Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Trumps "Weather" Report

'Trumps "Weather" Report'

 This is BS 'double-speak' where they are attempting to legitimize telling outright, and blatent LIES to the American public, expecting that just because it came from President Trumpit's alright to hear, and the more we Hear it the less of a LIE it becomes.  But, a LIE is a LIE, is a LIE, you can dress it up, and call it "Alternative Facts" all you want to, but the LIE is Still a LIE, and only the Truth will make it go away.  Americans can Not expect to Ever hear the Truth from the Trump Administration.  He has picked minions who are weak of mind and will power, and who will, like a humonoid robo-dialer, repeat Trumps LIES over, and over again ad nausium.  Only the truth will set him free.  Unfortunatly, he is a willing prisoner of his own pathos.  He actually believes that his pet conspiracy theories, and his incredible exagerations are real, he believes his own LIES, he believes that everyone, especially the media, is against him, and out to 'get' him, he beklieves that only He is Allways right, and anyone who dares question him is Allways wrong, all This even though he has been proven wrong time and time again.  He has never said, 'I'm sorry' or 'I was wrong', and he never will.  He has a 'scorched earth', ego-maniacle "Alternative Facts" mentality where if it does not fit into his own substitution for reality, he will gleefully destroy it with the stroke of his Presidential pen.  Were he an arborist with a tree with a broken limb, he would instead of carefully trimming the limb, cut down the tree, killing it, to save it from itself, and proclaim in his best "Alternative Facts" voice, 'Look at Me, look at me, I 'saved' another bad tree'.  And as he is want to say,"You ain't seen nothing yet!" :/



Sean Spicer Compares 'Alternative Facts' to Conflicting Weather Reports

Good Morning America

Sean Spicer has shed some light on the concept of "alternative facts," a widely panned concept introduced by his colleague Kellyanne Conway to defend his seemingly inaccurate inauguration attendance numbers.
According to the White House press secretary, his use of "alternative facts" is much ado about nothing. He says it's similar to a meteorologist who incorrectly predicts the weather.
"The press was trying to make it seem like we were ignoring the facts," Spicer told Fox News' Sean Hannity during an interview that aired Tuesday night. "The facts are, sometimes when you look at a situation, in the same way that you can look at a weather report. One weather report comes out and says it's going to be cloudy, and another says it's going to be light rain. No one lied to you. It just means you interpreted the data in a way that you felt got you to a conclusion."
Spicer claimed, "We weren't by any means trying to mislead anyone. We asked for a set of facts. We thought that the group [that provided subway ridership figures] and the facts that we were given at that time were accurate. Like anything else, it's not alternative facts. There's — sometimes you can watch two different stations and get two different weather reports. That doesn't mean that the station was lying to you. And the press made it look like we were ignoring the facts. "

On Saturday, Spicer told reporters that Friday's inauguration attracted "the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration — period — both in person and around the globe" after several media outlets published photos side by side of the National Mall comparing the turnout for Trump's inauguration and Barack Obama's in 2009.
During an TV interview the following day, Conway, a counselor to the president, said Spicer "gave alternative facts" to the press about the number of attendees.
And Spicer remained defiant about his claim, telling Hannity, "If you add up the number of people who watched [the inauguration] online, on Twitter, Twitter Live, Facebook Live, on YouTube, it broke all sorts of records. You combine that with what Fox did online, how many people streamed it, 31 million people watched it on the broadcast networks. Combine all that."

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