Sunday, February 10, 2019

The American Tradition, Shoot first, Ask Questions Later

“The first thing we would like to do is express our concern to the bus driver and the child. Mr. Lilly is very concerned about their well-being and extends his well wishes to them,” 'yes, even after attempting to murder that poor, defenseless, rogue school bus driver, and thoughtlessly putting a helpless child in danger of death, my people 'friendly', and very religious I might add, client is very remorseful, and practically apologizes for his actions after being 'feloniously assaulted' by this thoughtless school bus driver, who, I might also add, had just moments before, purposefully, and feloniously, crashed his school bus, which contained an eight year old helpless child passenger, into my clients motor vehicle in an 'obvious' attempt to probably kill him, or at least cause serious bodily injury. Of course, my totally innocent client, being a licenced fire arm carrying citizen, immediatly felt that his entire life was in mortal danger from this irrate, and no doubt deranged school bus driver, availed himself of his 2nd amendment rights, and by the way, who wouldn't do the same thing?, by then firing at least five potentially deadly, 9mm, man killing missles, right into the school bus, through the windshield, into the exact position of the sitting driver in a 'lawful' attempt at stopping that school bus driver from killing him with that also deadly missle of a school bus. My very innocent client, who, in his sad, useless, sordid past, has killed only one other human being with his firearm, ".. feared for his safety and that’s why he shot at the bus driver", who had wisely, and safely, secured himself, unarmed, and defenceless against another person armed with a deadly firearm, with the doors locked, INSIDE his school bus in effort to protect himself, and his 8 year old passenger.
Of course, as we all now 'know', it was only through the school bus drivers own negligence that while attempting to dodge those deadly missles being fired at him, that the driver stupidly, and inadvertantly, moved into the path of 'only two' of those deadly man killing projectiles, thereby causing his own, less than mortal injuries. Had he sat still while being fired at, there is no doubt that he would not have suffered from even glass shards as a result of those bullets crashing throught his windshied. No doubt had my, as a jury of 'concealed carry' peers, will soon determine, client actually meant to shoot or kill this rogue, out of control school bus driver with an 8 year old child aboard, with his 'personal carry' deadly weapon, he could have fallen back on his NRA training of 'identify target, sight picture', and killed him on the spot with precision marksmanship, instead of simply trying to frighten the driver into cease and desist.
“This is a complicated case. More information will be coming out of the case. We appreciate if you give us and Mr. Lilly the opportunity to complete our investigation so that we can do a fair job for everyone,” Plunkett said. 'So far, my very, as you will see, 'innocent' client, has been vilified as a rogue, out of control, road rage bully with a deadly firearm, who angrily took the law into his own hands when instead, he should have simply call 911 to report the very minor 'fender bender' and awaited for the police to handle the minor traffic incident. Luckily there is a video of the incident which will show, proof positive, that my 'peace loving' client was positively defending himself from a rogue, road rage induced school bus driver bent on murdering my client with an out of control school bus with an 8 year old child on board. Of course I haven't 'seen' that video yet but my more than innocent client tells me that it will reveal the truth of the matter in his favor. Really. Honest.'

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The man accused of shooting a Minneapolis school bus driver following a fender-bender earlier this week has been ordered to surrender his gun permit and not to interact with the victim in any way.

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