Saturday, December 31, 2016

'Vlad, The Smart'

'Vlad, The 'Smart'

'Oh my 'Comrade' you are one "smart" guy! I always 'knew' you were "always very smart"! Vlad is gonna be the 'best' thing that has Ever happened to America, not only America, but the Whole World! Trust me! And you know what, I'll do everything in my power to 'help' my BFF-FWB to do whatever he wants to do. What a great guy! Love'em! Great family guy! Have you Ever seen a more benevolent dictator!? And look how he has practically 'forgiven' America for s...tupidly ruining Christmas for all those little Russian 'spy' children by closing down their 'Vacation' camp. And look how sweet Vlad is in return by inviting our American Diplomats children to enjoy Christmas at the Kremlin with him. What a guy! What a very good man! My BFF should sleep well though because after the 20th I will simply Reverse Obama's ruling, and throw the 'Diplomatic' door wide open for Russia's 'innocent' employees that Obama kicked out. They can Then bring in as many as they wish. In fact, I think I'll let them have an 'office' in the White House. My good friend Vlad has assured me, in fact, Promised me, that he is the 'best friend' that America has ever had, and has only honorable intentions towards Americans, and just wants to help me 'Make America Great Again'. It nearly brings a tear to one of my eyes just thinking about his kindness not only to Me, but to the whole world in general. The world is certainly a 'better' place because of my BFF Vlad, not to mention Myself. He has done So much for nearly every country he has 'volunteered' to help be a better place. And he assures me that he is Not nearly finished with his 'Nation Building' efforts, and that's why he has volunteered to help Me, 'help' America. What a guy! Welcome aboard Vlad!
"Great Move" Vlad, 'all' Americans look forward to a cozy, friendly, innocent, and 'honest' relationship with You my FWB-FWB'. ;/


Trump praises 'very smart' Putin on sanctions response

Trump praises 'very smart' Putin on sanctions response
© Getty Images
President-elect Donald Trump on Friday lauded Russian President Vladimir Putin as "very smart" for not retaliating against the U.S. for new sanctions unveiled this week.
"Great move on delay (by V. Putin) — I always knew he was very smart!" Trump tweeted Friday. 

Minutes after Trump's tweet, the Russian Embassy in the United States of America retweeted the message on its account.
President Obama on Friday announced that 35 Russian officials were being expelled from the U.S. as well as a wide swath of economic sanctions.
The move was in retaliation after the U.S. intelligence community determined that Russia was behind hacks of Democratic operatives and groups during the election.
A secret CIA assessment reportedly determined that the Kremlin interfered in the election specifically to get Trump elected.
Russia and Trump have denied Moscow interfered in the election, with Trump framing the accusations as an attempt to delegitimize his Election Day victory. 
Trump said in a statement Thursday evening that he will meet with the intelligence community for an update on the "facts of this situation.”
Putin on Friday announced he wouldn’t retaliate for Obama’s sanctions, instead waiting to work with Trump after his inauguration next month.
Both Trump and Putin have signaled they are looking forward to a warming between the two countries, but Trump's reaction has drawn criticism from Democrats and some Republicans who believe Russia needs to be punished for the hacks. 
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), a member of the House Select Intelligence Committee, accused Russia of trying to control Trump with the "shrewd" decision to refuse to retaliate. 
"The Russians hope to get everything they want from Donald Trump merely by flattering the man. So far, it's been successful," Schiff said Friday on MSNBC. 
"If they can get what they want just by saying nice things about the man, why risk upsetting the apple cart over a few expulsions?"

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