I Know it's False, you Know, a Lie, it does not matter as long as I, myself, Believe it to be true. Annnd, if I say it enough times pretty soon it 'seems' to be 'true'. You can sell an American Anything! I'm here as proof positive on That one! You see, there's always two sides to every coin. Well, except for the 'coin' that I toss, which is a Two Headed one. I win, I win. So, when my lovely advisor or my press guy says something that I have said First, you can believe that They believe that what I said is what I believe, and is something that Americans should Also believe. That's what I call "Alernative facts". Look it up, it's right there in my new 'Trumps, Believe It Or Not Dictionary'. Hey, I'm a professional 'politician' now, that's what we do, that's how it 'works', that's why you voted for me, you 'knew' I was a world class BS'er when you voted for me, that's why you are so 'proud' of me, and why you showed up in the Millions, and millions, and millions to see me.
Oh, did you see me when I went to the CIA and absolutly 'Wowed' them with praise of myself? They love me! Couldn't 'trust' me more! Too bad that disgusting media tried to drive a wedge between me and the CIA, who by the way do a great job out there. Vlad thinks they're second class. He should know. But I never even uttered a single ill word about them or their abilities to tell the truth. But the lying press told all sorts of filthy lies to make me look bad in their eyes. Disgusting! But we kissed and made up. They actually 'believed' everything I said to them. What's with That!? If they can be tricked That easily, how can we believe Anything they say? Great guys though! Love their kids.
And another thing! The secret Service tried to take my personal phone away from me because they said 'it's not secure'. Ha! They didn't tell Hillary that! Guess what! I gave them a fake one.
Tweet ya later!'
“Watched protests yesterday but was under the impression that we just had an election! Why didn't these people vote? Celebs hurt cause badly,” Donald Trump tweeted. | Getty

Trump fumes over inaugural crowd size

The president and his allies are hitting back against reports that Trump’s inauguration drew significantly fewer people than his predecessor's did.
President Donald Trump and his team are still fuming over evidence of a relatively small crowd for his inauguration, with his chief of staff claiming the reports are an effort to “de-legitimize” Trump and another senior adviser explaining that the administration is offering “alternative facts.”
It has been an extraordinary start for the newly sworn-in president, in which Trump and his advisers have fixated on the inaugural crowd size and the well-attended protests, while also taking actions to freeze federal regulations and gut Obamacare.
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Early Sunday, Trump took to Twitter to lash out at the millions of protesters worldwide who came out for the Women’s March on Washington — before sending a much more conciliatory tweet later in the morning.
“Watched protests yesterday but was under the impression that we just had an election! Why didn't these people vote? Celebs hurt cause badly,” Trump tweeted at 7:47 a.m.
Almost two hours later, he followed up with a message that carried a significantly different tone. “Peaceful protests are a hallmark of our democracy. Even if I don't always agree, I recognize the rights of people to express their views,” the later message said.
But much of the attention remained on the public fight over whether the size of Trump’s inaugural crowd truly paled in comparison to that of his predecessors. Aerial images and Metro ridership statistics indicate that significantly few people attended Trump’s inauguration on Friday, compared to former President Barack Obama’s ceremony in 2009.
Hitting the Sunday morning shows, Trump’s senior adviser Kellyanne Conway sought to downplay the fracas while highlighting what she called the president’s “unfair” treatment.
“I don’t think, ultimately, presidents are judged by crowd sizes at their inauguration. I think they’re judged by their accomplishments,” Conway said on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” before going on to say, “I think it is a symbol for the unfair and incomplete treatment that this president often receives.”
She also tried to defend press secretary Sean Spicer, who called reporters to the White House briefing room on Saturday night to accuse the media of "deliberately false reporting," while delivering a statement on crowd size that was riddled with inaccuracies.
When asked by NBC’s Chuck Todd on "Meet the Press" why Spicer used falsehoods during the statement, Conway offered an explanation that quickly went viral.
"You're saying it's a falsehood and Sean Spicer, our press secretary, gave alternative facts to that," she said.
“Alternative facts are not facts,” Todd responded. “They’re falsehoods.”
White House chief of staff Reince Preibus doubled down during his Sunday morning show tour, saying that Trump's administration will continue to fight back against the media.
"The point is not the crowd size," Preibus said on Fox News. "The point is the attacks and the attempt to de-legitimize this president in one day, and we're not going to sit around and take it."
"We are going to fight back tooth and nail every day and twice on Sunday," Preibus added.
Spicer has taken heat for his main claim that "this was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period, both in person and around the globe," while offering other inaccurate statements including that Trump's was the first inauguration in which white floor coverings were used on the mall. White floor coverings were used during Obama's second inauguration in 2013.
Spicer also used misleading numbers to highlight Metro ridership, comparing essentially half-day statistics for Obama’s last inauguration to longer-day statistics for Trump’s.
Trump’s focus on the attendance and ratings at his inauguration comes amid intense interest on which executive orders Trump will next introduce. On Friday, the president got off to a quick start, signing an order that has the potential to gut Obamacare by broadly advising agencies to ease the burden of his predecessor’s legislative achievement. He also put a freeze on federal regulations, much like Obama did in 2009.
Since Friday, however, much of the attention has been on the Trump administration’s comments about the inauguration.
Trump even hijacked a speech in front of the Langley Memorial wall at the CIA headquarters that was intended to patch up his relationship with the intelligence community. Instead, he delivered a strongly political speech that exaggerated the inaugural crowd size and blasted the “dishonest media.”
“Had a great meeting at CIA Headquarters yesterday, packed house, paid great respect to Wall, long standing ovations, amazing people. WIN!” Trump wrote on Twitter Sunday morning.
But while Trump saw the speech as a win, recently departed CIA chief John Brennan said he was "deeply saddened" by Trump's speech, where his focus seemed to stray from the CIA agents in attendance to his own accomplishments.
"Former CIA Director Brennan is deeply saddened and angered at Donald Trump's despicable display of self-aggrandizement in front of CIA's Memorial Wall of Agency heroes," Brennan's former of deputy chief of staff Nick Shapiro said in a statement on Saturday. "Brennan says that Trump should be ashamed of himself."
On ABC’s “This Week,” Conway hit back at Brennan, saying the former director “sounded like a partisan political hack about the president of the United States.”
“I think everybody needs to take a step back and a very deep breath … and think about what their words are,” Conway said.
It wasn't just crowd size that Trump focused on during his third day as leader of the free world. He was also fixated on television ratings for his big day.
In a third tweet on Sunday, he said, “Wow, television ratings just out: 31 million people watched the Inauguration, 11 million more than the very good ratings from 4 years ago!”
Trump’s assessment of the ratings was just slightly off. His inauguration received 30.6 million viewers, compared to 20.5 million for former President Barack Obama’s inauguration in 2013.
In 2009, however, Obama received nearly 38 million viewers for his first inauguration.

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