Friday, February 15, 2019

Hey You!! That's MY Moon!

And so it begins. It's not bad enough that humans are fighting over 'space' here on planet Earth, but we will soon be fighting over 'space' in 'outer space'.
No one should be allowed to lay 'claim' to this or that part of the Moon, or any other celestial body, as their own, but humans will not be satisfied, and that means Never, no matter what it is, until we plant our flag, and call it 'ours'. It will not be too far in the future when the moon will be littered, and trashed by humans, just because we can. And then Mars will be the next trash dump just as we have trashed Planet Earth. I fear we will 'tech' ourselves right into oblivion. We humans are our own worst 'enemy'.

About this website
The United Nations Outer Space Treaty prohibits any national appropriation…

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