Sunday, February 24, 2019

Her "Regrets" Fall On Deaf Ears

THIS, is why her "regrets" fall on deaf ears. She is not finished, nor will she ever be, with her ISIS fueled, Anti-American radicalization. And, she has a potential future 'member' under her wing. This Traitor can serve no useful purpose to America no matter her 'pitifu'l blatherings of "regret", and will simply be a 'sleeper' enemy among us.
She has shown by her every calculated, and purposeful terroristic, un-American, traitorious actions, that she does not deserve to reside in the nation that she deserted for the 'comforts' of our enemies. She voluntarily signed on with, and gave material support, comfort, and sucur to America's enemy, fomented the death, and destruction of America, and of our citizens, and is no doubt responsible for the death of American soldiers and citizens of other nations.
She may or may not have wielded a firearm while being an active member of ISIS but she is just as guilty as those who did.
There can be no forgiveness for her actions, no 'hall pass', no slap on the wrist, and most of all NO RETURN to America! Still NO! Not now, not ever!

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