Friday, February 8, 2019

Expressway 'Target' Practice

"Lilly hasn't been charged yet, but police called the incident especially reckless". "This raises immense concern on so many levels. The fact that someone is shooting into a school bus, the fact that you're on a freeway where you have vehicles that are literally stranded because of the weather. You don't have a clear back drop for any of these round. This is mind numbing," said Minneapolis Police spokesperson John Elder. He might have gone on to 'say', 'I mean, WTF was he thinking!? Did he forget everything he was 'taught' in his NRA gun safety class!? You know, be sure there's no one behind your 'target' before you pull the trigger? "This raises immense concerns..". I mean, there were so many bad things happening there while he was busy 'target' shooting in public! It was snowing like crazy! How do you get a good 'sight pcture' in the snow!? And all those "stranded" cars all around the 'target' area! What an "especially reckless" 'target' shooter! We hope that he has learned a lesson from this unfortunate event, and that that bully of a bus driver will think twice before driving near Mr.Lilly again.'

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