Saturday, June 9, 2018

No More "Piggy Bank"

Yeah, see, we're tired of being the worlds "piggy bank", and let me tell you, I 'know' something about piggy banks. Why, I remember the time my daddy gave me one filled with a million dollars! Chump change, or as I call it, 'Trump Change'. But It made me the 'man-child' I am today. But this isn't about Me, is it? No it's not, mostly. It's about the whole rest of the world depending on my 'kingdom', America to be the worlds democratic leader, to show the world how to be nice to one another, to help poor countries pull themselves out of poverty and hunger, to assist nations find their way to prosperity. But you know what? They stupidly expect America to loan them money to get this stuff done. Money!! That's just Crazy talk! And what does America get for all this? Nothing but beggars at our borders! Unbelievable! Do they think we are their money tree!? Their personal "piggy banks"? Disgusting trolls! Well! If they think that they can continue to nickel and dime America as they have done forever, they've got another think coming! I don't care if I, at the expense of our safety, our economy, our health, and our future, alienate every Nation, Country, and Continent on Plant Earth, especially our historical friends like Canada, which by the way, caused that big earthquake that destroyed San Fransisco that time, and the UK, that's exactly what I will do. Well, actually, I've already done it, so there! Moot point. This is how a 'real' businessman masquerading as a President does 'business' with the rest of the world. I, in my own tunnel versioned mind, 'know' exactly what I'm doing..more or less, mostly less. Don't let all those personal bankruptcies of mine fool you. I'm a 'real' businessman of the real kind. I know how to negotiate deals. really. I'm not kidding this time! 'Trust' me. Those were all part of my master plan, a 'plan' that only I know the contents of, which I will reveal at a later time and date.
This G7 Summit was just one big joke! It should have been called G-O! Did I put them in their place or what! Well, did I? You should have seen the look on their smug little boy faces when I turned bully on them! They're all afraid of me. Scaredy cats! Boo! They all peed their pants when I stood up to rant like I always do about nonsensical things, and threats, and stuff. No one dares confront me, they don't want a 'Man-child' temper tantrum on their hands. Hey, speaking of crybabies, how about that crybaby Trudeau! "PM Justin Trudeau of Canada acted so meek and mild during our @G7 meetings only to give a news conference after I left saying that, 'US Tariffs were kind of insulting' and he 'will not be pushed around.' Very dishonest & weak. Our Tariffs are in response to his of 270% on dairy!" What a joke that guy is! I just pretend to like him, but I don't really. He's like a little mouse, and I was like the big bad cat that was gonna gobble him up! He was sweating like he was under Niagra Falls! That's called 'respect'. He's afraid of me, but he 'respects' my power over him. You see, the way I get 'respect', and 'friends', is to treat potential 'friends' like horse crap, belittle them, insult them, deprive them of their humanity. Then I give them a 'manly' handshake, and capture their hand until I decide to let go, at which point their soul is mine, and the respect just comes flowing out of'em, and they appreciate the horrible way I treated them. Works great with hot women too!
Well, must get going now to intimidate that little fat "missle man". He's "got one shot" to get it right and bow down to me , you know, 'take a knee'. If he doesn't, he's gonna be so sorry! I'll make him cry in his rice bowl! I'm smarter than he is, and much bigger than him. I hope I don't crush his little fat boy hand when I give him my big strong manly handshake. Not. Boy, this is some fun playing President! Thanks Republicans, keep those votes coming. Huge numbers! How about that 'base' of mine!'

About this article
President Donald Trump on Saturday said he wanted to see the elimination of trade barriers between the United States and its closest allies amid tensions over the Trump administration's move to impose steep tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from the EU, Canada and Mexico.

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