Thursday, February 21, 2019

The 'Answer' Is NO!

Again, No, No, and NO! They chose to abandon their Country to give aid and comfort to our enemies. They chose to abandon America for the bloodthirsty ISIS, a terrorist group that has vowed to destroy America. These women, who chose to become Americas enemy, and who now proclaim to have erred, have been brainwashed, and indoctrinated into the mindset of ISIS, and can never be trusted to not continue being America's enemy. Had their ISIS husbands not been killed already, they would not yet be begging to return to America. Their terrorist husbands dead, and having children by him or anyone he gave her to, would now be considered a broken woman that no other terrorist would want but for the sex factor. Well what a 'heartbreaker'. These 'ISIS Brides' who volunteered to 'tie the knot' with terrorists are TRAITORS, and their US Citizenship, along with their children, who they will cleverly use to garner support for their return, fathered by these terrorists, should be null and voided. They wanted to live with terrorists, let them remain so. !

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Held in a refugee camp in Syria, the two female recruits said they regretted…

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