Tuesday, January 24, 2017

American's Are 'Ordered'; Do Not Question.

American's Are Ordered; Do Not 'Question'

Oh Yes! For absolute 'sure' No one should Ever question or constructively criticize His Royal Highness President Trump. It matters not what lies, falsehood, stretches of the imagination, exagerations of the 'Truth', empty, and unbelievable 'promises', and "alternate facts", that Do, and Will flow from his ever flushing mouth, No One should Dare hold him accountable, and hold his toes to the 'Truth fire'. Better, for Him, we should all be the meek, weak, compliant, bowing serf...s who drool with ignorant 'pleasure' every time a tired conspiracy theory drips from his holier than thou lips. The Media should simply find another trade and just Dream of that old antiquated 'Freedom of The Press' thing that the 'old', before Trump, Constitution, used to guarantee America.
Or, we could, and Should, stand toe to toe with Trump and his mouthpiece minions, and demand answers and explanations and verifications of his Every questionable actions and words. 'Transparency' does not just apply to window panes. An administration Without Transparency is worse than no administration at all! The President 'works' for All Americans, and at Our pleasure, whether we voted for him or not. We are Not, nor should we be, his little ignorant cowing serfs he wishes us to be. Americans should stand up and make him accountable without relent, or Americans under his watch will soon be Discounted, and our democracy, and freedoms soured. ;)


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Posted by All That's News

All That's News added a new video.
21 hrs
Press Secretary Sean Spicer hammers the media, saying any "attempt to go after this president" is "negative. And it's demoralizing!" What do you think?

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