Tuesday, February 19, 2019

"Simple-Minded People."

'Oh man, I really miss those good 'ol days of yore when you could count on our local 'social club' the 'Klan' when you needed them the most. I mean, who else can you count on these days to protect our 'Southern Heritage'? What's happened to America? Does no one own a good cotton sheet any more!? And now look what's happened to White America just when we good 'ol southern boys get a little lax with our intimidation duties! Just look! Ain't it bad enough that those Black people, Mexicans, and other un-white Foreigners are allowed to vote and all, now we gotta put up with these liberal, "Democrats in the Republican Party and Democrats are plotting to raise taxes in Alabama... This socialist-communist ideology sounds good to the ignorant, the uneducated, and the simple-minded people." You know, folks like myself.
We gotta do something about these un-American fools, and I mean something really 'good'. You know, like hanging them from trees like we used to do.
"If we could get the Klan to go up there and clean out DC we'd all been better off," "We'll get the hemp ropes out, loop them over a tall limb and hang all of them." There's plenty of good trees up there to hang plenty of bad Democrats from.
"It's not calling for the lynchings of Americans. These are socialist-communists we're talking about." They're not patriotic Americans like you and me, so hanging them would be no different than when we used to hang black people just for the heck of it. Remember those fun filled days standing around a lynching tree while we gobbled up hot dogs, and iced? Well, I sure do! Boy, such fond memories!
Now, some misinformed folks still think the Klan was a violent group of racist, ignorant, half-bred misfits. But of course we all 'know' that's not true. Right? I for one, know the Klan is not a violent organisation. I can't remember the last time they tried to hang 'me'.
"They didn't kill but a few people. The Klan wasn't violent until they needed to be." But boy, when they needed to be they sure did a good job at it! And now, it's high "Time for the Ku Klux Klan to night ride again," because they do their best work at night. That way they become invisable so's no one can tell who they are in real life. No sense drawing unwanted attention to ones self.
As for me, I gotta get my best sheets washed and ironed, and wait for the 'call' on my 'Klan Hot Line'. Hot damn! Just like the good 'ol days when we were fighting for our 'freedom' from black oppression! What horrible memories I still suffer from those days when it wasn't even safe for our white women to walk the street alone without some uppity black man walking on the same side of the street.
So, come on boys, like poop in an ill flushed crapper, the south will 'rise' again!'

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The editor said the Ku Klux Klan should lynch "socialist-communist"…

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