Friday, February 8, 2019

Nancy Pelosi, Chill Out Already!

Nancy Pelosi, Stop it with the schoolgirl smirks, and eye rolling antics! You do nothing for the cause of the Democratic party by your childish foray into Trumps world of idiocy, and only give him 'ammunition' to hurl back at you whenever it suits him best, and you can be sure it will be at your political peril. You are stupidly playing his own game, a game unfortunately, he is the master of, and you cannot, and will not, ever 'win' against him with your infantile 'clap, clap, clap', smirks, and eye rolls, no matter how much you may practice them.
Stand up Nancy, and 'be' the leader that you have been chosen to be, it is time for you to be the 'adult' in the room filled with 'children', and let Trump, 'The Incompetent', continue to be just that, incompetent, otherwise it will be You, who will quickly wear that title.

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The House Speaker's "sarcasm energy" was strong at Tuesday night's State of the Union address.

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