Saturday, June 23, 2018

"Almost Treasonous"

'Almost Treasonous", I tell you, very treasonous! How dare these "Fake news" outlets tell the truth about stuff that I may or may not do!! Well, mostly 'don't do'. But hey, even if I do slip up once in a long while, and accidently tell a little white lie, so what! Everyone tells a little inocent fib once in a while. No biggie. It's 'ok' to lie a little about big stuff. So what! That's what politicians do! And now that I'm a certified, card carrying politician, I should be allowed my fair share of fibs, little white lies, humongus lies, misstatements, outlandish conspiracy theories, stupid nonsensical quotes, racist remarks, BFF's that are the worlds worst current murderious dictators, and, well, you know, dumb assed stuff like that. But hey, this isn't about me. Kidding, sure it is! Did I mention what a great 'negotiator' I am? Just ask my new BFF-FWB Kimmy "The missileman". His head is still spinning after meeting with me. He was very lucky to have met me in person. He was really honored. He has such tiny, sweaty hands! Much smaller than my own. I bet I have more money than him. Boy, I'd love to build some nice condos along his beaches. Nice place for a golf course too. We'll see, we'll see. You never know. We got along real well. Of course I had no idea what he was really saying. Chinese or something like that. Got a lot done. Saved the whole world from his atomic bombs, just like that. All I had to do was show up. But that's just the way I work. And what does the "phoney" disgusting "Fake news" do? They try to make me look bad. That's My job! How dare they do my job! "Treasonous"! Yeah, that's what they are, "treasonous, "almost treasonous". Should be a law against that! Disgusting "fake news", always telling the truth just when I tell a lie! Un-believeable! Traitors!'

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About this article
President Trump went after the media coverage of his historic summit with Kim Jong Un during an interview with former rival Mike Huckabee. 

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