Tuesday, June 12, 2018

"I Do Trust HIM", Say's Trump

"I do trust him", 'I really do. Great guy. Great family guy, well at least the ones that he hasn't killed yet. In the "first minute", yes, the very first minute, actually, in seconds, I knew I'd trust him because I can tell stuff about people, even about hardened, brutal, Dictators that have had their own family members executed with mortars, and machine guns. And when I held his sweaty little hand in my own manly hand, I knew I had him in my power. And you know what, he 'trusts' me too. He believes everything I tell him, and, in turn, in my 'all knowing' way, believe everything he tells me. Here's the way it 'works'; we both are serial liars, everyone with half a brain knows that, really big, huge numbers, and two liars can never make a 'truth', but as long as we both actually believe what we each say, then to 'us', nothing could be more 'true'. 'Truth' is a relative thing afterall. What's true to me may be a lie to you.
We talked about a lot of things. Of course you'll have to take my 'word' on what we actually talked about because as you know, there's no recorded account, or actual witnesses, of anything that was said. It's all top secret stuff, and you'll just have to believe me, a serial liar, about what I tell you. Remember, 'truth' is a realtive thing. I can tell you anything, and you'll just have to believe me about it. Hey, have I ever lied to American's? You'll be hearing me say things that really inflate my personal ego. Things about how great a 'negotiator' I am. Really great. No one on earth could do what I've done. Unbelievable! You'll hear me talk about how I convinced him to release the hundreds of thousands of his gulag prisoners, most of whom are his surviving family members. No one else could have done that. he respects me. How could he not!? My BFF Kimmy is going to do great things now to show how afraid of me he is. He promised to get rid of all his nuclear bombs. Yep, every single one of them. He promised to send photographs of him personally destroying every single one of them. And you know what? I beleive him. He's never been caught in a lie as I, myself, have, so I have to believe what he tells me. You'll hear me tell you about how America will no longer 'play war' with our good friend, the last time I checked anyway, South Korea. Of course you'll never know exactly what concessions I actually gave my BFF Kimmy because, as you know there's no recorded record of what we really talked about. You'll have only my 'word' about it. So 'trust' me. This time. Really. You'll hear me tell you that Kimmy praised my incredible negotiating skills, saying that no other President could have done what I've done, about how great I am, and of course, about my above average intellegence. You know, wonderful stuff like that. But hey, that's just me. I'm the man! Never have I ever been in such an egotistically enflated moment where I can toot my own horn about things that only I know that was or was not said, about a moment that could otherwise impact the whole world. 'Trust' me here folks, I'm not lying to you this time, really, I don't do that anymore, or any less, would I ever lie to you about anything?'

About this article
46 mins
In an exclusive interview, ABC News George Stephanopoulos spoke to…

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