Thursday, February 21, 2019

'Pandoras Box'

THIS, is wrong. Once this 'Pandora's Box' of, "genetically modified mosquitoes", is opened it can never be shut again. The consequences of which, could adversely affect the sustainability of animals including bats, birds of many species, and amphibians to name a few, in the food chain that depend on mosquito larva, and adults, to survive, without which they may perish.
It might not sound too serious to the un-initiated, but all it takes is to break the food chain, and the domino effect will be inevitable, even if it's conducted eventually, as it surely will, on a small scale area 'just to see if it works'. There are no "high security" walls out in nature, and there's no way to control the outcome of such an experiment.
Just because we 'can' do this genetic modification does not mean that we 'should' .
There have been many instances where humans have 'thought' this or that was a good idea in order to control a nuisance wildlife, insect or plant life species by introducing another species in hopes of controlling the former, that has turned into an environmental nightmare. This instant plan, in time, will be just another in a long, and sad saga of humans trying to trick 'Mother Nature'.
Leave bad enough, or well enough, alone, and stop playing 'god'. Instead of trying to change the ecological balance of nature, try harder to come up with actual 'cures', and less ecological damage that will surely get out of control to the point of no return.

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In many developed countries, mosquitoes are a nuisance that also have the potential to be carriers for disease. In areas where malaria runs rampant, however, they are a lethal threat that claims li…

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