Sunday, January 8, 2017

"Only Stupid People Or Fools"

"Only Stupid People Or Fools"

'My fellow Americans, I come to you tonight not as a multi billionaire many times over, not as the schoolyard bully many perceive me as, not as a shallow lonely person who thinks Only of his own tender ego and thin skin, not as a person who wants to ALLways be right, and does not know How to apologize when I'm obviously Wrong, not as a persom who denigrates women, people of colour, Mexicans, the Press, and Anyone who disagrees with my line of thought, not as a small minded, vengeful, vindictive adversary, not as a person who thinks out loud that, "only 'stupid' people or fools" would dismiss closer ties with Russia, not as a person who openly praises some of the worlds worst 'leaders', and murderous dictators, not as a person who 'wants' to be a politician but has no clue' as to how, nor cares to Learn, not as a person who plays on, and abuses Americans emotions, not as a person who 'magnectically' attracts some of America's worst Anti-government sociopaths like flys to dung, not as a conspiracy theorist who just can't let go of outright bogus 'theories, not as a person who tells outright lies, and 'promises' things that Everyone Knows can't be fullfilled, not as a person who is absolutly terrified of facing questions from the disgusting, lying Press that always makes me say stupid things, not as someone who was born with a 'silver spoon' in my mouth and never learned the value of the word 'No', but as your Commander-In-Chief-elect, your President-elect, the Only person who 'knows' More than all our generals put together, and Much more than Any of our 'intellegence' agencies, and the Only person on earth who can single handidly, with-out guidance, and by virtue of 'Tweets', save America from itself in my first 100 days in office, starting last week. Because, as you can 'tell' by my 'responsible adult' actions, by my 'indepth' answers to questions about my planned policies, by my midnight Tweet sessions, I, and I alone, am the most 'qualified' person to fill this position, just ask any of my 'spokespersons', because I am afraid to 'Meet The Press', and they will set your mind at 'ease'.
Now, about this silly 'tresspass' incident conducted by 'who knows who' on our Cybersystem that really did no actual harm to Anyone in America, in 'fact' had no affect on the outcome of the election which I won by a 'landslide' by the way. That "disgusting" Hillary didn't have a snowballs chance know Where. This trivial 'hacking', if that's what it's Called, thing, only happened because the democrats had a weak security system which allowed 'who-ever' it was to break in, If they did, and allegedly steal information. Luckily, we Republicans thought ahead, and anticipated this sort of thing, and had a totally secure system that prevented this sort of intrusion, if it even occurred in the first place, which it makes you wonder, what is our Intellegence Agencies 'really' up to? Might be a political thing, I don't know, but what's going On over there?? Strange.
Did my BFF Vlad do this, If indeed it Did happen as our 'wrong alot' Intelligence agencies claim? Vlad says, 'absolutly not', my idol Julian says the same thing. Both of them 'can't' be liars. We should be hugging them as our 'friends' instead of picking on them like this. They have simply been looking out for America by bringing out the 'truth' for us to 'see'. Why do we want to make them feel bad? Why? Stop it! I can tell you right into my Tweety machine that Russia, land of the 'free', China, where a lot of my 'brand' products are made, N.Korea, Iran, the Philippines, will all Totally 'respect', and 'fear' America with me as its 'leader'. You have to admit, I Am pretty Scarey. Hugs make better 'friends' than a kick in the butt. I will have a 'Hug' agency that will be in charge of touring the whole world, except Mexico, where by the way, right now every citizen there is saving their spare peso's to pay us back for the 'wall' We are Now going to build, giving out the biggest hugs to all the folks who are mad at us. That will make them happy, and trustworthy, and then they will like us a lot and never lie to us again. Never Ever.
So, to you naysayers that whine about me having no 'plans' to make America great again, I say to you NaNaNaNaaaaaNa!' ;)

By Rebecca Savransky - 01/08/17 04:26 PM EST 511.00comments

Donald Trump 's team used appearances on the Sunday morning news shows to try to shift the public focus on the intelligence community's report on Russian meddling in the U.S. presidential race.
Instead of focusing on the crux of the report — that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a multifaceted campaign aimed at helping Trump take the White House — members of the president-elect's team emphasized Russia's failure to actually disrupt the country's democracy and influence election results.
Incoming Chief of Staff Reince Priebus said Sunday he thinks Trump accepts the findings of the intelligence community.
"He is not denying that entities in Russia were behind this particular hacking campaign," Priebus told "Fox News Sunday."
But, he alleged, that's not new.
"It happens every election period," he said.
"Now, in this particular case, it started way back in 2015, before either nominee of either party was chosen, and it started, and this is declassified, as a spear phishing exhibition over many different institutions."
Priebus went on to blast the Democratic National Committee for not having better protection in place for its systems, saying it was warned multiple times by the FBI before being hacked.
"Yes, we have bad actors around the world. We have had bad actors, including the Russians," Priebus said.
"But we also have a problem when we have a major political institution that allows foreign governments into their system with hardly any defenses or training. That's a huge story, and that's what people aren’t talking about as well."
Trump aide Kellyanne Conway tried to drive that point home in an interview with “Meet the Press.”
She said foreign entities hacking the U.S. is not new and sought to pivot from discussing election meddling, alleging that under President Obama there have been hacks of the Department of Defense and Department of State.
"Very concerning," she said of such cyber attacks on NBC's "Meet The Press," noting there was " very little punishment."
Americans should know the country is "woefully unprepared for cybersecurity in the 21st century," she added.
Conway then commended the president-elect for his plans to combat cyberattacks within the first 90 days of his term.
"I think this is important in moving forward in a progress-minded fashion," she said.
At the same time, she maintained that Russia's attempt to meddle in the presidential race had failed.
"They did not succeed. They did not succeed to embarrassing this country on the world stage," she said.
"They did not succeed in throwing the election to Donald Trump. That's very clear in this report."
She said Trump ran successfully on his "America first" plans, and didn’t need the WikiLeaks release of Clinton campaign emails to put the Democratic candidate’s downfalls on display.
“We didn’t need WikiLeaks to convince the American people that they didn’t like her, didn’t trust her, didn’t find her to be honest,” Conway told CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday.
The declassified report released Friday said Russia's goals were to "undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process, denigrate Secretary [Hillary] Clinton and harm her electability and potential presidency."
"We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump," the report said.
The president-elect had previously and repeatedly refused to accept the intelligence community's conclusions and treated the assessment as an attack on his legitimacy of his presidency.
After receiving an intelligence briefing on Friday, Trump praised the groups, but maintained that the Russian meddling had no effect on the election outcome.
“While Russia, China, other countries, outside groups and people are consistently trying to break through the cyber infrastructure of our governmental institutions, businesses and organizations including the Democrat National Committee, there was absolutely no effect on the outcome of the election including the fact that there was no tampering whatsoever with voting machines," he said in a statement.
"There were attempts to hack the Republican National Committee, but the RNC had strong hacking defenses and the hackers were unsuccessful,” he added.
On Saturday, the president-elect tweeted that having a good relationship with Russia was a "good thing," signaling how policy may shift once he takes office.
"Only 'stupid' people, or fools, would think that it is bad!" he tweeted.
"We have enough problems around the world without yet another one."

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