Thursday, February 28, 2019

The 'Love Affair' of Little Kim, and Trump, 'The Insignificant'

'Look, I might be wrong on this, which of course I never am, and even if I were I'd never admit to it, but, "I don't believe he knew about it," "He tells me that he didn't know about it, and I will take him at his word." I mean come on, let's give the little guy some credit for 'honesty' here! I, personally, have never knowingly known my little pudgy BFF to have told a 'real' lie in his whole sad, murder filled life. He's just a little bitty guy, how could he even know 'how' to lie? Is he still growing?? He wants to be just like me someday, but hey, he's not gonna grow anymore than he already has. So he'll never be like me. I can tell a lie, or even a dozen of'em every day and still be President. Incredible! Can he do that?
But look folks, he told me that he was home watching 'The Price Is Right' when Warmbier was murdered by his handpicked henchmen, and had no idea that it was to happen when it did, way ahead of schedule. He's innocent I tell you, innocent! Warmbier, the shoplifter, probably faked his own death just to make my pal 'Kimmy' look bad and break up our 'love affair'. Who does that!? Disgusting!
My pal 'Little Kimmy' is a wonderful guy! He looked right into my belly button and promised me that he, personally, never laid a pudgy little hand on that guy. And you know what? I just have to believe him. Just have to! Don't know what else to do. Really! I actually don't know what to do about 'anything'! Clueless. The guy scares the geebies outta me! He knows Karate or something like that. Little people can really hurt you!
But "his word" is like gold to me, and "I take him at his word". But hey, that's just me, you know, that's the way I am when it comes to other murderering despots. They speak, I just nod my head, make a joke, laugh at my 'their' jokes, and wish I was someplace else. But that's just me, and that's why I was elected by all Americans so that I could be their voice in world matters. Oh, how am I doing? Great negotiator, or what?'

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Democrats charged the president's comments showed how he naively accepts the statements of foreign strongmen at face value.

What a crazy world...or is it just me!

'Great 'news', all it took was a man sized (mine), handshake with 'Little Kim', and just like that I have saved the whole world from hell and damnation. Incredible 'negotiating on my part! Unbelievable negotiating skills! Little Kim didn't know what hit him! He was like a deer in my headlights! Way out of his element! Rookie! No more 'nukes' in NK! Zero! Great numbers! All I had to do was share a few state secrets, promise a few Trump Golf Courses, a couple of snappy Trump Hotels, billions, and billions of dollars for Little Kims personal bank accounts, Honorary US Citizenship for my new BFF, and free membership privileges at any of my prestigious Casinos and golf courses. In return, Little Kim practically promised that he would lock up practically almost all of his thousands of Nukes, and swallow one of the keys, cross his heart, and hope to die, or stick a needle in his eye. And you know what, I believe him. He's 'never' lied to me yet, and I'm pretty sure that he's practically telling me the truth now. Swell guy! Uses a lot of hair jell though! And sweaty little, girlie hands. He's the most honest, and trust worthy, family murdering, dictator I've ever fell in love with. I do! I just love this guy! Great family man! He really loves his family 'know', the ones that he has allowed to still live. I gotta believe him when he makes promises that make my own look very, very, insignificant. His serfs all love him! Just like my own. Huge numbers! Un-believeable! Probably the best despotic dictator the world has ever known, Little Kim, that is! I can learn a lot from him. Both of us will $$benefit$$ greatly from our love affair due to my incredible negotiating 'skills'. No other American President could ever do what I've been able to do! Now, I just know that I'm a shoe-in for the Nobel Peace Prize! I'm it! I'm the man! But hey, this isn't about 'me'....Right?'
Well, I'm outta here, done all I can do for the world, saved America and the whole world just like I promised. What a crazy world...or is it just me!'

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President Trump and Kim Jong Un are going for round two as the U.S. seeks to achieve the historically elusive goal of denuclearization by North Korea.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Arizona, Lost In Time

This is what, 'Asleep at the wheel', 'lawmaking while the adults are out of the room', 'Un-supervised Republicans', looks like. Welcome to 'Measles Town, USA', where they don't give a crap how the rest of the country does it, because 'they' believe in 'Jesus based Science', instead of 'Reality based Science'.

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As the measles outbreak in the Pacific Northwest continues to worsen, an Arizona House panel has approved multiple bills to expand vaccine exemptions in the state, the Arizona Republic reported Friday.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

'Bee-Have' Dude

What do you say to the worlds Largest Bee? 'Bee-Have dude'!

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A giant bee, thought lost to science decades ago, has been re-discovered on…

Her "Regrets" Fall On Deaf Ears

THIS, is why her "regrets" fall on deaf ears. She is not finished, nor will she ever be, with her ISIS fueled, Anti-American radicalization. And, she has a potential future 'member' under her wing. This Traitor can serve no useful purpose to America no matter her 'pitifu'l blatherings of "regret", and will simply be a 'sleeper' enemy among us.
She has shown by her every calculated, and purposeful terroristic, un-American, traitorious actions, that she does not deserve to reside in the nation that she deserted for the 'comforts' of our enemies. She voluntarily signed on with, and gave material support, comfort, and sucur to America's enemy, fomented the death, and destruction of America, and of our citizens, and is no doubt responsible for the death of American soldiers and citizens of other nations.
She may or may not have wielded a firearm while being an active member of ISIS but she is just as guilty as those who did.
There can be no forgiveness for her actions, no 'hall pass', no slap on the wrist, and most of all NO RETURN to America! Still NO! Not now, not ever!

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Thursday, February 21, 2019

Nukes For Sale

WTF!!? If this turns out to be true then nothing will ever surprise me again. I suppose next he will have helped his BFF, Vlad, 'The Nation Builder' build a missile that can sink our best Aircraft Carrier. Again, WTF!!??

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Whistleblowers say Trump's officials tried to give the Saudis a clear path to a nuclear warhead by offering them technology with no strings attached.

Another 'Fox' In The Hen House

The 'fox' is being put in charge of the 'hen house'. Should we be surprised at the inevitable outcome of such an arraignment? Hell, I'm not even surprised that Trump, 'The Environment Killer', plans to do this in the first place. Same-o, same-o. "And all the kings horses, and all the kings men, can never put the world together again."

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A climate change skeptic who once compared "demonization" of carbon dioxide to the treatment of Jews under Adolf Hitler may lead a proposed White House committee tasked with studying whether climate change poses a national security threat, The Washington Post reported Wednesday.

The 'Answer' Is NO!

Again, No, No, and NO! They chose to abandon their Country to give aid and comfort to our enemies. They chose to abandon America for the bloodthirsty ISIS, a terrorist group that has vowed to destroy America. These women, who chose to become Americas enemy, and who now proclaim to have erred, have been brainwashed, and indoctrinated into the mindset of ISIS, and can never be trusted to not continue being America's enemy. Had their ISIS husbands not been killed already, they would not yet be begging to return to America. Their terrorist husbands dead, and having children by him or anyone he gave her to, would now be considered a broken woman that no other terrorist would want but for the sex factor. Well what a 'heartbreaker'. These 'ISIS Brides' who volunteered to 'tie the knot' with terrorists are TRAITORS, and their US Citizenship, along with their children, who they will cleverly use to garner support for their return, fathered by these terrorists, should be null and voided. They wanted to live with terrorists, let them remain so. !

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Held in a refugee camp in Syria, the two female recruits said they regretted…

'Pandoras Box'

THIS, is wrong. Once this 'Pandora's Box' of, "genetically modified mosquitoes", is opened it can never be shut again. The consequences of which, could adversely affect the sustainability of animals including bats, birds of many species, and amphibians to name a few, in the food chain that depend on mosquito larva, and adults, to survive, without which they may perish.
It might not sound too serious to the un-initiated, but all it takes is to break the food chain, and the domino effect will be inevitable, even if it's conducted eventually, as it surely will, on a small scale area 'just to see if it works'. There are no "high security" walls out in nature, and there's no way to control the outcome of such an experiment.
Just because we 'can' do this genetic modification does not mean that we 'should' .
There have been many instances where humans have 'thought' this or that was a good idea in order to control a nuisance wildlife, insect or plant life species by introducing another species in hopes of controlling the former, that has turned into an environmental nightmare. This instant plan, in time, will be just another in a long, and sad saga of humans trying to trick 'Mother Nature'.
Leave bad enough, or well enough, alone, and stop playing 'god'. Instead of trying to change the ecological balance of nature, try harder to come up with actual 'cures', and less ecological damage that will surely get out of control to the point of no return.

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In many developed countries, mosquitoes are a nuisance that also have the potential to be carriers for disease. In areas where malaria runs rampant, however, they are a lethal threat that claims li…

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

"Simple-Minded People."

'Oh man, I really miss those good 'ol days of yore when you could count on our local 'social club' the 'Klan' when you needed them the most. I mean, who else can you count on these days to protect our 'Southern Heritage'? What's happened to America? Does no one own a good cotton sheet any more!? And now look what's happened to White America just when we good 'ol southern boys get a little lax with our intimidation duties! Just look! Ain't it bad enough that those Black people, Mexicans, and other un-white Foreigners are allowed to vote and all, now we gotta put up with these liberal, "Democrats in the Republican Party and Democrats are plotting to raise taxes in Alabama... This socialist-communist ideology sounds good to the ignorant, the uneducated, and the simple-minded people." You know, folks like myself.
We gotta do something about these un-American fools, and I mean something really 'good'. You know, like hanging them from trees like we used to do.
"If we could get the Klan to go up there and clean out DC we'd all been better off," "We'll get the hemp ropes out, loop them over a tall limb and hang all of them." There's plenty of good trees up there to hang plenty of bad Democrats from.
"It's not calling for the lynchings of Americans. These are socialist-communists we're talking about." They're not patriotic Americans like you and me, so hanging them would be no different than when we used to hang black people just for the heck of it. Remember those fun filled days standing around a lynching tree while we gobbled up hot dogs, and iced? Well, I sure do! Boy, such fond memories!
Now, some misinformed folks still think the Klan was a violent group of racist, ignorant, half-bred misfits. But of course we all 'know' that's not true. Right? I for one, know the Klan is not a violent organisation. I can't remember the last time they tried to hang 'me'.
"They didn't kill but a few people. The Klan wasn't violent until they needed to be." But boy, when they needed to be they sure did a good job at it! And now, it's high "Time for the Ku Klux Klan to night ride again," because they do their best work at night. That way they become invisable so's no one can tell who they are in real life. No sense drawing unwanted attention to ones self.
As for me, I gotta get my best sheets washed and ironed, and wait for the 'call' on my 'Klan Hot Line'. Hot damn! Just like the good 'ol days when we were fighting for our 'freedom' from black oppression! What horrible memories I still suffer from those days when it wasn't even safe for our white women to walk the street alone without some uppity black man walking on the same side of the street.
So, come on boys, like poop in an ill flushed crapper, the south will 'rise' again!'

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The editor said the Ku Klux Klan should lynch "socialist-communist"…

Monday, February 18, 2019

'Thank You, Thank You, Thank You'

'No really! He really 'did'. I'm not kidding around folks! I'm being a 'truthful' as I can be about this. Really. Ya gotta believe me on this one! I got huge votes from there! Tremendous! No other President has ever been "Nominated" for the Nobel Peace Prize! I'm it! They know a 'peaceful' guy when they see one. I mean, has anyone ever known me to be anything less than 'peaceful', honest, thrifty, truthful to a fault, and, well, you know, just one perfect guy, not to mention, but I must, the best President America has ever had the 'luck' to have. But that's just me. It's all about 'me'. Me, myself, and I. Who needs anyone else? Gotta check my list to see what other 'prizes' I can buy, errrr, win, that is. I just know I'll be the most infamous, ahhh, famous rather, President ever!'

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The Associated Press could not immediately confirm the nomination.

Friday, February 15, 2019

My Client, The 'Victim'

As this road rage imbecile was being charged with Attempted Murder, his brainless defense lawyer was heard to mumble, 'but, but, my client promised me that his deadly firearm 'accidentally' discharged FIVE times into the windshield of that runaway, rogue school bus that was trying to kill him. But no worry, during jury selection I will be sure to have at least eleven 'concealed carry' jurors that will feel sorry for my client, who as we all 'know' was the actual 'victim' in this case.'

(See; 'The American Tradition, Shoot first, Ask Questions Later', for the original story.)


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Police said 31-year-old Kenneth Lilly fired five shots at a 78-year-old school bus driver

Hey You!! That's MY Moon!

And so it begins. It's not bad enough that humans are fighting over 'space' here on planet Earth, but we will soon be fighting over 'space' in 'outer space'.
No one should be allowed to lay 'claim' to this or that part of the Moon, or any other celestial body, as their own, but humans will not be satisfied, and that means Never, no matter what it is, until we plant our flag, and call it 'ours'. It will not be too far in the future when the moon will be littered, and trashed by humans, just because we can. And then Mars will be the next trash dump just as we have trashed Planet Earth. I fear we will 'tech' ourselves right into oblivion. We humans are our own worst 'enemy'.

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The United Nations Outer Space Treaty prohibits any national appropriation…

"Happy"?? What's That?

' :(Happy? “I can’t say I’m happy”, of course I'm not happy! Have you ever known me to be "happy"? I'm never happy. I don't know what will make me happy. I mean, I 'thought' I was happy, but then discovered that, no, I'm not happy. I am just the opposite of happy, and I wish I could say I'm happy, but “I can’t say I’m happy”. Just look at this photo. See all those sad faces surrounding me there? How can anyone even pretend to be happy when surrounded by un-happy people. Makes me wonder if I make 'them' un-happy, not likely though, or do they make 'me' un-happy. I think I'm most happy when I'm making other people un-happy, then, I can truthfully say that I'm very happy in one way or another. But hey, who's keeping score? This isn't about 'them' is it? It's all about sad, sad, un-happy, little, bully boy me. No body likes me, nobody loves me, I think I'll go eat a worm. WaaaaWaaaaaa!'

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The president, who said he would have to study the deal, all but ruled out another government shutdown and emphasized that he would find “other methods” to finance a border wall.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

The American Tradition, Shoot first, Ask Questions Later

“The first thing we would like to do is express our concern to the bus driver and the child. Mr. Lilly is very concerned about their well-being and extends his well wishes to them,” 'yes, even after attempting to murder that poor, defenseless, rogue school bus driver, and thoughtlessly putting a helpless child in danger of death, my people 'friendly', and very religious I might add, client is very remorseful, and practically apologizes for his actions after being 'feloniously assaulted' by this thoughtless school bus driver, who, I might also add, had just moments before, purposefully, and feloniously, crashed his school bus, which contained an eight year old helpless child passenger, into my clients motor vehicle in an 'obvious' attempt to probably kill him, or at least cause serious bodily injury. Of course, my totally innocent client, being a licenced fire arm carrying citizen, immediatly felt that his entire life was in mortal danger from this irrate, and no doubt deranged school bus driver, availed himself of his 2nd amendment rights, and by the way, who wouldn't do the same thing?, by then firing at least five potentially deadly, 9mm, man killing missles, right into the school bus, through the windshield, into the exact position of the sitting driver in a 'lawful' attempt at stopping that school bus driver from killing him with that also deadly missle of a school bus. My very innocent client, who, in his sad, useless, sordid past, has killed only one other human being with his firearm, ".. feared for his safety and that’s why he shot at the bus driver", who had wisely, and safely, secured himself, unarmed, and defenceless against another person armed with a deadly firearm, with the doors locked, INSIDE his school bus in effort to protect himself, and his 8 year old passenger.
Of course, as we all now 'know', it was only through the school bus drivers own negligence that while attempting to dodge those deadly missles being fired at him, that the driver stupidly, and inadvertantly, moved into the path of 'only two' of those deadly man killing projectiles, thereby causing his own, less than mortal injuries. Had he sat still while being fired at, there is no doubt that he would not have suffered from even glass shards as a result of those bullets crashing throught his windshied. No doubt had my, as a jury of 'concealed carry' peers, will soon determine, client actually meant to shoot or kill this rogue, out of control school bus driver with an 8 year old child aboard, with his 'personal carry' deadly weapon, he could have fallen back on his NRA training of 'identify target, sight picture', and killed him on the spot with precision marksmanship, instead of simply trying to frighten the driver into cease and desist.
“This is a complicated case. More information will be coming out of the case. We appreciate if you give us and Mr. Lilly the opportunity to complete our investigation so that we can do a fair job for everyone,” Plunkett said. 'So far, my very, as you will see, 'innocent' client, has been vilified as a rogue, out of control, road rage bully with a deadly firearm, who angrily took the law into his own hands when instead, he should have simply call 911 to report the very minor 'fender bender' and awaited for the police to handle the minor traffic incident. Luckily there is a video of the incident which will show, proof positive, that my 'peace loving' client was positively defending himself from a rogue, road rage induced school bus driver bent on murdering my client with an out of control school bus with an 8 year old child on board. Of course I haven't 'seen' that video yet but my more than innocent client tells me that it will reveal the truth of the matter in his favor. Really. Honest.'

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The man accused of shooting a Minneapolis school bus driver following a fender-bender earlier this week has been ordered to surrender his gun permit and not to interact with the victim in any way.

'GREAT WHITE FATHER', a poem by BuddyBlack

A poem by Buddy Black

How could we do
The things we’ve done,
We stole their land
We stole their sun.

We traded beads
For meadows green
For mountain tops
And crystal streams.

We shook them from
Their tents at night,
And filled their hearts
With death and fright.

Then scattered all their dreams around,
And burned and plowed
their hunting grounds,
And took away their rights.

And all in the name
Of the Great White Father
Was all that it would take.

Their earth gods cried
But all in vain
‘cause the round eyes came,
And came, and came.

They smiled and lied
With bright blue eyes,
We promised the world
But gave them lies.

Their tree gods cried
As we cleared their lands,
And brought death and reek
With our greedy hands.

We felt no guilt,
We knew no pain,
As we soaked their land like summer rain
With the products of our lies.

We wove a quilt
Of human souls
And stole their robes
From wigwam poles.

We spread those quilts
On our sorry beds
Cast from treaties,
And bullet leads.

And all in the name
Of the Great White Father
Was all that it would take.

Treaties were penned in native blood
But it could not stop
The human flood
That swept out from the east.

Have no fear
Cried the Great White Father,
We just want the hills
We’ll go no further.

The Red man
Was blinded by the scheming lies
That hid behind
Our evil eyes.

And in the name
Of the Great White Father
Was all that it would take.

Soon the lowly hills
Were breeched,
The mountains fell
And the plains were reached.

And the long knives came
With a bugles blare that chilled the land,
And froze the fire
That burned in the hearts of Americas Native man.

After we schemed and lied
And killed and took,
We planted lies
In history books.

We gave them Jesus
To save their souls
And protests were met
With bullet holes.

And all in the name
Of the Great White Father
Was all that it would take.

In the end
No one wanted this poor red man
So we threw him a plot
Of wasted land.

Where nothing would grow
In the sterile sand,
Especially the soul
Of our Native man.

So grovel in the dirt
And eat the sand,
And enjoy the gift
Of the great white man.

And all in the name
Of the Great White Father
Was all that it would take.  :/

On Being 'Presidential'

Once again, but not surprisingly, our 'man-baby' President, Trump, 'The Incomparably Incompetent', shows the world how a Commander-In-Chief should not act. This is why entitled children should not be left un-attended, and without adult supervision, this, the so-called 'leader' of our Nation.

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